[mgdman] Friday, October 21, 2011 7:57:39 PM | |
Now I don't know whether to dread going or stay totally pumped up! Priest is my all time fav band also, that said I do appreciate good sound at any show.
The show is 10-25 in Bakersfield, the arena holds about 10,000 and has good acoustics. I saw Kiss, Ted Nugent and Skid Row there and the sound was good so hopefully the sound crew can get a good sound for us! I will post the results and still enjoy a farewell to the Metal Gods !!
thanks for the setlist preview Starbreaker 287! I was wondering about it and now... no more
later MGD |
[guitardude] Friday, October 21, 2011 7:37:24 PM | |
Thank You Starbreaker.
Nice shot at the [.], whatever the hell that is??
I`ve thought the same thing about Blood Red Skies and the Terminator movies, but then Metal Gods describes those movies to a T !
My heyday in the clubs was from 87 thru 93, did do the old Broco Bowl though, that was awesome. But played a lot in Austin and Houston as well as a few places throughout Oklahoma and Louisiana. Dallas City Limits was a big place we did frequently in Big D.
I can`t say from my perspective that the band looked bored, but they could`ve been better. Rob and Glenn really didn`t have much interaction. Ritchie was into it, smiling most of the night!
Everyone has an off night, but it was still a great show.
I guess short of hovering over Scott and changing the mics out, may not have been much they could do. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Friday, October 21, 2011 10:37:30 AM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Guitardude, olive branch accepted. If Judas Priest does come back to the Dallas area, I will be there as well. I've played some big shows, I was in a band that opened a Latin Festival at Starplex once, played Arcadia a few times and other festivals at outdoor Anette Straus stage adjacent to the Meyerson. Probably like you I've played at most places Dallas musicians have played: Curtain Club, Club DaDa, Firewater etc...
So yes, I understand we're at the mercy of the soundcrew at times. Couldnt they fix it? Could both boom mics above the drums have not been working? The sound of the drums can make a band sound ultra professional or cheap. It was a pleasure to watch 3 great drummers right in a row. Not a BLS fan but their drummer was really good. Zakk has a 3 note range, but an amazing lead guitar player.
Sound aside, it was the energy from the band that bothered me. Rob wasnt even on stage during the intro to Blood Red Skies which is one of my favorite songs ever. I always thought that song should have been used in the Terminator movies. Edited at: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:49:50 AM |
[Starbreaker287] Friday, October 21, 2011 10:37:30 AM | |
Guitardude, olive branch accepted. If Judas Priest does come back to the Dallas area, I will be there as well. I've played some big shows, I was in a band that opened a Latin Festival at Starplex once, played Arcadia a few times and other festivals at outdoor Anette Straus stage adjacent to the Meyerson. Probably like you I've played at most places Dallas musicians have played: Curtain Club, Club DaDa, Firewater etc...
So yes, I understand we're at the mercy of the soundcrew at times. Couldnt they fix it? Could both boom mics above the drums have not been working? The sound of the drums can make a band sound ultra professional or cheap. It was a pleasure to watch 3 great drummers right in a row. Not a BLS fan but their drummer was really good. Zakk has a 3 note range, but an amazing lead guitar player.
Sound aside, it was the energy from the band that bothered me. Rob wasnt even on stage during the intro to Blood Red Skies which is one of my favorite songs ever. I always thought that song should have been used in the Terminator movies. Edited at: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:49:50 AM |
[Starbreaker287] Friday, October 21, 2011 10:29:57 AM | |
[-] I'm not sure how to address you because I'm not sure if this clever symbol signifies that you are perpetually on your period or if it symbolizes your asshole.
I called it as I saw it, if that makes your vagina swell up, I can't help you. Maybe I can Fed-Ex you a giant Texas cactus you shove in your ass to douche with.
Judas Priest loves Texas, and Texas loves Judas Priest. Too bad you dont have the guts to state where you are from. I'm from Texas Bitch. Edited at: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:42:04 AM |
[guitardude] Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:00:16 PM | |
Let me extend the olive branch here, I was really pissed yesterday, nothing to do with you or this site and I let your comments get me to me, sorry!
Now, was the show perfect, no, but was still good IMO, but could have been better.
They have always been one of the most flawless bands live, ever!
But from my vantage point, I could hear Ritchie fine and Scott was kicking it hard.And yes, the high end was lacking.
