perhaps we are speaking in a different language that just happens to use the same words?
guidogodoy wrote:
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Head banger] Monday, January 30, 2012 11:18:13 PM
perhaps we are speaking in a different language that just happens to use the same words?
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Budred wrote:
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, January 30, 2012 9:24:01 PM
While a nice start and I do appreciate you "trying to watch what you write," Bud, you then accuse me of not reading or comprehending what you've said?! Errrm....thanks?! Talk about a veiled complement. I can guarantee, I both read and have the metal capacity to understand what you write. I just find it funny that you say that you don't ask for people to agree with you, rather, Jimmy (with whom you stated that you agree 100% in his post). That is the big difference? Ok, I don't mind if you disagree with me in that Priest is a joke and off their game as long as you agree with everyone else who has actually SEEN the current tour and says that this was the best concert more than a decade.
How is that? Don't agree with me, just agree with those who agree with me! Perfect end to a dead-end discussion without any sort of "ridicule" or misconceptions on anybody's behalf, right?
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand.
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, January 30, 2012 2:25:32 PM
You are so right Freeze, they did not mail it in. They are truly giving it all that they have. I can only speak for myself, but we got every single pennies worth and then some!! My only comment would be that I wish you had been with us in Hammond because that was jaw dropping unbelievable. But I completely understand and I respect your decision not to go. It was very difficult to see someone else in KK's place.
You see?? THIS is what happens when I "go away". Spirited, lively argument. (*HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!) Oh my! OK then, MY turn!!;
Haven't seen the tour. Decided that I would not, as (for ME) , it is NOT Priest. No KK, no Priest. No Rob, no Priest.... etc. I stand by that. HOWEVER, I love, love LOVE the video, HRMG !!! A really awesome effort! Is it "perfect"? , of course not! But, as mentioned, it does not have to be. Rob does sound pretty good from what I can make out on this video and, if that is indicative of the entire tour, I would say you are all getting your money's worth. SO glad to see that they are really "bringing it".
I figure those that have shelled out the money to see this tour are, by and large, very happy with what they are seeing and hearing. THAT makes me happy. They have not "mailed it in". They are giving it 100% and that is true professionalism. VERY cool.
This place has always had those that simply do not care for various aspects of the Band's performances. Even I have had my complaints about Rob's vocals. I remember VIVIDLY his performance in 1979 and I really don't think I could even compare it to ANYTHING he has done post-2005...BUT, he is far from "terrible". He has adapted to his age and abilities and he is a tremendous performer. There's just no argument about it.
At this point in my post, I would generally try to smooth things over with some diplomatic comments about being brethren and whatnot but, as I am not here all that much anymore, I really do not think I am qualified to mediate. (Probably never was!) Nonetheless, I send MUCH love to you all!!!!!!
[Deep Freeze] Monday, January 30, 2012 12:29:01 PM
You see?? THIS is what happens when I "go away". Spirited, lively argument. (*HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!) Oh my! OK then, MY turn!!;
Haven't seen the tour. Decided that I would not, as (for ME) , it is NOT Priest. No KK, no Priest. No Rob, no Priest.... etc. I stand by that. HOWEVER, I love, love LOVE the video, HRMG !!! A really awesome effort! Is it "perfect"? , of course not! But, as mentioned, it does not have to be. Rob does sound pretty good from what I can make out on this video and, if that is indicative of the entire tour, I would say you are all getting your money's worth. SO glad to see that they are really "bringing it".
I figure those that have shelled out the money to see this tour are, by and large, very happy with what they are seeing and hearing. THAT makes me happy. They have not "mailed it in". They are giving it 100% and that is true professionalism. VERY cool.
This place has always had those that simply do not care for various aspects of the Band's performances. Even I have had my complaints about Rob's vocals. I remember VIVIDLY his performance in 1979 and I really don't think I could even compare it to ANYTHING he has done post-2005...BUT, he is far from "terrible". He has adapted to his age and abilities and he is a tremendous performer. There's just no argument about it.
At this point in my post, I would generally try to smooth things over with some diplomatic comments about being brethren and whatnot but, as I am not here all that much anymore, I really do not think I am qualified to mediate. (Probably never was!) Nonetheless, I send MUCH love to you all!!!!!!
[guitardude] Monday, January 30, 2012 11:07:11 AM
He of whom I will not mention!
No apology needed, as I wasn`t offended. I only posted your name to address you, as in the header of a letter, not to speak of you. I`ve been sitting by reading all of this (becoming increasingly frustrated) and couldn`t understand why it was happening really, but it is what it is. I say just enjoy the band while we still have them and for everyone not to be so picky, Priest are not perfect, no one is. Just keep an open mind and look past any snafus that may happen , and not be so critical when they do. And no offense is meant by the way I opened this post. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Monday, January 30, 2012 3:59:30 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm laughing because I'm trying to be an asshole now. This is getting so ridiculous.
I stated many times that I wasn't trying to impose my opinion on anyone. The majority
of my posts are in response to posts referring to me. You guys keep including me in
your posts and because I keep responding you guys keep getting madder. I have my
opinion on this tour and you guys have yours. We can still get along, WTF? The majority
of the people bashing me right now I go out of my way not to offend or piss off. I'm not
going to keep making this worse. If you guys want to keep going with this feel free.
You're the only one I feel I should apologize to. I guess I got sick of seeing my name
brought up in this thread and I was trying to be a dick to you for doing it also.
So you can have YOUR opinion about Priest's performance, but Guitardude can't and you are laughing at him???? Did you even watch my video of BTROD from Cleveland that I posted from the very show that you are ripping? Hundreds of people walking out with us form that show, all praising how incredible Rob and Priest was that night, but you thought they were subpar. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But don't claim that others feel the same way when you have nothing to back it up.
Budred wrote: good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
guitardude wrote:
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Budred] Monday, January 30, 2012 4:43:18 AM
The key here is that I said many, not all.
I was trying to make a point that I'm not the only one who thinks this wasn't their best tour.
I didn't say the majority would say it sucks. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:57:27 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Budred wrote:That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who has more people on thier side" comment,you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards are here.If you want an accurate assesment of thier performance you would have to go outside of this site to get it.Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that.I would bet that you would find many people who thought they were subpar.
If you would like to see the band retire,then when the new album comes out you shouldn't have to voice your opinion about it then right? After all you wish them to retire but somehow when it comes out,you'll be here with something to say about it wich will be your "contradiction".
And I'm finding more people outside this site that are saying Rob "DOES SOUND BETTER THAN HE HAS IN YEARS". The King Diamond forum has a thread of painfull singers to listen to live these days and one member said Rob Halford and I was expecting the entire thread to agree with him but it was the opposite,the rest of them posted how much better he is on this tour.
I have not seen the show,but I sure am reading alot of positive things about Rob's voice. That clip that HRMG has of Beyond The Realms Of Death from the Cleveland show was almost perfect,I'm not sure what more you could possibly want or be expecting,thats what just doesn't make sense here,but your converting it into as if the rest of us think everybody here should have the same opinion looking like fanboys and thats not true here. I think you and Jimmy are off the mark on this one.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 4:29:09 PM
[Budred] Monday, January 30, 2012 4:37:08 AM
You make a good point about the attitude thing because I've thought about that also.
Backtracking? I only said awhile back that after listening to my videos that I was a little
confused because they sounded a little better than I remember. I said That I would like
to see them in Pittsburgh to see if I had the same opinion and my second post on this
said that after reading my first post it may have sounded harsher than intended. Otther
than that I have been saying the same thing all along. I didn't think this show was as good
as earlier shows and I agreed with Jimmy's last post that Priest was in decline. I still think
they should call it a day and even if it is contradictory, I still would love to hear them put out another
Metal album. That's all I've been wanting since Rob came back and they haven't done it yet.
I'm not playing victim, I don't even want this to go on anymore. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:43:53 PM)
You also have to remember that Budred was bitching about Priest BEFORE he even went to the Cleveland show. His mind was already made up. Hard to change someone's opinion when they already have decided that the band should retire. Yes, he had incredibly shitty seats and was getting a lot of distortion from the speakers. We had AWESOME seats and were able to hear Rob singing without the microphone during Breakin' The Law. My video proves that Bud has been listening to crappy vocalists for far too long and wouldn't know if someone is singing in key or not. Was Rob perfect? No, we never said he was at any show. But then again, I have NEVER heard a perfect vocal performance by anyone. Rob came damn close in Hammond and if anyone gets a bootleg or soundboard recording of that show, I WANT ONE!!!
