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[Before The Rage] Monday, January 25, 2010 3:29:01 AM 
Hey. What's been pissing me off for months now is that my ex-best friend is in a relationship with my little sister after I told him that I was uncomfortable with him talking to her. Oh yeah, and he married a chick who immigrated here 1 1/2 year ago, I'm guessing. I was friends with him while he still had the hots for his wife and it hurts to think he thinks the same things about my little sister now. Everyone in my family thinks I should just wait it out because it will end eventually, but my feelings are very strong about the situation! My sister would hate me if I did anything to her boyfriend. I don't know what to do :(
[guidogodoy] Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:20:11 PM 
WHAT?!? They split?!?

I am too busy listening to music and watching the damn AUSSIE OPEN to have noticed!!! Djokovic is up, Bev. Tell mom.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:16:30 PM)
[Becks] Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:16:30 PM 
I'm pissed off that the supposed Brad and Angelina split is in the top half of the news hour. WTF?! I don't care!!!
[guidogodoy] Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:24:56 PM 
Not if you saw the ground around here. Pure mud. That concrete slab idea is a great one, though. Pictures to follow and nothing doing until thaw anyway. I only say that the tiles / slab idea is better because I have an A-frame house. French drain installed a few feet down and I don't want to hit it as it cost a fortune to install.

Great ideas, though. Thanx. I have to take pix. Not true PVC but that black plastic stuff. PVC or CPVC would have been harder to fix. This is just a pain in the arse!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:43:31 PM)
[spapad] Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:12:03 PM 
He'd need painkiller the song to accomplish that mighty task, and painkillers the next day when places he forgot he had ache!
That's what? At least 25 yards to dig two feet deep, and if his property is like mine you can't dig more than a spade deep when you hit a bunch of rocks. Nope, need a backhoe!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:07:05 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, January 24, 2010 8:07:05 PM 
hey spapad just needs a dose of MIGHTY PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINKILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLER that dirt would go flying then he lifts the shovel in the air with both his hands and tilts his head back and feels the power.AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.HELL YEAH
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:43:31 PM)
[spapad] Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:43:31 PM 
Best suggestion is what hellrider said. Bury it deep. About 2 feet at least. That way it will be deep enough to be protected from freezing, as well as certain furry excavators.  P.S. You will need to borrow a backhoe from a friend or rent one to accomplish that.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:17:03 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:34:16 PM just bury it deeper then .maybe if you have any old concrete patio slabs you can cover the piping with them to.i had a beagal   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:17:03 PM)
Edited at: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:35:50 PM
[guidogodoy] Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:17:03 PM 
Nope. Well system here and the water is too base. Rusts out metal like nothing. HAS to be PVC. I basically redid the entire house in it as I live in the country and have no desire to go onto city water.

Nice suggestion, though.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:05:59 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:05:59 PM 
you must instaled plastic piping .maybe you would have been better off with MEEETTT   TTTAAALLL or copper and MEEETTT   TTTAAALLL sprinkler or burying the piping long is the will laugh about it latter
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:56:03 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:56:03 PM 
I'll have to post a pic of it. I buried it some 4 inches deep and the furry devil dug up and chewed up a good eight feet! That is not to mention the actual sprinkler heads that he has been destroying one by one.

Dogicide? Caninicide? What is the proper term?! Grrrrrrr.....
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Saturday, January 23, 2010 6:57:47 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, January 23, 2010 6:57:47 PM 
.sorry to hear guido.. it can all be fixed man.years from now or even months you will laugh about it.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:01:29 AM)
[Heavy Mike] Saturday, January 23, 2010 4:22:29 PM 
I used to be part of the Classic Van Halen website but for some reason i can't back on beacause i have change my email address and they think i still have my old email email address and i don't i have a new one. I have tried to tell the webmaster and the administration with no results. Does anybody out their could help me back on line i would appreciate it.
[spapad] Saturday, January 23, 2010 4:14:16 PM 
Just think Guid, you'll look back and laugh at this someday! lol If Calvin and Lucy were in a backyard together there would be a giant pit as they dug their way to China.   She's the biggest digger, and SHE is NOT after anything! She just likes to dig. I still love her though.
Dirty paws and all. lol

