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[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, February 18, 2012 3:07:34 PM
If you had watched Schoolhouse Rock, you would remember it! Conjunction junction, what's your function? I used to sing that one all the time! We actually learned something watching Saturday morning cartoons when we were kids!!
HAAAAA!!! You "pine for me?" Did I die or something? Perhaps in your heart. LOL!!!!! I knew I meant something to you despite your words.
"Runaway" sentence?" No. That is what "native speakers" (ask Bud) call a "run-on" sentence. "Exponentially improved?" Ok, in your mind. Hanging preposition, still a misuse of an antonym and sentence fragment. Yup, certainly a run-on sentence. Your affirmations that "I believe" don't help the sentence. Obviously, you believe it or you wouldn't have written it, no? As you pine for me, it needs no aclaration.
Rhetoric. You should have started with: Guido, OH how I pine for thee. Yes, I know. Thank you. Obrigado. Gracias. Merci.
Now you are getting back to your regular self! HAA! This is actually interesting. BTW, the only red I like is the "combined with" part. That makes a nice link. Of course a native speaker would be the best to help you with all i have said above.
Now, how about that Live Epitaph Album?!? I can't wait!! I hope it is Hammond!!
(Quoting Message by . from Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:29:44 PM)
. wrote:
guido, how I pine for thee!
If you are going that route, please take note of the following correction to the initial sentence structure:
"I believe what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go (like the river meets the ocean and the mountains meet the sky), are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories combined with the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining. "
And it still makes no sense whatsoever.
It's still a runaway sentence but exponentially improved.
Wherever you inclinations lie, Budred, be assured that Priest isn't over the hill just yet. Well, not too terribly over the hill.
I think.
But I may be wrong.
"What say you?"
Edited at: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:36:35 AM
[guidogodoy] Friday, February 17, 2012 2:33:15 AM
HAAAAA!!! You "pine for me?" Did I die or something? Perhaps in your heart. LOL!!!!! I knew I meant something to you despite your words.
"Runaway" sentence?" No. That is what "native speakers" (ask Bud) call a "run-on" sentence. "Exponentially improved?" Ok, in your mind. Hanging preposition, still a misuse of an antonym and sentence fragment. Yup, certainly a run-on sentence. Your affirmations that "I believe" don't help the sentence. Obviously, you believe it or you wouldn't have written it, no? As you pine for me, it needs no aclaration.
Rhetoric. You should have started with: Guido, OH how I pine for thee. Yes, I know. Thank you. Obrigado. Gracias. Merci.
Now you are getting back to your regular self! HAA! This is actually interesting. BTW, the only red I like is the "combined with" part. That makes a nice link. Of course a native speaker would be the best to help you with all i have said above.
Now, how about that Live Epitaph Album?!? I can't wait!! I hope it is Hammond!!
If you are going that route, please take note of the following correction to the initial sentence structure:
"I believe what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go (like the river meets the ocean and the mountains meet the sky), are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories combined with the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining. "
And it still makes no sense whatsoever.
It's still a runaway sentence but exponentially improved.
Wherever you inclinations lie, Budred, be assured that Priest isn't over the hill just yet. Well, not too terribly over the hill.
I think.
But I may be wrong.
"What say you?"
Edited at: Friday, February 17, 2012 2:36:35 AM
[.] Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:29:44 PM
guido, how I pine for thee!
If you are going that route, please take note of the following correction to the initial sentence structure:
"I believe what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go (like the river meets the ocean and the mountains meet the sky), are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories combined with the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining. "
And it still makes no sense whatsoever.
It's still a runaway sentence but exponentially improved.
Wherever you inclinations lie, Budred, be assured that Priest isn't over the hill just yet. Well, not too terribly over the hill.
I think.
But I may be wrong.
"What say you?"
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 16, 2012 1:37:25 PM
I am certain that many would opine that to be a wonderful suggestion!
perhaps we could all recline.... in our chairs and relax before climbing the incline to the top of the hill.