I`ve never played a venue that size, but as you know, live is another animal, each member can being doing their part perfectly, but acousitics come into play and the soundman themselves have the control over what we here.
I still feel Rob did a great job on Blood Red Skies. But to each their own right?
But no matter, if they ever come back around here, I`ll be there, because Texas is just BADASS! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:10:25 PM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Maple Syrup, it pains me to have written this and it is sad to see the band going out like this. I've seen other people complaining about the sound on Facebook but still being nice. Judas Priest deserves respect but it seems like everyone just kisses their ass and no one has told them what they need to be told. IMO this entire tour is a mistake. They should have taken some time off. Rob Halford never had any eye contact with anyone in the band and really, Glenn looked bored. I really believe the guys are ready for it be over. They look tired. I went to say good-bye to favorite band and we did, me and some friends.
Nostradamus bombed, so they release another live album, toured on British Steel and are now touring on The Chosen Few. What the hell??
I thought the setlist was pretty good, just not executed well. I can take the band looking tired etc but the sound? A band with traditionally terrific sound and production has NO EXCUSE for poor sound. Ever seen an opening band be louder than the Headliner? I NEVER HAVE.
I dont believe the band doesnt have it anymore, I believe they do, I just believe they're tired and sick of each other, sick or touring and there may be some bad blood between some of the members, who knows. I thought they were pretty good on Idol.
This last tour sounds NOTHING like Touch of Evil Live or Live '98, NOTHING.
I dont like writing these things and I'm stressing out over it as the band has been a part of my life since I was 11 years old, since I heard my uncle playing Hell Bent for Leather in his car and he was going on and on about this 'new band' he had discovered. I bought Hell Bent for Leather and Van Halen with allowance money and quickly bought their older albums. I was hooked on their sound and will forever be a Judas Priest fan. Judas Priest is my favorite band all all time, the band and their music mean a lot to me. I have many great memories with their music, concerts, have forged friendships, have covered several of their songs in bands I've been in (I play the drums).
I really don't understand how the opening bands could have had such great sound and they didnt. It's unexcusable. There were a lot of people in my section that left, they left in the middle of the concert. Stunning man, stunning. I stayed until the last note, to wave goodbye. |
[.] Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:57:42 PM | |
Yet, I've seen them on YT so far this year and they seem to have a great rapport with the people in attendance, Rob's voice sounds GREAT!, there is video footage (documented proof) of Glenn Tipton actually jumping! and of Ian Hill actually smiling.
Perhaps you look at the glass half empty when it's really half full.
Not surprising because Texas sucks.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:10:25 PM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Maple Syrup, it pains me to have written this and it is sad to see the band going out like this. I've seen other people complaining about the sound on Facebook but still being nice. Judas Priest deserves respect but it seems like everyone just kisses their ass and no one has told them what they need to be told. IMO this entire tour is a mistake. They should have taken some time off. Rob Halford never had any eye contact with anyone in the band and really, Glenn looked bored. I really believe the guys are ready for it be over. They look tired. I went to say good-bye to favorite band and we did, me and some friends.
Nostradamus bombed, so they release another live album, toured on British Steel and are now touring on The Chosen Few. What the hell??
I thought the setlist was pretty good, just not executed well. I can take the band looking tired etc but the sound? A band with traditionally terrific sound and production has NO EXCUSE for poor sound. Ever seen an opening band be louder than the Headliner? I NEVER HAVE.
I dont believe the band doesnt have it anymore, I believe they do, I just believe they're tired and sick of each other, sick or touring and there may be some bad blood between some of the members, who knows. I thought they were pretty good on Idol.
This last tour sounds NOTHING like Touch of Evil Live or Live '98, NOTHING.
I dont like writing these things and I'm stressing out over it as the band has been a part of my life since I was 11 years old, since I heard my uncle playing Hell Bent for Leather in his car and he was going on and on about this 'new band' he had discovered. I bought Hell Bent for Leather and Van Halen with allowance money and quickly bought their older albums. I was hooked on their sound and will forever be a Judas Priest fan. Judas Priest is my favorite band all all time, the band and their music mean a lot to me. I have many great memories with their music, concerts, have forged friendships, have covered several of their songs in bands I've been in (I play the drums).