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:01:29 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 23, 2010 1:17:02 PM 
About 15 years ago, we had a pitbull named Sirus. Got him when he was a little, tiny puppy. When he got bigger, that damn dog would eat anything and I mean ANYTHING. He ate the handle off my barbeque, a couple empty beer cans..even a dinner plate! Yes, that's right! A dinner plate!!!! Seriously. Didn't hurt him, though..amazingly enough. Never seen anything like it in my life! He ended up being taken by my neighbor when we moved to Calif. Not too long after, I heard that he ran away.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:00:28 PM)
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:00:28 PM 
When they want something, there is just no stopping them! It's a good thing you love him so much Guido! I still don't get why he went after the sprinkler line...... must have smelled like something GOOD!
My German Shepherd never was a chewer once he got out of his puppy phase. We give him the little tiny rawhide twists because he is too lazy to chew the big ones!! Just picture it, a big German Shepherd with a little tiny rawhide twist meant for 10-20 pound dogs! It's embarrassing really, but what are you gonna do?

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:01:29 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:31:13 AM 
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!  You know where that DOESN'T happen??? MY house!! (NO dogs) HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:01:29 AM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:01:29 AM 
Damn shoe muncher!!!!

He came in with filthy paws last night showing that he was up to his usual digging madness. After half an hour cleaning them, he spends half the night barking as he wanted to go out and finish the job. I am thinking moles or voles or some sort of animal but in the light of day, I see the focus of his damn sprinkler line!! Furry bastard dug up half of what took me days to install chewing up great sections of it.

Anyone want a dog? BASTARD!!!!
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, January 23, 2010 10:19:56 AM 
That is what I was going to suggest Joe - to have your kids put away the things that are most important to them and make them "off limits" to children who come over and do not respect their things. I tend to be the type of parent that jumps right in and takes things away if they are not being played with appropriately. Of course, if the little darling grabs it and throws it right away it's hard to get there in time. If you enforce your rules in your own home, this child will start to follow your rules. She may not like you at first because I have a feeling that discipline is a new thing for her but she will respond in the end. You have to be the parent and let this kid know that you will expect her to follow your rules in your home. All kids want to know what their boundaries are - they may not like them, but they don't know what to do if they don't have established rules. I have two boys and let's just say things can get a little wild when their friends come over and a bunch of boys run around the house! They all know that I mean what I say and they listen when I tell them to stop doing something. I always try to explain why I don't want them doing whatever so they know that there is a REASON and I'm not just saying it to ruin their fun. Once they hear the reason I can see the little light go on in their heads and they understand why they shouldn't do this or that.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by joedraper from Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:19:01 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:34:32 AM 
I understand completely, my dear. That is why I suggested that you make it about YOU and not about their child, per se. By explaining that YOU are not able to afford replacement of items, you shift the focus away from their "little darling" and onto yourself. In this manner, they are forced to see that they are a "burden" on their friend who is only trying to make it in this world and provide for her children, just as they are. It invokes a "sympathetic response", as it were.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by joedraper from Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:19:01 AM)
[joedraper] Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:19:01 AM 

Thank you for sound advice Freeze.
These are friends we've known for a while and they do sort of just drop by unnanounced. I guess that I need to open my mouth more. It looks to me like they just switch off from this kid and don't see her destructiveness. Also she is the only kid in her household so she has no manners, politenes or know how of respecting others stuff. I've reached a stage now where I will try to be polite but assertive and if they don't stop her trashing my kids stuff then I will. I've just finished cleaning out Zoey's toy box and it looks all neat now and I'm telling them to put away the toys that are nearest and dearest to them that they don't want other kids to play with.

