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Mesage to metal brothers and sisters
 This Topic was created by [Steeler84] Messages per page: [20] 50 100 
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Send a mesage to metal brothers and sisters frome all over the world,let's support eachother in metal battle.


[Steeler84] Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:44:31 AM 
Hi Michael.Thanks for the words of encouragement.I want to say thanks to Germany for the birth of the most greatest band,the Helloween.We will last with the metal as long as it runs in our blood and explodes in our hearts.As the Priest woul say  "United we stand".
[Phantom A6] Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:34:26 AM 
Hi Vlada,
welcome aboard. We all sailing hard over the stormy ocean
of Heavy Metal and we all are and still fighting against all the prejudice we hear it every day from the "normals".
Yes, we are a brotherhood and we stand united.
So welcome to the world of Heavy Metal. Not only you alone
all Metallians from Serbia.
Greetings from Germany.
Bye. Michael

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by vladansilja from Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:24:38 AM)
[Steeler84] Saturday, August 30, 2008 8:24:38 AM 
The first thing i want to say is that i live in a country where Heavy Metal is fighting very strongly to survive and i hope that it will or neither will i  survive nor my metal brothers and sisters which i respect.I am sending the best wishes to every one in our metal brotherhood in the name of al Serbian metal fans.Dear brothers and sisters,stay stron and keep fighting for metal.Hail.
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