I really don't understand how the opening bands could have had such great sound and they didnt. It's unexcusable. There were a lot of people in my section that left, they left in the middle of the concert. Stunning man, stunning. I stayed until the last note, to wave goodbye. |
[.] Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:50:20 PM | |
Too bad you were not criticizing Glenn's solo the previous 25 years he's played it before today.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:57:59 PM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Judas Priest Epitaph Tour Concert Review-Dallas TX.
So Judas Priest named their final world tour Epitaph. They should have named it the "We Don't Give a Fuck Anymore Tour".
That's how they played the other night at the Allen Event Center to about 6,000 people. First of all the sound sucked. The drums especially sounded terrible, amazing because of the beautiful, clear drum sounds Thin Lizzy and Black Label Society had. Judas Priest wasn't loud at all, how could Black Label Society have been louder than the Headlining Judas Priest?? Thin Lizzy sounded so clear and perfect and played their songs to perfection, eventhough their bass player is really irritating to look at, he's always in the front looking out at the crowd to see who is looking at him. He never once, went over by the drumset to play with the drummer.
Black Label Society did their thing with tremedous sound esp the drums. Zakk's guitar solo was WAY too long. I went to the bathroom, got a beer, looked at t-shirts and was still soloing.
This was my 13th TIME TO SEE JUDAS PRIEST. I'm their biggest fan, I have all their CD's, DVD's, several t-shirts, they are MY band, a part of me, a part of who I am. I was very anxious about this show and had looked forward to it for months as I always enter a euphoric state at their shows. From the looks of the band, this is definitely going to be the last tour. Rob looked like he didnt want to be there and would walk off the stage after every song, Glenn Tipton looked bored out of his ass and fucked up The Sentinel.
I coudnt believe how sorry the drums sounded, I couldnt believe how bad the band sounded overall. One of the greatest things about Judas Priest concerts is the way their music sounds live. Their music alone live is a spectacle in itself. Nobody is heavier than Judas Priest live, Nobody. Not this show.
The high hat cymbals on the left and right were non-existent, the bass drums could barely be heard and the crash cymbals were also non existent. There was no treble on the drums at all.
Rob sounded terrible during Blood Red Skies and the song in general sounded like dog-ass, which is a shame, because on vinyl, it's an epic heavy metal composition that goes alongside Victim of Changes and Beyond the Realms of Death.
To my count, the band has had 5 major tours in the last 7 years, WAY TOO MANY and the band looks like they're sick of each other and like they're not getting along at all. The only guys having any fun were the new guitar player and Scott Travis, too bad you couldnt hear them worth shit.
The band opened with Rapid Fire, which should have slayed, it didnt. It sounded louder on my MP3 player with headphones, it was sloppy and boring. The band went right into Metal Gods, Heading out to the Highway then Starbreaker. They took out the intro on the drums on Starbreaker, probably because they sounded like shit. Victim of Changes was next and Glenn played that stupid ass guitar solo he's played for 25 years which ruins the momentum of the song.
Other songs the band went thru the motions on: Prophecy, Beyond the Realms of Death, Diamonds and Rust, Turbo Lover, The Sentinel, Nightcrawler, Judas Rising, Hell Bent for Leather some song from Rocka Rolla, Painkiller. They played at least one song from all their great albums.
Rob didnt sing a single word on Breaking the Law and during Electric Eye, which is about a spy satellite, they had a spasmatic real eye from 1976 that was really distracting and ridiculous. We got to hear Scott Travis talk, and despite how bored he looked, he had some energy in his voice and they played Living After Midnight.
Rob had more costume changes than Cher.
Judas Priest is my favorite band of all time, I can't believe their touring again, hell they probably can't either and by the looks of it, they all look they're ready for it all to be over. This is the most disappointing concert I've ever been to. Shame on you boys, you've been a part of my life since 1978 and me and my friends went to say goodbye to an old friend. I would have been better off at home watching Sportscenter having been left with all the great memories of tours past when the band gave a fuck, when they had energy and passion. It's all gone now.
If you want to talk about this I'm a friend of yours on Facebook and I posted on the Dallas thread. I hope you read my review, I'm your friend and you need to be told how pathetic you were here and you all need a kick in your ass. Someone has to give it to you straight: You sucked in Dallas. My email address is [email protected]. You guys are lucky I didnt post this shit on Facebook eventhough you deserve it.