So stop backtracking JJ and Budred. You come back now trying to rewrite what you originally said. You love to play the victims, don't you? You bitch about Priest and Rob and then when we come after you for your bullshit posts, you play the victims - oh, boo hoo, the diehard fans are so mean to me! Go have your pitty party somewhere else, I'm tired of it!
And I'm posting it again, because yeah, IT WAS THAT FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Budred] Monday, January 30, 2012 4:19:48 AM
Guido, you have helped me more than any person here so I am trying to watch what I write. You are posting
without reading or comprehending what I said. I didn't say anyone had to agree with me. I said I can't believe
no one can see what Jimmy see's in this band. I emphasized that I was referring to his last post. It wasn't about
this last tour, it was about what has happened to them since Rob's return. Those questions I asked in the other(?)
thread kind of summed up what he was saying in his last post here. THe other things you're trying to ridicule me
with hasn't been an issue in over a year. I only post in Web Police when it's something more about me than
something in other threads. I would rather do this than start new threads. Also, I had great seats, I'm not sure where
you guys got the shitty seat thing from. I having coffee right now and there is no crying going on and I don't think
this is bitchin'. Let's end this, it's getting out of hand. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:48:55 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Budred] Monday, January 30, 2012 3:59:30 AM
I'm laughing because I'm trying to be an asshole now. This is getting so ridiculous.
I stated many times that I wasn't trying to impose my opinion on anyone. The majority
of my posts are in response to posts referring to me. You guys keep including me in
your posts and because I keep responding you guys keep getting madder. I have my
opinion on this tour and you guys have yours. We can still get along, WTF? The majority
of the people bashing me right now I go out of my way not to offend or piss off. I'm not
going to keep making this worse. If you guys want to keep going with this feel free.
You're the only one I feel I should apologize to. I guess I got sick of seeing my name
brought up in this thread and I was trying to be a dick to you for doing it also.
So you can have YOUR opinion about Priest's performance, but Guitardude can't and you are laughing at him???? Did you even watch my video of BTROD from Cleveland that I posted from the very show that you are ripping? Hundreds of people walking out with us form that show, all praising how incredible Rob and Priest was that night, but you thought they were subpar. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But don't claim that others feel the same way when you have nothing to back it up.
Budred wrote: good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
guitardude wrote:
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:03:19 AM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:57:27 PM
Budred wrote:That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who has more people on thier side" comment,you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards are here.If you want an accurate assesment of thier performance you would have to go outside of this site to get it.Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that.I would bet that you would find many people who thought they were subpar.
If you would like to see the band retire,then when the new album comes out you shouldn't have to voice your opinion about it then right? After all you wish them to retire but somehow when it comes out,you'll be here with something to say about it wich will be your "contradiction".
And I'm finding more people outside this site that are saying Rob "DOES SOUND BETTER THAN HE HAS IN YEARS". The King Diamond forum has a thread of painfull singers to listen to live these days and one member said Rob Halford and I was expecting the entire thread to agree with him but it was the opposite,the rest of them posted how much better he is on this tour.
I have not seen the show,but I sure am reading alot of positive things about Rob's voice. That clip that HRMG has of Beyond The Realms Of Death from the Cleveland show was almost perfect,I'm not sure what more you could possibly want or be expecting,thats what just doesn't make sense here,but your converting it into as if the rest of us think everybody here should have the same opinion looking like fanboys and thats not true here. I think you and Jimmy are off the mark on this one.
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 4:29:09 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, January 29, 2012 3:43:53 PM
You also have to remember that Budred was bitching about Priest BEFORE he even went to the Cleveland show. His mind was already made up. Hard to change someone's opinion when they already have decided that the band should retire. Yes, he had incredibly shitty seats and was getting a lot of distortion from the speakers. We had AWESOME seats and were able to hear Rob singing without the microphone during Breakin' The Law. My video proves that Bud has been listening to crappy vocalists for far too long and wouldn't know if someone is singing in key or not. Was Rob perfect? No, we never said he was at any show. But then again, I have NEVER heard a perfect vocal performance by anyone. Rob came damn close in Hammond and if anyone gets a bootleg or soundboard recording of that show, I WANT ONE!!!
So stop backtracking JJ and Budred. You come back now trying to rewrite what you originally said. You love to play the victims, don't you? You bitch about Priest and Rob and then when we come after you for your bullshit posts, you play the victims - oh, boo hoo, the diehard fans are so mean to me! Go have your pitty party somewhere else, I'm tired of it!
And I'm posting it again, because yeah, IT WAS THAT FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[guidogodoy] Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:48:55 PM
His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this.
This was my favorite part of that comment. Read this as "it is amazing that I can't get anyone else to agree with me!" "Why don't people who have seen the show not agree 100% with someone who hasn't?" "Why don't people get my sense of humor or believe me when I affirm that my opinion is the truth?" "Should I stay or should I go?" "Why all the web police?!?"
Oh, boo fucking hoo. You got shitty seats. You claim to like other types of music? Me too. So "go on and cry in your coffee but don't come bitchin' to me."
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Head banger] Sunday, January 29, 2012 2:18:26 PM
I didnt see them in 81. this tour they sounded at least as good as when I saw them in 91 [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:25:15 AM)
Budred wrote: good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
guitardude wrote:
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
guitardude wrote:
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:03:19 AM
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, January 29, 2012 1:37:42 PM
"If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar."
To that I disagree. You'll see the exact same thing you see here, from the diehards to the newbies that have little to no background of ever seeing the band "at their peak". Look at the fan reviews of the band on the Live Nation website and overall they believe JP is still performing great shows. It's inevitable. Judas Priest is just that good right now! You and Jimmy are really in the minority at this point. Actually, not even Jimmy. He hasn't seen them live in this tour, so he doesn't count. So it's just you and that Starbreaker fellow. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM) Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 1:40:57 PM
[guitardude] Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:59:02 AM
Yea, 81! You bet your ass I believe this.
You laugh, but why didn`t you answer the question I ask?
Think what you may, but being close minded about others opinions gets you nowhere.
Why is it that you seem to think that only your opinion is the one that counts?
Don`t say thats not the case, if that were true, your arguements in this threads would have ended days ago! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:25:15 AM)
Budred wrote: good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
guitardude wrote:
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:03:19 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:00:07 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:46:14 AM
So you can have YOUR opinion about Priest's performance, but Guitardude can't and you are laughing at him???? Did you even watch my video of BTROD from Cleveland that I posted from the very show that you are ripping? Hundreds of people walking out with us form that show, all praising how incredible Rob and Priest was that night, but you thought they were subpar. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But don't claim that others feel the same way when you have nothing to back it up. good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
guitardude wrote:
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:03:19 AM
[Budred] Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:25:15 AM good as they were in 81?
...and you believe this?
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:03:19 AM
[guitardude] Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:00:10 AM
Let me understand something here, you don`t think the band is able to meet your criteria, so they should retire?
If you`re that unhappy with their performances, why spend the money going to the shows?
I`ve seen them more times that I can remember, starting off in 81. To me, they are still just as good now as then, they are accurate live, they don`t butcher the songs I know and love , like so many of these new bands always do.
My 12 year old, cannot be considered a "diehard" as his first show was the British Steel Anniversary tour.
He has watched all of my old videos of Priest, and prefers the new Priest, versus the old. Hooked, you bet!
There`s an old saying , that I`m sure you`re familiar with..."If you don`t have anything nice to say, then don`t say anything at all", you come on the BANDS website and rip them, what do you really expect to get in return?
If they are so bad as you say, then let everyone go to the shows and find out themselves.
But as for me and my son, we`ll be there enjoying every single second they are onstage! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM)
Budred wrote:
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 11:03:19 AM
[Budred] Sunday, January 29, 2012 5:36:42 AM
I'm not sure I'm the only one who said the last tour wasn't all that great and I seriously
doubt that any of Jimmy's conclusions came from me. His very last post I agree with 100 percent
and it's amazing that people refuse to see this. I don't think a single person can prove him wrong.
