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What do you think of Rising in the East?

All Results

Its great 1565  38.86% 
Best DVD ever! 1086  26.97% 
Best Priest DVD 924  22.95% 
Its OK 288  7.15% 
Was hoping for better 126  3.13% 
Dont like it 38  0.94% 


Regular Users Results

Its great 95  2.36% 
Best DVD ever! 61  1.51% 
Best Priest DVD 51  1.27% 
Its OK 26  0.65% 
Was hoping for better 0.20% 
Dont like it 0.12% 

PLEASE NOTE: 3781 votes (93.89%) were ignored due to the user not having made enough posts on the Noticeboard.

This is to prevent users creating new Noticeboard accounts just to try and influence the Poll Results. I noticed that a lot of votes were being placed by users who had never even posted on the Noticeboard - the idea of these polls is to get feedback from the regular users of this website.