Edited at: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:03:41 PM |
[Starbreaker287] Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:28:07 PM | |
Please let us know Healer!! I hope you will bring us all GREAT NEWS!!! Hope you have a great time... I still had a great time overall. I spent the day with my brother who is also a huge fan and an old friend I've known since grade school. Edited at: Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:30:03 PM |
[Healer] Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:49:17 PM | |
It's a shame to hear this as I'm about to attend 3 shows. But you know, we'd be complaining just as much if they didn't tour. I'm gonna go and enjoy being with the new friends I've made and enjoy it for what it is, A goodby. Hopefully they will work out the kinks and try to enjoy themselves.
Vegas, Chicago & Lowell MA [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:10:25 PM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Maple Syrup, it pains me to have written this and it is sad to see the band going out like this. I've seen other people complaining about the sound on Facebook but still being nice. Judas Priest deserves respect but it seems like everyone just kisses their ass and no one has told them what they need to be told. IMO this entire tour is a mistake. They should have taken some time off. Rob Halford never had any eye contact with anyone in the band and really, Glenn looked bored. I really believe the guys are ready for it be over. They look tired. I went to say good-bye to favorite band and we did, me and some friends.
Nostradamus bombed, so they release another live album, toured on British Steel and are now touring on The Chosen Few. What the hell??
I thought the setlist was pretty good, just not executed well. I can take the band looking tired etc but the sound? A band with traditionally terrific sound and production has NO EXCUSE for poor sound. Ever seen an opening band be louder than the Headliner? I NEVER HAVE.
I dont believe the band doesnt have it anymore, I believe they do, I just believe they're tired and sick of each other, sick or touring and there may be some bad blood between some of the members, who knows. I thought they were pretty good on Idol.
This last tour sounds NOTHING like Touch of Evil Live or Live '98, NOTHING.
I dont like writing these things and I'm stressing out over it as the band has been a part of my life since I was 11 years old, since I heard my uncle playing Hell Bent for Leather in his car and he was going on and on about this 'new band' he had discovered. I bought Hell Bent for Leather and Van Halen with allowance money and quickly bought their older albums. I was hooked on their sound and will forever be a Judas Priest fan. Judas Priest is my favorite band all all time, the band and their music mean a lot to me. I have many great memories with their music, concerts, have forged friendships, have covered several of their songs in bands I've been in (I play the drums).
I really don't understand how the opening bands could have had such great sound and they didnt. It's unexcusable. There were a lot of people in my section that left, they left in the middle of the concert. Stunning man, stunning. I stayed until the last note, to wave goodbye. |
[Starbreaker287] Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:10:25 PM | |
Maple Syrup, it pains me to have written this and it is sad to see the band going out like this. I've seen other people complaining about the sound on Facebook but still being nice. Judas Priest deserves respect but it seems like everyone just kisses their ass and no one has told them what they need to be told. IMO this entire tour is a mistake. They should have taken some time off. Rob Halford never had any eye contact with anyone in the band and really, Glenn looked bored. I really believe the guys are ready for it be over. They look tired. I went to say good-bye to favorite band and we did, me and some friends.
Nostradamus bombed, so they release another live album, toured on British Steel and are now touring on The Chosen Few. What the hell??
I thought the setlist was pretty good, just not executed well. I can take the band looking tired etc but the sound? A band with traditionally terrific sound and production has NO EXCUSE for poor sound. Ever seen an opening band be louder than the Headliner? I NEVER HAVE.
I dont believe the band doesnt have it anymore, I believe they do, I just believe they're tired and sick of each other, sick or touring and there may be some bad blood between some of the members, who knows. I thought they were pretty good on Idol.
This last tour sounds NOTHING like Touch of Evil Live or Live '98, NOTHING.
I dont like writing these things and I'm stressing out over it as the band has been a part of my life since I was 11 years old, since I heard my uncle playing Hell Bent for Leather in his car and he was going on and on about this 'new band' he had discovered. I bought Hell Bent for Leather and Van Halen with allowance money and quickly bought their older albums. I was hooked on their sound and will forever be a Judas Priest fan. Judas Priest is my favorite band all all time, the band and their music mean a lot to me. I have many great memories with their music, concerts, have forged friendships, have covered several of their songs in bands I've been in (I play the drums).