They may tell him he's wrong and they may even believe themselves when they do but everything
he stated in his (last) post was correct. That is why I would like to see them retire also. About the "who
has more people on their side" comment, you do here obviously because the last remaining diehards
are here. If you want an accurate assesment of their performance you would have to go outside of
this site to get it. Maybe a poll on facebook or youtube or something like that. I would bet that you
would find many people who thought they were subpar. I haven't seen Priest as many times as you
or alot of others but I have seen every tour except Ram It Down since Point Of Entry and this was in
my top three of bad performances. Why is it that my opinion has to be wrong because it doesn't go along
with most here. Considering how long I've been a fan and how many times I've seen them I think
my opinion is as valid as anyone else's. I didn't come here to rip Priest but lately there's nothing to praise.
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well.
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:08:11 AM
Let me refresh your memory and everyone elses about what you actually said JJ:
[jimmyjames] Thursday, January 12, 2012 1:45:02 AM
But you have nothing to compare their live performance to Vail. The only time you've seen them has been in the last few years. Ask guys like JD and Budred who saw them in the 80s when they were at their peak and they'll tell you that this band is in decline and anyone who tells you Halfords voice is as good as ever is just lying. His high vocals are completely shot to hell. He doesn't scream any more, he screeches. And if you call Priests performance "energetic" then I'd hate to see a band who you thought were lethargic. Halford can hardly walk now, hobbling around, hunched over the mike trying to read the teleprompter and screeching two cats stapled together. They've got nothing left. They were once my favourite band but over the last few years I just can't be bothered.
So I call BULLSHIT! Rob's high vocals are NOT completely shot to hell and he doesn't screech as you claim he does like two cats stapled together. They have never been a band that runs all over the stage, so why do you expect them to do it now???? You have no idea what you are talking about and you are busted, period! They have a lot left, as my video from Cleveland proves. It was an outstanding performance, all three shows that I attended. So if you just can't be bothered, why are you here talking shit about a show that you have never seen?This tour blows the Turbo tour out of the water in my book - it was a great show, but this tour was OUTSTANDING! And given their age all I can say is: what more do you fucking want??? Some people are just NEVER SATISFIED!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:04:31 PM)
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:09:41 AM
[guidogodoy] Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:58:07 PM
Well, if you want to go back to dredge up old posts, look at your own. You are back peddling. Being completely objective, you haven't had a positive thing to say about Priest in quite a number of posts. More than I care to count, at least.
You originally ripped on Vail for being "too young to know..." I am older than you and many my age who actually follow the band begged to differ. You choose to stick with Bud and his one-man opinion of a show that HRMG countered both verbally AND with video. You haven't seen Epitaph and I call BULLSHIT! What I am getting at is that I am not a fanboy in any sense of the word. I am a fan of the band and the genre. I am positive that I have seen many more JP shows than you. Some were good, some were outstanding, some were "off." The shows I saw this time around (in comparison with others) were simply outstanding. You cite whom as your many who have seen the band "many times" who disagree? Money being the driving force or not, I have a number of people I consider quite objective to back me up. You have one as per my count. You attempt to dilute the point you originally made with your comments here. Priest has been a fucking monster this tour. I have never said that about any other concert other than Painkiller. SEE the show before you attempt to dismiss it. In my eyes, you lose all credibility when you do otherwise.
About your radio show? More power to you. I am a metal fan. Defend the faith. Defend the genre. I did it for many years and would never say to do otherwise. Like many, I wouldn't want to see Priest go out on a sour note. However, this tour isn't it! Say what you will about my own view of the Hammond show but when we all know that you haven't even seen the current tour, your words to me lack all credibility.
That's because if Halford recorded himself taking a shit you'd say it sounded fantastic. - You obviously don't know me very well. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:04:31 PM)
jimmyjames wrote:
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[jimmyjames] Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:04:31 PM
I didn't say the show you were at was bad. Or that he didn't produce a great performance at that show. What I'm getting at is that overall, both live and album wise, the band is on the decline. Some of those who have seen the band many times agree. Age is part of it but I really think the band are together for the money more than anything else these days. If a new album comes out this year I could be proven wrong but I can't see them releasing anything groundbreaking or exceptional. Some fans love AOR, I think it's ok but far from their best. Nostra we all pretty much agree is rubbish. The track record since the reunion is patchy. KK is gone, crowds are waning. I just reckon it's time for this band to call it a day. I would hate to see them fizzle out.
My show isn't an internet radio show. It is broadcast over the air in our area. The show just goes on the station website so that anyone whose interested outside our area can check it out. Being that there's metal fans on this site I thought posting a link might be a good idea so some of them could listen if they wanted to. Do you think I should stop posting links and setlists from each show? Or maybe stop doing the show entirely? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 5:02:24 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
[Brian_Evans] Sunday, January 22, 2012 10:30:04 AM
This is the best these guys have looked and sounded since the reunion.
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:49:54 PM
Thats ok,because when you get here I have a 6 month old German Shepherd waiting for you thats extremely protective of daddy lol.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Head banger wrote:
dude start riding your bike now head south to windsor,cross to detroit and head west. Seatle is about a months ride away.
JD, beter get him early becase if he isnt in good shape now he sure as hell will be after that ride....
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hellrider,your so retarded this is all the post you get. lol.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is all bullshit. Yes Budred has a right to his opinion,as others do too but to critisize a 60 year old singer for not performing a flawless show is fucking retarded.
And a newsflash for Budred,Hellrider,Brain_Evans...I'm trying to find the article interview with Ian Hill when asked about the new CD....they asked him if it was heavy like the Painkiller album and Ian said NO,he said it is heavily in the vien of Angel Of Retibution so you might as well not hope for your "killer" Judas Priest album because your not getting it. Fans of Retribution have a much better chance at liking this new material.
You won't like this new material,and you won't like any live shows....looks like this band is just a nostalgia for you guys,you can still post on thier past performances and thier past albums though....yay.
(Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:50:02 AM)
Becks wrote:
Well said JD, I agree. If you expect a 60 year old to do something night after night a 25 year old would struggle with, you're setting yourself up for disappointment I reckon. And who cares about the off days, lets focus on the many 'on' days!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Since Rob's return they have Angel Of Retribution,at least that album is a classic Priest album and may not be thier very best but it kicks the living shit out of that pile of garbage album you love so damn much "Demolition" lol. It utterly baffles my brain,same as Hellrider hates the Screaming For Vengeance album but loves the shitty Turbo album but to each his own,just baffles my freakin brain.
And to say they haven't rocked the fuck out since Rob's return is utter bullshit. Since 2004 -2012 you think Rob hasn't had a few kick ass vocal performances? Thats retarded Budred,quit trying to be the diviant here,seems your just trying to get attention from the die hards here rather than focus on the spirit of the band here anymore.
And if you think Judas Priest should call it a day,then you wouldn't give a FUCK about the new CD.
For fucks sake this is so retarded all these people bitching about Rob's voice,on the King Diamond forum they don't bitch about the King when he has off night,on the Saxon forum they don't bitch when Biff has an off night,why is it such a serious subject when Rob struggles? Its fucking retarded,Budred he is 60 fucking years old and your still hoping he will rock out soon ect.....
give the guy a god damn break will you? Everybody else too please,just give the fuckin guy a god damn break!
I'm so sick an tired of hearing how much they suck,Rob sucks ,he can't sing anymore,they are too old,they can't sell out stadiums like Elvis if he were still alive...its all bullshit man,who in the fuck cares if Rob struggles from time to time,he does have "ON" nights too,but who cares....People should stop expecting this band to be 20 years old again.
If anyone thinks they are a fuckin "JOKE" at 60 years old wearing leather and struggling on vocals like a circus clown then they shouldn't be here,I don't think they are a Joke,I take this band very seriously.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:15:19 AM)
Budred wrote:
I didn't say "people" said Rob was struggling, I said from what I heard "I" thought Rob was struggling. I did
mention that some around me were laughing at him. I think part of the argument here is whether they were
perfect or not. Other than from Mushroomhead I've never heard a perfect performance. (That was a joke) but
seriously, when is anybody perfect. My whole gripe is that I've seen them perform so much better in the past
and that left me disappointed with the current show. I also mentioned that (for me) Richie changes their sound
and I don't like that. He's a great guitarist but Priest is different with him. Not everyone can share the same opinion
and mine only matters to me and if you guys really think Rob and or Priest was that great then so be it.
What I heard was subpar to me.
@ Headbanger
I do think that Judas should call it a day. The only reason that I'm curious about the new CD is because I still
have a desire to hear them rock the f#ck out, but, deep down I'm not expecting that. They haven't since Rob's
return but I can still have hope. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that any future enjoyment I get out of
Priest will most likely come from memories of the past.
