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Who's harder?


[ron h] Sunday, August 03, 2008 5:13:42 AM 
[RFenne] Sunday, August 03, 2008 4:01:47 AM 

I must admit that I dont listen to Motorhead, I have only heard "Ace Of Spades" (Which rules of course)

But Iron Maiden is a band that has a hell lot of great songs. I was on the consert in Lerkendal in Norway, and I must say that they delivered as Hell!!

Go Maiden

[allegiance] Sunday, August 03, 2008 2:48:19 AM 
[alecs56] Saturday, August 02, 2008 9:39:37 PM 
[silverpriest] Saturday, August 02, 2008 6:26:43 AM 

Maiden and Motorhead are both great metal bands that have stood the test of time.  I feel Maiden has more          intricate songs but Motorhead has that in your face metal feel.  But if I had to choose it would be Maiden. Vocals range and power dominate what I listen to.  That is why Priest is still and will always be the GODS!!


[judaspriestlass] Friday, August 01, 2008 7:56:02 PM 
Motorhead for me.  True gutsy hardcore metal band.  Saw them liveat mainstreet, Auckland many years ago and it was a memorable gig.   But neither come even close to my love forJP. My second fav band would haveto beAC/DC especially Bon Scott stuff. Hail Bon!!
[EriktheRed9] Friday, August 01, 2008 2:30:37 PM 
[Diamonds & Ross] Friday, August 01, 2008 1:33:50 PM 
Well Soylent, I sure wish I could see them this time around,
but I'm out here in Victoria. The Priest/Testament gig was
good enough to satisfy my metal appetite for quite a while...
[Soylentgreen4u] Friday, August 01, 2008 12:00:12 AM 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Diamonds & Ross from Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:20:44 PM)
[Diamonds & Ross] Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:20:44 PM 
Saw Motorhead back in the early 80's
at an old Masonic Temple in Toronto.
My ears still bleed when I think about
that night...
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:25:36 PM 
[Phantom A6] Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:29:01 PM 
Nothin' against Motörhead but for me it's Iron Maiden.
[PointOfEntry66] Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:03:33 AM 
I love iron maiden but  i can't stand Motorhead.
[crypticangle] Friday, July 18, 2008 7:10:59 AM 
Iron Maiden for Flight Of Icarus & Motorhead for Ace Of Spades.
[boltneck77] Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:05:58 AM 

Both are great bands and rightly respected by most metal fans..............When push comes to shove its Motorhead for me....coz they do shit loads of small gigs as well as the bigger ones

[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3:58:34 AM 

I think both bands kick ass.  IMHO, Iron Maiden writes better songs and their musicanship puts Motorhead (and a gazillion other bands) to shame.  What's so cool about Motorhead, is they just don't give a fuck about anything else, they're going to write songs that come straight for your face like an Iron Fist.

On an Iron Horse he rides!

[Metal god/Electric eye! [Banned]] Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:05:44 AM 

They can both run to the hills .If i wanted to talk about maiden A prettty name i"ll go to Sherwood forest ,I signed up to talk Priest Get a grip on the action MOVING heaven and earth Get lost maiden.!

[dambanker] Monday, June 23, 2008 10:32:05 PM 
Who's harder...that most times is hard to define.

Who do I like better....Maiden!!
But I'm stoked to see Motorhead again.
[Pupak0o] Monday, June 23, 2008 3:56:34 PM 
[Bodomizer] Monday, June 23, 2008 3:39:45 PM 
Maiden all the way - no question.
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