I do however wish that parents took more responsibility for their kids and disciplined them more. I'm not talkinig about beating them senseless, I'm talking about making them understand why they can't go around doing some of the things they do.. or am I perhaps too strict a parent? I thought I was pretty lenient on my brood lol... And yet they don't trash other kids things?

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:02:43 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:02:43 AM 
Well joe, my suggestion would be to simply NOT invite them over to your home. (They do ASK first, right??) If they are the kind of friend that just "comes over" unannounced, then they feel "close" enough to you to do so. If that is the case, I would simply explain to your friends that you are on a limited budget and cannot afford to replace the items that are destroyed.  (Of course, they should have offered to pay for the items then and there but that's another story.)

People that have children have responsibilities. When ignored, this is a HUGE reason we have the Kirby Lance's and Darryn's of this Board. People that do not have respect for others and never learned manners and decency. If these "friends" of yours refuse to accept the job of teaching their children manners and respect, you need to be more assertive in what is allowed in your home. That is YOUR responsibility!  Will they be offended? Possibly. It is all in how you broach the subject. If they are the kind of people that feel their kid can "do no wrong", you are better off NOT having them around anyway.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by joedraper from Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:35:56 AM)
[joedraper] Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:35:56 AM 
People who cannot control their children. Um.. ok try keep up with me here, we have these friends ok.. who should NOT have had a kid in the first place but are busy having their second one now. Anyways, yesterday they come over and their kid, aged 3 totally destroys a doll of Zoey's. She bashed it on a concrete floor, ripped it while trying to get it out of a pram and pretty much destroyed it. This doll cost us R450 (not sure what that is in $ or pounds but it's a lot here for a toy. Zoey loves this doll, she walks around 'feeding' it, putting it to sleep, taking it for walks in her dolly pram etc. This doll has face movement, cries, speaks etc. She's had it for some time and this, this creature just destroys it! So this refreshed me that on Christmas day the same couple visited and their little monster picked up Zakk's brand new remote control car and threw it on the floor. The car never worked again after that. The boy had literally  just unwrapped it. So that is two very important things to my children that this thing has now destroyed. She also has a horrible habiit of chewing Zoey's lumpy elephant's trunk (usually when she has a cold so if I don't get it away from her in time she chews it and that's just gross!) She also chewed Zoey's sunglasses. WTF? 

The kid cannot talk without whining, has no concept of sharing or just being quiet. Now, my children do get up to their fair amount of shit but they DO NOT, NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL destroy someone elses property just for the fun of it. If I do happen to catch my kids doing something that I think is inapropriate, they get discaplined. The respect their stuff and everyone elses. Why should my kids suffer because of their uneducated

Zakk is getting his drums tomorrow and if this child (or any other) goes anywhere near them it will cost a friendship.
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:57:15 AM 
Pissing me off at the moment? The Australian Open (tennis) is on live with two great matches, 4am here and I have to work in a couple of hours! Odds bodkins!
[acolyte55] Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:26:27 PM 
tell me about the " public" i get them after they have been drinking , i have seen people with a much higher level of education than myself completely LOSE IT when imbibing its like htey have had there common sense ripped from their body along with their social conciensce SHEEEESH , however it does make for some funny stories    lol, like the guy  who phoned looking for his brother and when i asked what he looked like to identify him he replied over the phone " LIKE ME ONLY SHORTER i hung up!!
[Necroticist] Tuesday, January 19, 2010 2:18:02 AM 
U may have heard me moan about the guy upstairs b4 - fookin drug dealing asshole - i'm off to the local authorities and police in about 30 mins...well overstepped the mark - i expect to be arrested so if i don't see ya for a bit y'all take care. (It's 2 choices - they do summat or i cripple messing). Laterz.
[Justin Kenny] Monday, January 18, 2010 5:45:10 PM 
Holy fuckoli!!!!!    O_O    Well....there's ONE thing NOT to do when you go out on a date, eh???     I hope she thought enough to include THAT tidbit of advice...
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Friday, January 15, 2010 2:01:29 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:18:55 AM 
Yeah, I like that show too. Its funny how terribly uneducated so many people are..(um, the aforementioned "public"..?) I will readily admit that I have missed a question or two so I guess I could possibly find myself in need of that "shout out" but, by and large, the questions are not all that difficult. I can assure you that I know the difference between "Warren" and "Jimmy"....