Why listen to people that actually attended the Epitaph shows when you can listen to someone that has watched YouTube videos? Oh, I forgot, we see Priest through "rose colored glasses". No, I actually know when someone is in pitch and when they aren't unlike others. Rob was not perfect in Hammond either, but he was damn close! The entire audience was in awe of Rob that night and that is a FACT! I talked to many people on the way out and they all said the same thing.
People ran up to me in Cleveland, because I was wearing my Painkiller tour shirt, to tell me that this is the best they have heard Rob since the Painkiller tour. For every person that Budred says thought Rob was struggling, I talked to at least 10 that thought he was incredible. I filmed Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland and Rob blew out the mic on my camera in several places. Anyone who has taped Priest at a show knows that the recorded version does not do them justice to actually hearing it live. But again, don't listen to the people that were AT the show, listen to the expert YouTube video reviewer telling us that Priest should pack it up.
Ever consider that people are not going to see Priest because they are listening to people that are bitching about them and saying they should quit even though they didn't go to a show?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:40:05 AM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:39:40 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:36:55 PM
Thats ok,because when you get here I have a 6 month old German Shepherd waiting for you thats extremely protective of daddy lol.
Head banger wrote:
dude start riding your bike now head south to windsor,cross to detroit and head west. Seatle is about a months ride away.
JD, beter get him early becase if he isnt in good shape now he sure as hell will be after that ride....
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hellrider,your so retarded this is all the post you get. lol.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is all bullshit. Yes Budred has a right to his opinion,as others do too but to critisize a 60 year old singer for not performing a flawless show is fucking retarded.
And a newsflash for Budred,Hellrider,Brain_Evans...I'm trying to find the article interview with Ian Hill when asked about the new CD....they asked him if it was heavy like the Painkiller album and Ian said NO,he said it is heavily in the vien of Angel Of Retibution so you might as well not hope for your "killer" Judas Priest album because your not getting it. Fans of Retribution have a much better chance at liking this new material.
You won't like this new material,and you won't like any live shows....looks like this band is just a nostalgia for you guys,you can still post on thier past performances and thier past albums though....yay.
(Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:50:02 AM)
Becks wrote:
Well said JD, I agree. If you expect a 60 year old to do something night after night a 25 year old would struggle with, you're setting yourself up for disappointment I reckon. And who cares about the off days, lets focus on the many 'on' days!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Since Rob's return they have Angel Of Retribution,at least that album is a classic Priest album and may not be thier very best but it kicks the living shit out of that pile of garbage album you love so damn much "Demolition" lol. It utterly baffles my brain,same as Hellrider hates the Screaming For Vengeance album but loves the shitty Turbo album but to each his own,just baffles my freakin brain.
And to say they haven't rocked the fuck out since Rob's return is utter bullshit. Since 2004 -2012 you think Rob hasn't had a few kick ass vocal performances? Thats retarded Budred,quit trying to be the diviant here,seems your just trying to get attention from the die hards here rather than focus on the spirit of the band here anymore.
And if you think Judas Priest should call it a day,then you wouldn't give a FUCK about the new CD.
For fucks sake this is so retarded all these people bitching about Rob's voice,on the King Diamond forum they don't bitch about the King when he has off night,on the Saxon forum they don't bitch when Biff has an off night,why is it such a serious subject when Rob struggles? Its fucking retarded,Budred he is 60 fucking years old and your still hoping he will rock out soon ect.....
give the guy a god damn break will you? Everybody else too please,just give the fuckin guy a god damn break!
I'm so sick an tired of hearing how much they suck,Rob sucks ,he can't sing anymore,they are too old,they can't sell out stadiums like Elvis if he were still alive...its all bullshit man,who in the fuck cares if Rob struggles from time to time,he does have "ON" nights too,but who cares....People should stop expecting this band to be 20 years old again.
If anyone thinks they are a fuckin "JOKE" at 60 years old wearing leather and struggling on vocals like a circus clown then they shouldn't be here,I don't think they are a Joke,I take this band very seriously.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:15:19 AM)
Budred wrote:
I didn't say "people" said Rob was struggling, I said from what I heard "I" thought Rob was struggling. I did
mention that some around me were laughing at him. I think part of the argument here is whether they were
perfect or not. Other than from Mushroomhead I've never heard a perfect performance. (That was a joke) but
seriously, when is anybody perfect. My whole gripe is that I've seen them perform so much better in the past
and that left me disappointed with the current show. I also mentioned that (for me) Richie changes their sound
and I don't like that. He's a great guitarist but Priest is different with him. Not everyone can share the same opinion
and mine only matters to me and if you guys really think Rob and or Priest was that great then so be it.
What I heard was subpar to me.
@ Headbanger
I do think that Judas should call it a day. The only reason that I'm curious about the new CD is because I still
have a desire to hear them rock the f#ck out, but, deep down I'm not expecting that. They haven't since Rob's
return but I can still have hope. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that any future enjoyment I get out of
Priest will most likely come from memories of the past.
Why listen to people that actually attended the Epitaph shows when you can listen to someone that has watched YouTube videos? Oh, I forgot, we see Priest through "rose colored glasses". No, I actually know when someone is in pitch and when they aren't unlike others. Rob was not perfect in Hammond either, but he was damn close! The entire audience was in awe of Rob that night and that is a FACT! I talked to many people on the way out and they all said the same thing.
People ran up to me in Cleveland, because I was wearing my Painkiller tour shirt, to tell me that this is the best they have heard Rob since the Painkiller tour. For every person that Budred says thought Rob was struggling, I talked to at least 10 that thought he was incredible. I filmed Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland and Rob blew out the mic on my camera in several places. Anyone who has taped Priest at a show knows that the recorded version does not do them justice to actually hearing it live. But again, don't listen to the people that were AT the show, listen to the expert YouTube video reviewer telling us that Priest should pack it up.
Ever consider that people are not going to see Priest because they are listening to people that are bitching about them and saying they should quit even though they didn't go to a show?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:40:05 AM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:39:40 PM
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:26:19 PM
Head banger wrote:
dude start riding your bike now head south to windsor,cross to detroit and head west. Seatle is about a months ride away.
JD, beter get him early becase if he isnt in good shape now he sure as hell will be after that ride....
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hellrider,your so retarded this is all the post you get. lol.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is all bullshit. Yes Budred has a right to his opinion,as others do too but to critisize a 60 year old singer for not performing a flawless show is fucking retarded.
And a newsflash for Budred,Hellrider,Brain_Evans...I'm trying to find the article interview with Ian Hill when asked about the new CD....they asked him if it was heavy like the Painkiller album and Ian said NO,he said it is heavily in the vien of Angel Of Retibution so you might as well not hope for your "killer" Judas Priest album because your not getting it. Fans of Retribution have a much better chance at liking this new material.
You won't like this new material,and you won't like any live shows....looks like this band is just a nostalgia for you guys,you can still post on thier past performances and thier past albums though....yay.
(Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:50:02 AM)
Becks wrote:
Well said JD, I agree. If you expect a 60 year old to do something night after night a 25 year old would struggle with, you're setting yourself up for disappointment I reckon. And who cares about the off days, lets focus on the many 'on' days!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Since Rob's return they have Angel Of Retribution,at least that album is a classic Priest album and may not be thier very best but it kicks the living shit out of that pile of garbage album you love so damn much "Demolition" lol. It utterly baffles my brain,same as Hellrider hates the Screaming For Vengeance album but loves the shitty Turbo album but to each his own,just baffles my freakin brain.
And to say they haven't rocked the fuck out since Rob's return is utter bullshit. Since 2004 -2012 you think Rob hasn't had a few kick ass vocal performances? Thats retarded Budred,quit trying to be the diviant here,seems your just trying to get attention from the die hards here rather than focus on the spirit of the band here anymore.
And if you think Judas Priest should call it a day,then you wouldn't give a FUCK about the new CD.
For fucks sake this is so retarded all these people bitching about Rob's voice,on the King Diamond forum they don't bitch about the King when he has off night,on the Saxon forum they don't bitch when Biff has an off night,why is it such a serious subject when Rob struggles? Its fucking retarded,Budred he is 60 fucking years old and your still hoping he will rock out soon ect.....
give the guy a god damn break will you? Everybody else too please,just give the fuckin guy a god damn break!