[Head banger] Thursday, February 16, 2012 1:24:25 PM
perhaps we could all recline.... in our chairs and relax before climbing the incline to the top of the hill.
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:09:57 AM
Although I am apparently not a native speaker of English (?!), just a brief comment: you shoud read more carefully. My comment wasn't about the word "decline," rather your misuse of "incline" as its antonym in that context.
To answer your last question: the negativity got to me.
For the rest, "decline" is a perfectly valid word, one which was first used by Budred as he stated his opinion. He's the native speaker, so he should know better than you, José Carioca. I still don't agree with his opinion, though I respect it and it changes nothing about mine. Like I respect your opinion but couldn't give a rats ass about it.
[.] Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:13:04 AM
To answer your last question: the negativity got to me.
For the rest, "decline" is a perfectly valid word, one which was first used by Budred as he stated his opinion. He's the native speaker, so he should know better than you, José Carioca. I still don't agree with his opinion, though I respect it and it changes nothing about mine. Like I respect your opinion but couldn't give a rats ass about it.
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 16, 2012 12:42:09 AM
You certainly didn't get your antonym right with the part about "declining." "Inclining?" heeee..not in that context. Are they leaning forward or something? I am more inclined to think that you are, once again, being a jerk with someone who doesn't choose to engage you in conversation.
For your own edification, your contrast speaks more to a band's "rise" or "ascent" as the opposite of its decline. Of course, you already know this and we are all just missing your joke.
I still wonder, what the hell happened to you? Talk about a "steady rate of decline."
And yet I said nothing that made any sense whatsoever.
guitardude wrote:
. wrote:
You are perfectly fine saying whatever the hell you want BUT I disagree with the "steady rate of decline" . Spare me the mathematics.
I think what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go, are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories and the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[.] Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:48:17 PM
And yet I said nothing that made any sense whatsoever.
You are perfectly fine saying whatever the hell you want BUT I disagree with the "steady rate of decline" . Spare me the mathematics.
I think what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go, are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories and the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
You are perfectly fine saying whatever the hell you want BUT I disagree with the "steady rate of decline" . Spare me the mathematics.
I think what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go, are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories and the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[.] Sunday, February 12, 2012 7:52:49 PM
You are perfectly fine saying whatever the hell you want BUT I disagree with the "steady rate of decline" . Spare me the mathematics.
I think what makes you think more about decline, rather than the way things naturally go, are all the photos and videos available today and your own memories and the ever looming recognition of your own mortality now that the wisdom of age is setting in.
I don't care, I like Judas Priest declining or inclining.
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Head banger] Wednesday, February 01, 2012 8:08:51 AM
no opinion is valid without at least TWO WORDS in all caps.
guidogodoy wrote:
Wow. For someone "who just wants to let this drop" you certainly do write a lot.
You have trouble believing that nodody sees that Priest is in decline and that the last tour was "one of the worst" you have seen. I don't.
You are confused by my comments and feel "ridiculed." Ok. So be it. You have ridiculed others. As for my comments, only the blind (or those who don't choose to see) can't help but see that you do often play the role of "victim." That has also been mentioned by many a member and my comments going way back to the "why all the web police?" thread you felt the need to start help illustrate the point. There is a pattern there.
Good enough for a "final word?" See? I didn't even use bold or caps.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, January 31, 2012 11:40:10 PM
no opinion is valid without at least TWO WORDS in all caps.
guidogodoy wrote:
Wow. For someone "who just wants to let this drop" you certainly do write a lot.
You have trouble believing that nodody sees that Priest is in decline and that the last tour was "one of the worst" you have seen. I don't.
You are confused by my comments and feel "ridiculed." Ok. So be it. You have ridiculed others. As for my comments, only the blind (or those who don't choose to see) can't help but see that you do often play the role of "victim." That has also been mentioned by many a member and my comments going way back to the "why all the web police?" thread you felt the need to start help illustrate the point. There is a pattern there.