I have always enjoyed "Jeopardy", although that is a level or two above. I find that I do well in certain categories and rather awfully in others. I guess I don't really need to be the kind of person that knows THAT much useless crap.  HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:00:43 PM)
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, January 17, 2010 1:09:57 AM 
HA! Poor dude. Is it still snowing overthere? At least he didn't pass out outside.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Sunday, January 17, 2010 1:05:13 AM)
[Necroticist] Sunday, January 17, 2010 1:05:13 AM 
Slightly miffed yes, son crawled in at 3.45 am...not much fun holding the drunken sods head out of the toilet...this is after the 2 o'clock phone call assuring us he wouldn't be home...o boy i am gonna play on this one...hehe..
[guidogodoy] Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:00:43 PM 
I wished I were in New York today. I'd clean UP in "Cash Cab!" LOL!!!! Someone choked on a "Warren Buffet" question today confusing him with Mr. Margaritaville?! Yeah, both have lots of money but stlll.

Any of you can use me as you mobile shout out.....
Edited at: Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:01:27 PM
[Head banger] Saturday, January 16, 2010 1:51:38 PM 
Hey, where can I get a flying rat fart?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:20:57 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:29:07 AM 

BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, don't even get me started on those two. Talk about ridculous! To this day I marvel at how they ever became "famous". Perhaps I am too shallow to "get it"..?? A couple manufacture a butt-load of screaming kids and make millions showing the,,*ahem**, public what they do all day. Marvelous!

I actually saw that Jon guy comment ON CAMERA that, "Well..umm, I got four tattoos"....  "Uhh..that's why the guys in my car club call me the Cruiser..." HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

 [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:24:41 AM)

Edited at: Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:30:31 AM
[guidogodoy] Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:24:41 AM 
Personally, I am too caught up in the Jon and Kate plus eight fiasco to care. HAAAAAAAA!!! Did I even spell their names right?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:20:57 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:20:57 AM 
Speaking of being really PISSED off....Here's today's installment;

What is going on in this world??? I mean, is all of this Late Night Talk Show Host crap really news??!?!?!?! REALLY???!?!??!?!?!?? What the hell?? Why is this such a huge deal? WHO gives a flying rat fart? I mean, are people's lives THAT empty? Is this really all that important to so many people? It is no wonder I find the "buying public" to be such a collection of nimrods!

With all that happens in this world on a daily basis, I just cannot begin to understand how something so completely unimportant has become such a HUGE news event. Neither one of these guys are all that great, anyway! Leno is a washed up, ex-comedian that has not written an ORIGINAL joke in nearly twenty years and was never really funny to begin with, and O'Brien is about as innocuous as a television "personality" can get!!! Certainly NEITHER one is Carson! The mere fact that there are enough human beings in this world that actually care enough about this to make it news confirms my previous comment regarding the public.
[jimmyjames] Friday, January 15, 2010 2:01:29 AM 
Hopefully this doesn't happen when you get there.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:21:37 PM)
[spapad] Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:21:37 PM 
What is pissing me off is I am gettin sick. I know I won't feel like going to work tomorrow but tomorrow is pay day and I hand out the checks. I will at least have to drag my sickly ass out of bed long enough to go to work and try to work half a day and then I wont be able to burn a Vacation day on that day, I'll just have to take the cut, because you cant get even a half day's pay at my job until you have been sick for 3 days and have a Dr.'s excuse! My work policies suck! I had better work benefits as a waitress at a country club than I have at this stupid job. So, I'll go to work sick and  pissed off.
[K2M] Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:12:23 PM 
I have my old cathode tv next to my HD  i watch them both at the same time. I watch old shows and the cathode give me a great picture all of the time.
[Painkiller87] Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:44:06 PM 
Now I have something to be pissed off right now. I just found out on AC/DC's website they will not make up the Phoenix AZ date from the postponed dates last year but every other one is rescheduled! I really want to see them but this is crap!
[Painkiller87] Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:09:00 AM 
Oh well, back to the ol cancer causing cathode ray tube TVs we still have then. LOL
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:57:30 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, January 14, 2010 9:57:30 AM 
Actually, sports are pretty good but other than that, I suggest you don't believe the hype.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:59:20 AM)
[Painkiller87] Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:59:20 AM 