I'm so sick an tired of hearing how much they suck,Rob sucks ,he can't sing anymore,they are too old,they can't sell out stadiums like Elvis if he were still alive...its all bullshit man,who in the fuck cares if Rob struggles from time to time,he does have "ON" nights too,but who cares....People should stop expecting this band to be 20 years old again.
If anyone thinks they are a fuckin "JOKE" at 60 years old wearing leather and struggling on vocals like a circus clown then they shouldn't be here,I don't think they are a Joke,I take this band very seriously.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:15:19 AM)
Budred wrote:
I didn't say "people" said Rob was struggling, I said from what I heard "I" thought Rob was struggling. I did
mention that some around me were laughing at him. I think part of the argument here is whether they were
perfect or not. Other than from Mushroomhead I've never heard a perfect performance. (That was a joke) but
seriously, when is anybody perfect. My whole gripe is that I've seen them perform so much better in the past
and that left me disappointed with the current show. I also mentioned that (for me) Richie changes their sound
and I don't like that. He's a great guitarist but Priest is different with him. Not everyone can share the same opinion
and mine only matters to me and if you guys really think Rob and or Priest was that great then so be it.
What I heard was subpar to me.
@ Headbanger
I do think that Judas should call it a day. The only reason that I'm curious about the new CD is because I still
have a desire to hear them rock the f#ck out, but, deep down I'm not expecting that. They haven't since Rob's
return but I can still have hope. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that any future enjoyment I get out of
Priest will most likely come from memories of the past.
Why listen to people that actually attended the Epitaph shows when you can listen to someone that has watched YouTube videos? Oh, I forgot, we see Priest through "rose colored glasses". No, I actually know when someone is in pitch and when they aren't unlike others. Rob was not perfect in Hammond either, but he was damn close! The entire audience was in awe of Rob that night and that is a FACT! I talked to many people on the way out and they all said the same thing.
People ran up to me in Cleveland, because I was wearing my Painkiller tour shirt, to tell me that this is the best they have heard Rob since the Painkiller tour. For every person that Budred says thought Rob was struggling, I talked to at least 10 that thought he was incredible. I filmed Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland and Rob blew out the mic on my camera in several places. Anyone who has taped Priest at a show knows that the recorded version does not do them justice to actually hearing it live. But again, don't listen to the people that were AT the show, listen to the expert YouTube video reviewer telling us that Priest should pack it up.
Ever consider that people are not going to see Priest because they are listening to people that are bitching about them and saying they should quit even though they didn't go to a show?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:40:05 AM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:39:40 PM
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:06:58 PM
Bring it on man!! Painkiller swagger with 3 axe attack!!!
(Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:30:42 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
(Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:32:53 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I just don't see many members here viewing everything Priest does through a rose tinted glass Jimmy. And thats just it Jimmy....Judas Priest doesn't "care" if only 3,000 people showed up,they "knew" that there wasn't going to be 25,000 plus in any city.
And "they guy who started the band" is the damn reason "Nostradamus" was "created"....if it were not for K.K. freaking Downing Nostradamus wouldn't of NEVER been written and instead we would of got a normal british heavy metal album,make no mistake about it....K.K. didn't leave because this band is declining ect.....have you ever thought that it was him who fucked the band up in the first place? Not many people do consider.....
I agree about the management milking shit and perhaps the band is at fault for this too I agree. This band isn't stupid,they want to tour and get cash I know that,if they didn't they would be a bunch of fuckin idiots right? But come on,do you think that the band members think they are going to strike it rich off a tour? NO.
They are playing to scrounge a few extra bucks yes but they are also enjoying themselves and are not only doing it for the cash,I'm sure if somebody did something they love doing for 40 years it would be hard to give up. And Priest never said they could pack in crowds by themselves,they know they can't,its not like they are acting like they actually "can" right?
I honestly belive that Guido,Spapad and Hot Rockin MetalGodess would not be giving this much credit to Rob's voice had he given a half assed performance on that individual show. His voice varies girlfriend Victoria saw the reunion tour 2004 and said he struggled a little,but when she saw the Retribution tour he was spot on and shocked her,yet the DVD Rising In The East from that same tour wasn't as good.
Over all he can't be consistant live because of age ect....but who cares,anyone showing up for a metal concert and expects the 60 year old lead vocalist to be perfect are kidding themselves.
(Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 1:42:21 AM)
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:46:45 AM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:33:13 PM Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:42:30 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:45:58 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:23:54 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:51:37 AM
And the moron speaks again.
You're so funny and have such a low brain capacity that you're not even worth the argument.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I'm starting to know your the idiot man. I'll mention your fuckin name as many times as I want to for fucks sake. Your entitled to your opinion,I just disagree with it so the fuck what. You said you think they should quit touring and hang it up from that Cleveland show alone,and from what I just heard I think your wacked in the fuckin brain,so fuckin what? Get over it.
Budred wrote:
I'm starting to think that you're an idiot man. I'm not bitching about anytjing. I keep
responding to my name being thrown out there. How many times do I have to say that
they were good just not as good as I've gotten used to and I don't care for the change
in sound from Richie. But I'm not bitching about it. I don't even care. There's plenty of
bands for me to watch and listen to. I don't need Priest that bad.
I didn't even respond to your last post and you mention me again. WTF.
If HRMG, Guido, Spa, Vail, or anybody liked that show then so be it. If they think it was
as good as the early stuff it's their right. I haven't tried to prove
my point to a single person so just stop mentioning my name and I'll stop replying.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
HOLT SHIT!!!!! "THAT" was from the Cleveland show? The one that Budred is bitching about???????? FUCK! That performance of Beyond the Realms Of Death is fucking awsome and no I'm not just saying this to be saying it,I'm not going to give Rob credit is he is struggling,at least on this song he kicks balls!
And I'm paying attention to his vocals very close from just this youtube video,like it must of been so much clear ect....fuckin A,what a performance by Rob especially at 60 man. Budred....WTF? I think Budred is just hearing something alltogether different in his brain because I'm hearing his voice never goes out or out of tune,fucking awsome thank you HRMG!!!!
From what I've heard from past live shows,usually when he is on he is on the whole night. That Cleveland show must of fucking been incredible HRMG!
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[Budred] Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:01:26 AM
And the moron speaks again.
You're so funny and have such a low brain capacity that you're not even worth the argument.
I'm starting to know your the idiot man. I'll mention your fuckin name as many times as I want to for fucks sake. Your entitled to your opinion,I just disagree with it so the fuck what. You said you think they should quit touring and hang it up from that Cleveland show alone,and from what I just heard I think your wacked in the fuckin brain,so fuckin what? Get over it.
Budred wrote:
I'm starting to think that you're an idiot man. I'm not bitching about anytjing. I keep
responding to my name being thrown out there. How many times do I have to say that
they were good just not as good as I've gotten used to and I don't care for the change
in sound from Richie. But I'm not bitching about it. I don't even care. There's plenty of
bands for me to watch and listen to. I don't need Priest that bad.
I didn't even respond to your last post and you mention me again. WTF.
If HRMG, Guido, Spa, Vail, or anybody liked that show then so be it. If they think it was
as good as the early stuff it's their right. I haven't tried to prove
my point to a single person so just stop mentioning my name and I'll stop replying.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
HOLT SHIT!!!!! "THAT" was from the Cleveland show? The one that Budred is bitching about???????? FUCK! That performance of Beyond the Realms Of Death is fucking awsome and no I'm not just saying this to be saying it,I'm not going to give Rob credit is he is struggling,at least on this song he kicks balls!
And I'm paying attention to his vocals very close from just this youtube video,like it must of been so much clear ect....fuckin A,what a performance by Rob especially at 60 man. Budred....WTF? I think Budred is just hearing something alltogether different in his brain because I'm hearing his voice never goes out or out of tune,fucking awsome thank you HRMG!!!!
From what I've heard from past live shows,usually when he is on he is on the whole night. That Cleveland show must of fucking been incredible HRMG!
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, January 20, 2012 11:50:36 PM
And I so hope that Priest goes to NZ so that you can Becks!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they do!
That is awesome HRMG, wow! I would give anything to see that live.
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[Becks] Friday, January 20, 2012 11:13:24 PM
That is awesome HRMG, wow! I would give anything to see that live.
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
HA, that flip in the middle of the film looked like something I would do.
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
HA, that flip in the middle of the film looked like something I would do.
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[Brian_Evans] Friday, January 20, 2012 6:11:53 PM
Got my fist to the screen man while listening to the mighty Painkiller!!!
Bring it on man!! Painkiller swagger with 3 axe attack!!!
(Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:30:42 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
(Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:32:53 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I just don't see many members here viewing everything Priest does through a rose tinted glass Jimmy. And thats just it Jimmy....Judas Priest doesn't "care" if only 3,000 people showed up,they "knew" that there wasn't going to be 25,000 plus in any city.
And "they guy who started the band" is the damn reason "Nostradamus" was "created"....if it were not for K.K. freaking Downing Nostradamus wouldn't of NEVER been written and instead we would of got a normal british heavy metal album,make no mistake about it....K.K. didn't leave because this band is declining ect.....have you ever thought that it was him who fucked the band up in the first place? Not many people do consider.....
I agree about the management milking shit and perhaps the band is at fault for this too I agree. This band isn't stupid,they want to tour and get cash I know that,if they didn't they would be a bunch of fuckin idiots right? But come on,do you think that the band members think they are going to strike it rich off a tour? NO.
They are playing to scrounge a few extra bucks yes but they are also enjoying themselves and are not only doing it for the cash,I'm sure if somebody did something they love doing for 40 years it would be hard to give up. And Priest never said they could pack in crowds by themselves,they know they can't,its not like they are acting like they actually "can" right?
I honestly belive that Guido,Spapad and Hot Rockin MetalGodess would not be giving this much credit to Rob's voice had he given a half assed performance on that individual show. His voice varies girlfriend Victoria saw the reunion tour 2004 and said he struggled a little,but when she saw the Retribution tour he was spot on and shocked her,yet the DVD Rising In The East from that same tour wasn't as good.
Over all he can't be consistant live because of age ect....but who cares,anyone showing up for a metal concert and expects the 60 year old lead vocalist to be perfect are kidding themselves.
(Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Tuesday, January 17, 2012 1:42:21 AM)
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:46:45 AM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:33:13 PM Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:42:30 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:45:58 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:23:54 PM
[spapad] Friday, January 20, 2012 5:17:35 PM
HA, that flip in the middle of the film looked like something I would do.
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, January 20, 2012 4:39:44 PM
I'm starting to know your the idiot man. I'll mention your fuckin name as many times as I want to for fucks sake. Your entitled to your opinion,I just disagree with it so the fuck what. You said you think they should quit touring and hang it up from that Cleveland show alone,and from what I just heard I think your wacked in the fuckin brain,so fuckin what? Get over it.
I'm starting to think that you're an idiot man. I'm not bitching about anytjing. I keep
responding to my name being thrown out there. How many times do I have to say that
they were good just not as good as I've gotten used to and I don't care for the change
in sound from Richie. But I'm not bitching about it. I don't even care. There's plenty of
bands for me to watch and listen to. I don't need Priest that bad.
I didn't even respond to your last post and you mention me again. WTF.
If HRMG, Guido, Spa, Vail, or anybody liked that show then so be it. If they think it was
as good as the early stuff it's their right. I haven't tried to prove
my point to a single person so just stop mentioning my name and I'll stop replying.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
HOLT SHIT!!!!! "THAT" was from the Cleveland show? The one that Budred is bitching about???????? FUCK! That performance of Beyond the Realms Of Death is fucking awsome and no I'm not just saying this to be saying it,I'm not going to give Rob credit is he is struggling,at least on this song he kicks balls!
And I'm paying attention to his vocals very close from just this youtube video,like it must of been so much clear ect....fuckin A,what a performance by Rob especially at 60 man. Budred....WTF? I think Budred is just hearing something alltogether different in his brain because I'm hearing his voice never goes out or out of tune,fucking awsome thank you HRMG!!!!
From what I've heard from past live shows,usually when he is on he is on the whole night. That Cleveland show must of fucking been incredible HRMG!
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[Budred] Friday, January 20, 2012 4:13:17 PM
I'm starting to think that you're an idiot man. I'm not bitching about anytjing. I keep
responding to my name being thrown out there. How many times do I have to say that
they were good just not as good as I've gotten used to and I don't care for the change
in sound from Richie. But I'm not bitching about it. I don't even care. There's plenty of
bands for me to watch and listen to. I don't need Priest that bad.
I didn't even respond to your last post and you mention me again. WTF.
If HRMG, Guido, Spa, Vail, or anybody liked that show then so be it. If they think it was
as good as the early stuff it's their right. I haven't tried to prove
my point to a single person so just stop mentioning my name and I'll stop replying. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, January 20, 2012 7:52:31 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
HOLT SHIT!!!!! "THAT" was from the Cleveland show? The one that Budred is bitching about???????? FUCK! That performance of Beyond the Realms Of Death is fucking awsome and no I'm not just saying this to be saying it,I'm not going to give Rob credit is he is struggling,at least on this song he kicks balls!
And I'm paying attention to his vocals very close from just this youtube video,like it must of been so much clear ect....fuckin A,what a performance by Rob especially at 60 man. Budred....WTF? I think Budred is just hearing something alltogether different in his brain because I'm hearing his voice never goes out or out of tune,fucking awsome thank you HRMG!!!!
From what I've heard from past live shows,usually when he is on he is on the whole night. That Cleveland show must of fucking been incredible HRMG!
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, January 20, 2012 11:58:54 AM
Yes, THAT was from the Cleveland show. You can tell how clear his voice is and it was like that all night long. He did miss a few things that night, but I stopped counting how many times my stomach dropped, my heart went into my throat and I got goosebumps! Hearing it live was just fucking unbelievable. BTROD is one of my all time favorite Priest songs and I wanted to record it on what may very well be the last Priest show I will ever see. We were dead center, second row. Budred was off to the right, by the speakers. He may have been hearing a lot of distortion from the speakers, that is very possible. But that's why I've been arguing so hard that I did NOT hear Rob struggling, and I have heard him struggle during other tours. This one, man, he was UNBELIEVABLE!
On another note, when I'm panning back to Rob after Glenn's solo, Richie catches me taping. Glenn was waiting for me to take a picture and Richie says to him "She's taping it". I hope you didnt mind boys, but I think this shows that Priest NAILED it that night!!
Sorry about my flipping the camera - this was the first time that I have ever video taped at a concert. I kept thinking that I was going to get busted, but they just kept letting me tape it [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, January 20, 2012 7:52:31 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
HOLT SHIT!!!!! "THAT" was from the Cleveland show? The one that Budred is bitching about???????? FUCK! That performance of Beyond the Realms Of Death is fucking awsome and no I'm not just saying this to be saying it,I'm not going to give Rob credit is he is struggling,at least on this song he kicks balls!
And I'm paying attention to his vocals very close from just this youtube video,like it must of been so much clear ect....fuckin A,what a performance by Rob especially at 60 man. Budred....WTF? I think Budred is just hearing something alltogether different in his brain because I'm hearing his voice never goes out or out of tune,fucking awsome thank you HRMG!!!!
From what I've heard from past live shows,usually when he is on he is on the whole night. That Cleveland show must of fucking been incredible HRMG!
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
Edited at: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:05:22 PM
[Head banger] Friday, January 20, 2012 8:27:57 AM
dude start riding your bike now head south to windsor,cross to detroit and head west. Seatle is about a months ride away.
JD, beter get him early becase if he isnt in good shape now he sure as hell will be after that ride.... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:08:51 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hellrider,your so retarded this is all the post you get. lol.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is all bullshit. Yes Budred has a right to his opinion,as others do too but to critisize a 60 year old singer for not performing a flawless show is fucking retarded.
And a newsflash for Budred,Hellrider,Brain_Evans...I'm trying to find the article interview with Ian Hill when asked about the new CD....they asked him if it was heavy like the Painkiller album and Ian said NO,he said it is heavily in the vien of Angel Of Retibution so you might as well not hope for your "killer" Judas Priest album because your not getting it. Fans of Retribution have a much better chance at liking this new material.
You won't like this new material,and you won't like any live shows....looks like this band is just a nostalgia for you guys,you can still post on thier past performances and thier past albums though....yay.
(Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:50:02 AM)
Becks wrote:
Well said JD, I agree. If you expect a 60 year old to do something night after night a 25 year old would struggle with, you're setting yourself up for disappointment I reckon. And who cares about the off days, lets focus on the many 'on' days!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Since Rob's return they have Angel Of Retribution,at least that album is a classic Priest album and may not be thier very best but it kicks the living shit out of that pile of garbage album you love so damn much "Demolition" lol. It utterly baffles my brain,same as Hellrider hates the Screaming For Vengeance album but loves the shitty Turbo album but to each his own,just baffles my freakin brain.