Good enough for a "final word?" See? I didn't even use bold or caps.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Head banger] Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:32:19 PM
no opinion is valid without at least TWO WORDS in all caps.
guidogodoy wrote:
Wow. For someone "who just wants to let this drop" you certainly do write a lot.
You have trouble believing that nodody sees that Priest is in decline and that the last tour was "one of the worst" you have seen. I don't.
You are confused by my comments and feel "ridiculed." Ok. So be it. You have ridiculed others. As for my comments, only the blind (or those who don't choose to see) can't help but see that you do often play the role of "victim." That has also been mentioned by many a member and my comments going way back to the "why all the web police?" thread you felt the need to start help illustrate the point. There is a pattern there.
Good enough for a "final word?" See? I didn't even use bold or caps.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:30:28 PM
no opinion is valid without at least TWO WORDS in all caps.
guidogodoy wrote:
Wow. For someone "who just wants to let this drop" you certainly do write a lot.
You have trouble believing that nodody sees that Priest is in decline and that the last tour was "one of the worst" you have seen. I don't.
You are confused by my comments and feel "ridiculed." Ok. So be it. You have ridiculed others. As for my comments, only the blind (or those who don't choose to see) can't help but see that you do often play the role of "victim." That has also been mentioned by many a member and my comments going way back to the "why all the web police?" thread you felt the need to start help illustrate the point. There is a pattern there.
Good enough for a "final word?" See? I didn't even use bold or caps.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Becks] Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:24:17 PM
Man this thread has gone a bit nuts. I just enjoy Judas Priest heavy metal, and will continue to do so. I will criticise if I feel there is something to criticise, but maybe I am just an optimist and make like Monty Python - always look on the bright side of life.
no opinion is valid without at least TWO WORDS in all caps.
guidogodoy wrote:
Wow. For someone "who just wants to let this drop" you certainly do write a lot.
You have trouble believing that nodody sees that Priest is in decline and that the last tour was "one of the worst" you have seen. I don't.
You are confused by my comments and feel "ridiculed." Ok. So be it. You have ridiculed others. As for my comments, only the blind (or those who don't choose to see) can't help but see that you do often play the role of "victim." That has also been mentioned by many a member and my comments going way back to the "why all the web police?" thread you felt the need to start help illustrate the point. There is a pattern there.
Good enough for a "final word?" See? I didn't even use bold or caps.
Budred wrote:
Seriously Guido, you are not getting what I said.
This whole argument has been about you guys liking the last tour and me not.
Not a single person here has to agree with me on this. Not you, not anyone. I haven't
attacked a single person for saying how much they liked this show, I just keep responding
to people ripping me for not liking it. I'm most confused by your comments because your
bringing up things that have nothing to do with what this was all about.
I said I completely agree with Jimmy's (last) post. He wasn't referring to this tour in his last post,
he was talking about a steady rate of decline since the Re-union. I have trouble believing no one
sees this. He stated facts, not opinion. If you have to ridicule me or rip me then so be it. You think I'm
attacking or wanting people to agree with me and I don't. Say or think what you will, I don't care.
I would still like to try to get along on this site. Why do you think I'm not blowing up over this?
If it's a last word thing, have your's, I won't respond. Here's my last comment and I hope it's clear
I didn't think the last tour was as good as previous tours and I agree with Jimmy that Priest
has been on a steady decline since Re-union.
I'm glad most here liked their last tour and I don't take issue with a single person who did. I did
say "I Can't Believe No One Sees This" referring to the steady decline but I'm not ripping anyone
for it nor do I think they should change their mind to agree with me. My comments are how I feel,
not how anyone else should. I can't make this any clearer. My only mistake was the sarcasm towards
guitardude. I did that because I was letting anger take over. I'm doing this to stop that!
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM