[Jerri] Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:28:03 PM | |
[Tania2194AD] Thursday, February 06, 2014 10:22:24 AM | |
hi ya guys
i suggest to improve jp set list and to add some compositions from Rocka Rolla, Sad Wings, Sin after Sin...
and espesially in reality want to hear this song - CALM BEFORE THE STROM/ NOSTRADAMUS...this is above the heavens..
hope it is possible to do
cheers! |
[gillymott-AccountClosed] Wednesday, December 18, 2013 8:09:21 AM | |
In the British Isles the BBC comes first - which would you rather have
rock stars or pop idols? |
[asylum rejects] Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:13:58 AM | |
2.) Nostradamus
3.)hell patrol
4.)judas rising
5.)breaking the law
6.)rocka rolla
7.)livin after midnight
9.)diamonds and rust
10.)night crawler |
[asylum rejects] Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:08:29 AM | |
Keep on rocking don't retire
[Andrey VS] Monday, April 09, 2012 3:42:42 PM | |
Kiev, Moscow and St. Petersburg are waiting for Priest!!!
[Xanyat] Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:55:34 PM | |
Love Bites.
My other two favorite songs are already on the setlist (Blood Red Skies & Night Crawler) but I would love to experience that terrifying trio live.
Plus it's a fan favorite and the riff is to die for.
Eagerly awaiting the Metal Gods in Linköping! \m/
[Eternal Betrayer] Friday, January 20, 2012 3:21:29 AM | |
[Eternal Betrayer] Saturday, December 31, 2011 10:40:49 AM | |
Wishing everyone a very HEAVY NEW YEAR...

[hellrider 31038] Monday, December 19, 2011 4:54:24 PM | |
THE METAL GOD TOTALLY RIPING OUR FACE OFF [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Judas Priest / One For The Road from Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:57:34 PM) |  | Judas Priest / One For The Road wrote: | | 
[Judas Priest / One For The Road] Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:57:34 PM | |
[Judas Priest / One For The Road] Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:56:44 PM | |
Blood Red Skies over and over!!! Rob's voice was just phenomenal all 3 gigs I seen you guys!! As a matter a fact I shall post a pic from Reading PA were Rob blew my ear drums. This man is a machine and continues to belt out these octaves almost every night! Truly amazing and The Metal God and his mates still put on a show that is unmatched by anyone. Definitely not done yet!! Don't forget to visit Judas Priest / One For The Road on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/1JudasPriest1
[cmd871] Saturday, November 26, 2011 5:25:51 PM | |
i would love to hear a ripper/ saints in hell encore at the winston salem show!
[emoyag] Saturday, November 26, 2011 11:08:56 AM | |
Concert is tomorrow the 27th so no more time for requests! Play what you like, we are just happy to see you. Hell! you can play LA CUCARACHA 20 times if you like, just make it Judas Priest style heavy metal. See you guys tomorrow!
"From a fireball we came
Crossing sea and mountain
We were drinking beauty with our eyes..."
[email protected]
[wwol] Friday, November 11, 2011 11:13:32 PM | |
Here are 3 crazy things I'd love to see from the 3rd row in Lowell, MA:
A duet between Rob & Joan Baez. You know the song.
Ian playing a 5 minute solo; front & center.
Priest playing a version of Bob Dylan's The Ballad of Frankie Lee & Judas Priest.
Songs? Anything that inspires the Metal Gods on 11-20-11.
[Tyrant] Friday, November 11, 2011 3:22:22 PM | |
Tyrant.. nuff said!
Never turn your back on the Ripper ! T.O . |
[emoyag] Friday, November 04, 2011 6:11:37 PM | |
PLEASE, PLEASE play THE RIPPER. He's an old friend and we would like to say goodbye to him one more time. He has been with you guys since 1975 and it's not fair we don't get to give him a proper farewell.
So , for your WINSTON-SALEM NC NOV 27 GIG your set list must include:
YES, I know this is just wishful thinking, you haven't changed the set list in over 50 concerts already but there's nothing wrong with dreaming. Just playing one song from the above list would make your real fans happy and would make the concert a one-of -a -kind event. Think about it, my son (13) and I will be on the 4th row enjoying whatever you guys choose to play but it would make our night if you would only play... ( see list above).....
[jjnielsen2] Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:53:09 PM | |
To the GREATEST band of ALL time-
I have not always been a fan, as a matter of fact, I turned fan when my husband introduced me to your
music 13 years ago and I have been addicted since. My husband Mike is disabled, however, we will
both be in attendance in General admisssion tomorrow night at your Salt Lake City show, just as we
were in 2005. The reason I write you is because, my husband loves your music and it has got him
through many rough patches in this life. I was hoping that if at all possible, we could meet you the BAND.
Even for 30 seconds. Iknow you get these requests ALL the time, but the impact of who you are and What you
do would be better to him then any other wish in the world. We recently got married last month after 13 years
and two beautiful children, whom are also PRIEST fans. If you read this and you have 30 seconds of time, could you
please consider spending it with the one man whom I know is worthy in all ways of this world.
Thank you so very much an we look forward to a GREAT show that we know youwill give us tomorrow night!
Till then... Keep it real and rockin :)
~Jamie Richards |
[DOC911] Tuesday, November 01, 2011 4:38:09 PM | |
Hey Guys...
I know this is last minute, but I was wondering if I can ask for a ballad to be dedicated to Chef Marion, in Calgary Alberta tomorrow night Nov.2.
Marion has been a life long fan of the band, as I am, however her mother just past away on Saturday Night, with Marion at her side and holding her hand, after a brief fight with terminal lung cancer.
Marion will be seated in executive box seating, as I am diabled and can no longer be in stagefront seating, and she got these tickets as part of our 15th anniversary celebrations in Aug. of this year.
Since the time of purchase, Marion has been devastated by the loss of her mother, and now this concert is a way for Marion to have a few hours of fun, before she has to
memorialize and bury her mom this weekend.
If there is any chance that a ballad can be dedicated to Chef Marion and her mother Ethel, I would be forever in your debt.
I am a retired firefighter/wildfire specialist, with a broken neck and broken back, and we don't get out much these days, and this concert is a special way for us to spend time together, and say goodbye to a band, and it's musicians,
who have brought us a life time of great tunes and great memories. As this is the last we will see of Judas Preist, and of Marion's mom, it will be a difficult week for us. I would think an unexpected dedication of a ballad in respect of Marions loss
would be a life long memory that one big fan would never forget.
I ask you from the bottom of my heart, is there anyway a ballad can be dedicated to Chef Marion and her mom, as a special way of saying goodbye to both her mom and the band?
Either way, if this cannot be done on such short notice, I respect this. From us to the band, We thank you for a lifetime or great memories, great songs, and absolutly bit*h'n concerts!
Live well and retire gracefully, you have all deserved it.
Kevin (DOC) Yovdoshuk
Innisfail AB, Canada Edited at: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 4:40:50 PM Edited at: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 4:42:07 PM Edited at: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 4:43:38 PM |
[Puppet] Monday, October 31, 2011 3:08:00 AM | |
Please tour India too.... Please........