And to say they haven't rocked the fuck out since Rob's return is utter bullshit. Since 2004 -2012 you think Rob hasn't had a few kick ass vocal performances? Thats retarded Budred,quit trying to be the diviant here,seems your just trying to get attention from the die hards here rather than focus on the spirit of the band here anymore.
And if you think Judas Priest should call it a day,then you wouldn't give a FUCK about the new CD.
For fucks sake this is so retarded all these people bitching about Rob's voice,on the King Diamond forum they don't bitch about the King when he has off night,on the Saxon forum they don't bitch when Biff has an off night,why is it such a serious subject when Rob struggles? Its fucking retarded,Budred he is 60 fucking years old and your still hoping he will rock out soon ect.....
give the guy a god damn break will you? Everybody else too please,just give the fuckin guy a god damn break!
I'm so sick an tired of hearing how much they suck,Rob sucks ,he can't sing anymore,they are too old,they can't sell out stadiums like Elvis if he were still alive...its all bullshit man,who in the fuck cares if Rob struggles from time to time,he does have "ON" nights too,but who cares....People should stop expecting this band to be 20 years old again.
If anyone thinks they are a fuckin "JOKE" at 60 years old wearing leather and struggling on vocals like a circus clown then they shouldn't be here,I don't think they are a Joke,I take this band very seriously.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:15:19 AM)
Budred wrote:
I didn't say "people" said Rob was struggling, I said from what I heard "I" thought Rob was struggling. I did
mention that some around me were laughing at him. I think part of the argument here is whether they were
perfect or not. Other than from Mushroomhead I've never heard a perfect performance. (That was a joke) but
seriously, when is anybody perfect. My whole gripe is that I've seen them perform so much better in the past
and that left me disappointed with the current show. I also mentioned that (for me) Richie changes their sound
and I don't like that. He's a great guitarist but Priest is different with him. Not everyone can share the same opinion
and mine only matters to me and if you guys really think Rob and or Priest was that great then so be it.
What I heard was subpar to me.
@ Headbanger
I do think that Judas should call it a day. The only reason that I'm curious about the new CD is because I still
have a desire to hear them rock the f#ck out, but, deep down I'm not expecting that. They haven't since Rob's
return but I can still have hope. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that any future enjoyment I get out of
Priest will most likely come from memories of the past.
Why listen to people that actually attended the Epitaph shows when you can listen to someone that has watched YouTube videos? Oh, I forgot, we see Priest through "rose colored glasses". No, I actually know when someone is in pitch and when they aren't unlike others. Rob was not perfect in Hammond either, but he was damn close! The entire audience was in awe of Rob that night and that is a FACT! I talked to many people on the way out and they all said the same thing.
People ran up to me in Cleveland, because I was wearing my Painkiller tour shirt, to tell me that this is the best they have heard Rob since the Painkiller tour. For every person that Budred says thought Rob was struggling, I talked to at least 10 that thought he was incredible. I filmed Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland and Rob blew out the mic on my camera in several places. Anyone who has taped Priest at a show knows that the recorded version does not do them justice to actually hearing it live. But again, don't listen to the people that were AT the show, listen to the expert YouTube video reviewer telling us that Priest should pack it up.
Ever consider that people are not going to see Priest because they are listening to people that are bitching about them and saying they should quit even though they didn't go to a show?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:40:05 AM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:39:40 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, January 20, 2012 7:52:31 AM
HOLT SHIT!!!!! "THAT" was from the Cleveland show? The one that Budred is bitching about???????? FUCK! That performance of Beyond the Realms Of Death is fucking awsome and no I'm not just saying this to be saying it,I'm not going to give Rob credit is he is struggling,at least on this song he kicks balls!
And I'm paying attention to his vocals very close from just this youtube video,like it must of been so much clear ect....fuckin A,what a performance by Rob especially at 60 man. Budred....WTF? I think Budred is just hearing something alltogether different in his brain because I'm hearing his voice never goes out or out of tune,fucking awsome thank you HRMG!!!!
From what I've heard from past live shows,usually when he is on he is on the whole night. That Cleveland show must of fucking been incredible HRMG!
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[Eternal Betrayer] Friday, January 20, 2012 3:17:17 AM
IMO, your opinion is correct HRMG - that was an excellent performance by the whole band, not just by Rob who showed no sign of struggling (even more so when you consider he's 60 now).
All hail the mighty Priest!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, January 20, 2012 12:28:56 AM)
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, January 20, 2012 12:28:56 AM
I wasn't going to put this on YouTube because I flipped the camera just before Glenn's solo, but then I decided to anyway. This is Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland, OH. Rob IS NOT struggling, IMO.
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:08:51 PM
HEEEELLLLLLLLLLLRRRRRRRIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEERRRRRRRRR WILL DO IT FOR YOU [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, January 19, 2012 3:32:53 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hellrider,your so retarded this is all the post you get. lol.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is all bullshit. Yes Budred has a right to his opinion,as others do too but to critisize a 60 year old singer for not performing a flawless show is fucking retarded.
And a newsflash for Budred,Hellrider,Brain_Evans...I'm trying to find the article interview with Ian Hill when asked about the new CD....they asked him if it was heavy like the Painkiller album and Ian said NO,he said it is heavily in the vien of Angel Of Retibution so you might as well not hope for your "killer" Judas Priest album because your not getting it. Fans of Retribution have a much better chance at liking this new material.
You won't like this new material,and you won't like any live shows....looks like this band is just a nostalgia for you guys,you can still post on thier past performances and thier past albums though....yay.
(Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 11:50:02 AM)
Becks wrote:
Well said JD, I agree. If you expect a 60 year old to do something night after night a 25 year old would struggle with, you're setting yourself up for disappointment I reckon. And who cares about the off days, lets focus on the many 'on' days!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Since Rob's return they have Angel Of Retribution,at least that album is a classic Priest album and may not be thier very best but it kicks the living shit out of that pile of garbage album you love so damn much "Demolition" lol. It utterly baffles my brain,same as Hellrider hates the Screaming For Vengeance album but loves the shitty Turbo album but to each his own,just baffles my freakin brain.
And to say they haven't rocked the fuck out since Rob's return is utter bullshit. Since 2004 -2012 you think Rob hasn't had a few kick ass vocal performances? Thats retarded Budred,quit trying to be the diviant here,seems your just trying to get attention from the die hards here rather than focus on the spirit of the band here anymore.
And if you think Judas Priest should call it a day,then you wouldn't give a FUCK about the new CD.
For fucks sake this is so retarded all these people bitching about Rob's voice,on the King Diamond forum they don't bitch about the King when he has off night,on the Saxon forum they don't bitch when Biff has an off night,why is it such a serious subject when Rob struggles? Its fucking retarded,Budred he is 60 fucking years old and your still hoping he will rock out soon ect.....
give the guy a god damn break will you? Everybody else too please,just give the fuckin guy a god damn break!
I'm so sick an tired of hearing how much they suck,Rob sucks ,he can't sing anymore,they are too old,they can't sell out stadiums like Elvis if he were still alive...its all bullshit man,who in the fuck cares if Rob struggles from time to time,he does have "ON" nights too,but who cares....People should stop expecting this band to be 20 years old again.
If anyone thinks they are a fuckin "JOKE" at 60 years old wearing leather and struggling on vocals like a circus clown then they shouldn't be here,I don't think they are a Joke,I take this band very seriously.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:15:19 AM)
Budred wrote:
I didn't say "people" said Rob was struggling, I said from what I heard "I" thought Rob was struggling. I did
mention that some around me were laughing at him. I think part of the argument here is whether they were
perfect or not. Other than from Mushroomhead I've never heard a perfect performance. (That was a joke) but
seriously, when is anybody perfect. My whole gripe is that I've seen them perform so much better in the past
and that left me disappointed with the current show. I also mentioned that (for me) Richie changes their sound
and I don't like that. He's a great guitarist but Priest is different with him. Not everyone can share the same opinion
and mine only matters to me and if you guys really think Rob and or Priest was that great then so be it.
What I heard was subpar to me.