More reason for me to just get just a simple and nice LCD TV. Though it would be cool to play Modern Warfare 2 or watch Inglorious Bastards on an awesome TV though...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:57:24 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:57:24 AM 
So here's what is PISSING me off now....

When people watch a HIGH DEFINITION television but they do not set the screen properly!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!  Now, for those of you that may find this confusing, allow me;

We have a Sony Bravia HD television. We bought it because we were told it was the "best". I pay extra to the darn cable company each month for their HD feed and I have special equipment that they installed to get this fancy, schmancy picture. So, we have all of this nonsense and it seems as though EVERY single time I come into the room, the Princess is watching something and has the stupid screen set on "Stretch"...!!!!!!!!    (**For those of you that do not know, the TV comes with several settings for the screen so that shows which are NOT broadcast in HD will still "fill the screen" instead of having those annoying black margins on each side of the picture.**)

I swear, I just don't get it. Why do I bother with something that is not used properly????  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.....!! Waste, waste, waste! Worse yet, I fear she does not even know the difference!!!!  Oh the humanity.................
[Head banger] Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5:58:14 PM 
like the vote is what decides it anyway?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:53:20 PM)
[acolyte55] Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:53:20 PM 
just make sure it isnt shoved done your throats like they did in vancouver ! after they split the province into 2 area codes due to the proliferation of faxs cell phones etc. the area code in vancouver got to vote for the olympics while the rest of the province did not ! but i will go out on a limb here(sarcasm) and say  all of us in both area codes will carry the debt load! remember also that they took greece from a financialy stable country to the point of recession
[Head banger] Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:35:07 AM 
Given that the process in mostly about politics, not sport things like this should not surprise you.  but the IOC doesnt pay much of the cost of hosting an olympics, and having a major event in south america would be a great way to help focus the world on that continent, its probably the least well known.  personaly, done right it could help the country long term, done wrong, hurt it.  I would rather Rio than china
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by BLOOD SUCKER Esquire from Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:57:18 AM)
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, January 13, 2010 3:18:50 AM 
Brazil isn't a third world country. It is an economy of force. That is why the US freaked out years ago when their economy was about to go under. They would export their debt just like we have now done. I believe Brazil is classified as an "underdeveloped" countrty. Certainly NOT third world.

I was there for the Candelaria incident (google it if you don't know) and am with you that the 16 Olympics shouldn't be in Rio. Take this from someone who has an apt. in Niterói....across the bay from Rio.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by BLOOD SUCKER Esquire from Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:57:18 AM)
[BLOOD SUCKER Esquire] Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:57:18 AM 
I'm still debating the merit of hosting the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, and giving the 2016 Summer Olympics to Rio de Janeiro. Countries should have to financially qualify rather than the World Sports Federation awarding certain cities/countries these nationally staged events based on pity and past guilt. It's one thing for London to host the 2012 Summer Games. But it's quite another for a third world nation like Brazil to have the world pay for it's past slights.
[Justin Kenny] Friday, January 08, 2010 4:43:13 PM 
Nope....nope...not gonna do it....considered it, yes....but...nah...not gonna....if I start rantin' now...I won't get home for another 3 hours....had a long enough day, thank you very much....
[acolyte55] Friday, January 08, 2010 4:39:42 PM 
common sense ,the lack of it , wish it could be taught to people!!
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