@ Headbanger
I do think that Judas should call it a day. The only reason that I'm curious about the new CD is because I still
have a desire to hear them rock the f#ck out, but, deep down I'm not expecting that. They haven't since Rob's
return but I can still have hope. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that any future enjoyment I get out of
Priest will most likely come from memories of the past.
Why listen to people that actually attended the Epitaph shows when you can listen to someone that has watched YouTube videos? Oh, I forgot, we see Priest through "rose colored glasses". No, I actually know when someone is in pitch and when they aren't unlike others. Rob was not perfect in Hammond either, but he was damn close! The entire audience was in awe of Rob that night and that is a FACT! I talked to many people on the way out and they all said the same thing.
People ran up to me in Cleveland, because I was wearing my Painkiller tour shirt, to tell me that this is the best they have heard Rob since the Painkiller tour. For every person that Budred says thought Rob was struggling, I talked to at least 10 that thought he was incredible. I filmed Beyond The Realms Of Death in Cleveland and Rob blew out the mic on my camera in several places. Anyone who has taped Priest at a show knows that the recorded version does not do them justice to actually hearing it live. But again, don't listen to the people that were AT the show, listen to the expert YouTube video reviewer telling us that Priest should pack it up.
Ever consider that people are not going to see Priest because they are listening to people that are bitching about them and saying they should quit even though they didn't go to a show?
guidogodoy wrote:
Now which is it, JJ? First you rip on Vail because she is apparently too young to have any sort of valid judgement when she says that she really liked a show or two. Then, when some of us "old folks" who have seen Priest MANY more times than you call bullshit on your comments for a concert you haven't even seen, you claim that we are also wrong. WTF?! Do I need to have an internet radio show once a week to say what I like and what I don't? Sorry, I was only the host of a real metal radio show back in the 90s. Too old to count in your book, I guess.
HRMG said it perfectly well. I have given up entire summer vacations to following Priest and, like any band, they have good nights and bad ones. Wish I had the interview at hand when Rob says that he tries to give it his all at every show but that, sometimes, his vocal chords didn't permit. KK said the same when he commented on some of his ad-libs. Sometimes they work and sometimes the whole band rolls their eyes at him. All we (or, I, at least) have said was that HAMMOND was a killer show! Sold-out crowd to interact with a magical and spot-on performance. While I was also in Detroit, I agree that Hammond was the one that should have been recorded. It was pure magic. I cannot and DO not claim the same for even the Montreal, Detroit, Nashville shows last time around.
Keep on promoting your radio show, buddy. Listing tracks and talking smack about what you haven't experienced seems to be your forté.
jimmyjames wrote:
I should be here as much as anyone else. I just don't view everything they do through rose tinted glasses like some here do. When I see my once favourite band in decline to such an extent that the guy who started the band wants out I'm going to speak up. I don't need to list again the the amount of rip offs this band has perpetrated and their lazy approach to producing new, quality material. If metal hadn't made a resurgence in the late 90s there's no way they would have "buried the hatchet to get out there and play for the fans". Since 04 it's been "look, we don't have to like each other but if we just keep getting out there and doing shows we can milk this". The real reason they are "only going to do the odd festival gig" from now on is because there's 20 other bands there to drag the audience in. They can't do it on their own. If you were one of the biggest names in metal and you're playing a city the size of Cleveland and 3000 turn up it's time to pack it in.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You think that there are 25,000 cult followers in Cleveland? You think this band are as popular as Iron Maiden in 2012? Obviously NO. Priest are lucky to have even 3,000 in Cleveland. Jimmy does speak a lot of truths but he is not always right.
If the band suck this bad he shouldn't even be here. I've even said when Rob sings Painkiller it sounds like an animal being tortured but I think its funny and am not bothered by it,it seems other people fucking HATE the band so bad over it and all because of a stupid live perfomance. Get over it people!
Maybe Priest should set up a refund for fans that were disappointed as you were from your first post responding to the Cleveland show Budred,that way you could get back your hard earned money since you didn't think it was worth it and since its the last time you will ever see Priest live again regardless if they came again or not.
If my stomach wasn't all fucked up in October I would of went to the show and enjoyed every bit of it because of the "spirit" of Judas Priest as a "cult follower". My rants are because they are not putting out enough studio albums,I don't want them to quit,I want them to keep going and I don't care if thier performance struggles,its not like they totally "suck" live,just a few flaws so what.
I'm glad you enjoyed 70 % of these metal bands you saw live over the years your right its a matter of opinion,you think 70% of these metal bands are worthy,I do not. But that doesn't make me right and you wrong.
(Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:25:08 AM)
Budred wrote:
Live show for cult followers, that may explain why only 3000 out of 25,000 showed up in Cleveland.
I wasn't expecting Rob to sound like he did in 1980 (and he didn't disappoint) and I do judge bands on
their live performances. To me when they suck live they usually suck. As for no one worth seeing
that's just a matter of opinion. There may not be many classic British metal bands but there are plenty
of metal bands out there worth checking out. I've been lucky enough to see over 100 bands the last two
years and I've enjoyed at least 70 percent of them. Anyway, to each his own, and lastly, Jimmy may be a
smartass but he speaks alot of truths. Most just don't want to face them. Peace all! Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:27:57 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 15, 2012 12:34:17 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:40:05 AM
Edited at: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:39:40 PM
[Brian_Evans] Thursday, January 19, 2012 12:39:52 PM
Yeah man i've been suggesting for a while now on thiis site that the band needed some new blood and maybe a third guitarist and now part of it's happening with Richie Faulkner.
If Downing decided to come back and they kept Richie on board with a new cd inspired by Painkiller it would be drop dead killer.
I think Priest were seriously going to consider calling it a day after this tour (hence the "Epitaph" title of it), and the exit of K.K has, in a funny sort of way, revitalised the band.
Firstly, it appears to have spurred both Rob & Glenn to write, and then record some new material (along with Scott & Ian), somewhere between K.K. announcing he was retiring & the tour actually starting.
I'm not entirely sure whether this was another reason for K.K. going - because he either didn't want to continue writing new material or, as has been mentioned several times before, the material Rob & Glenn wanted to write wasn't the direction K.K. wanted to go with.
Anyway, secondly, the introduction of Richie Faulkner does seem to have been the kick up the backside that perhaps the band needed.
At last the band have some fresh input & energy that they can all feed on, which explains why they're talking about a new album & those songs recorded before the tour started have been held back so that Richie can add his magic to them.
I think that anyone wishing to make a truly educated judgement on the current standard of the band's live performances needs to see them, certainly, more than once on this tour.
I saw them three times in a row in the U.K at Wolverhampton, London (High Voltage Festival), plus lastly at Bournemouth & for me they just got better & better.
Rob was definately back to his chatting between songs & screaming his lungs out best (when compared to previous / recent tours).
My favourite quote from Richie is that he sees himself as now trying to keep JP going for another ten years... and good luck to him.
Personally, I'm looking forward to a new album, and even more so to their return to the Hammersmith Apollo on May 26th.
Edited at: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:50:39 AM
[You Don't Know What It's Like!] Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:48:03 AM
I think Priest were seriously going to consider calling it a day after this tour (hence the "Epitaph" title of it), and the exit of K.K has, in a funny sort of way, revitalised the band.
Firstly, it appears to have spurred both Rob & Glenn to write, and then record some new material (along with Scott & Ian), somewhere between K.K. announcing he was retiring & the tour actually starting.
I'm not entirely sure whether this was another reason for K.K. going - because he either didn't want to continue writing new material or, as has been mentioned several times before, the material Rob & Glenn wanted to write wasn't the direction K.K. wanted to go with.
Anyway, secondly, the introduction of Richie Faulkner does seem to have been the kick up the backside that perhaps the band needed.
At last the band have some fresh input & energy that they can all feed on, which explains why they're talking about a new album & those songs recorded before the tour started have been held back so that Richie can add his magic to them.
I think that anyone wishing to make a truly educated judgement on the current standard of the band's live performances needs to see them, certainly, more than once on this tour.
I saw them three times in a row in the U.K at Wolverhampton, London (High Voltage Festival), plus lastly at Bournemouth & for me they just got better & better.
Rob was definately back to his chatting between songs & screaming his lungs out best (when compared to previous / recent tours).
My favourite quote from Richie is that he sees himself as now trying to keep JP going for another ten years... and good luck to him.
Personally, I'm looking forward to a new album, and even more so to their return to the Hammersmith Apollo on May 26th.