I really don't understand how the opening bands could have had such great sound and they didnt. It's unexcusable. There were a lot of people in my section that left, they left in the middle of the concert. Stunning man, stunning. I stayed until the last note, to wave goodbye. |
[Maple Syrup] Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:43:29 AM | |
Starbreaker: Great review and thanks for being truthful & insightful, instead of most of the newbies who would tell you how great it was this and that..The thing is Priest has obviously slipped on the live show, with most songs being tuned down by a note or two, so Rob can get through them. As I have been ranting lately, the sun is surely setting for the band and it is sad they are going out this way. The old fans know when they are off or sound like crap and we can tell when they dont have it anymore, so no need to berate anyone for their opinion. I too feel that this tour has been shaky at best, and the fact that they are playing it safe on their setlist tells you a whole lot of where they are at. It is pretty close to embarassing to see and hear Priest still going through the motions when the fire has obviously burned out, and now their live show is suffering as well. I will be there to wave goodbye one last time to them, but it is time to close it out Priest and go out with some respectability and dignity instead of this. Even on the American Idol thing, I thought they looked goofy and way dated...Look back at the video and you see judge Steven Tyler with a disappointed look on his face for Priest, because he knew.
I know I previously mentioned dinosaur band, ready for the ice age which IMO: puts the needle on the head,
MpleSyrp [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:57:59 PM)
Starbreaker287 wrote: |
Judas Priest Epitaph Tour Concert Review-Dallas TX.
So Judas Priest named their final world tour Epitaph. They should have named it the "We Don't Give a Fuck Anymore Tour".
That's how they played the other night at the Allen Event Center to about 6,000 people. First of all the sound sucked. The drums especially sounded terrible, amazing because of the beautiful, clear drum sounds Thin Lizzy and Black Label Society had. Judas Priest wasn't loud at all, how could Black Label Society have been louder than the Headlining Judas Priest?? Thin Lizzy sounded so clear and perfect and played their songs to perfection, eventhough their bass player is really irritating to look at, he's always in the front looking out at the crowd to see who is looking at him. He never once, went over by the drumset to play with the drummer.
Black Label Society did their thing with tremedous sound esp the drums. Zakk's guitar solo was WAY too long. I went to the bathroom, got a beer, looked at t-shirts and was still soloing.
This was my 13th TIME TO SEE JUDAS PRIEST. I'm their biggest fan, I have all their CD's, DVD's, several t-shirts, they are MY band, a part of me, a part of who I am. I was very anxious about this show and had looked forward to it for months as I always enter a euphoric state at their shows. From the looks of the band, this is definitely going to be the last tour. Rob looked like he didnt want to be there and would walk off the stage after every song, Glenn Tipton looked bored out of his ass and fucked up The Sentinel.
I coudnt believe how sorry the drums sounded, I couldnt believe how bad the band sounded overall. One of the greatest things about Judas Priest concerts is the way their music sounds live. Their music alone live is a spectacle in itself. Nobody is heavier than Judas Priest live, Nobody. Not this show.
The high hat cymbals on the left and right were non-existent, the bass drums could barely be heard and the crash cymbals were also non existent. There was no treble on the drums at all.
Rob sounded terrible during Blood Red Skies and the song in general sounded like dog-ass, which is a shame, because on vinyl, it's an epic heavy metal composition that goes alongside Victim of Changes and Beyond the Realms of Death.
To my count, the band has had 5 major tours in the last 7 years, WAY TOO MANY and the band looks like they're sick of each other and like they're not getting along at all. The only guys having any fun were the new guitar player and Scott Travis, too bad you couldnt hear them worth shit.
The band opened with Rapid Fire, which should have slayed, it didnt. It sounded louder on my MP3 player with headphones, it was sloppy and boring. The band went right into Metal Gods, Heading out to the Highway then Starbreaker. They took out the intro on the drums on Starbreaker, probably because they sounded like shit. Victim of Changes was next and Glenn played that stupid ass guitar solo he's played for 25 years which ruins the momentum of the song.
Other songs the band went thru the motions on: Prophecy, Beyond the Realms of Death, Diamonds and Rust, Turbo Lover, The Sentinel, Nightcrawler, Judas Rising, Hell Bent for Leather some song from Rocka Rolla, Painkiller. They played at least one song from all their great albums.
Rob didnt sing a single word on Breaking the Law and during Electric Eye, which is about a spy satellite, they had a spasmatic real eye from 1976 that was really distracting and ridiculous. We got to hear Scott Travis talk, and despite how bored he looked, he had some energy in his voice and they played Living After Midnight.
Rob had more costume changes than Cher.
Judas Priest is my favorite band of all time, I can't believe their touring again, hell they probably can't either and by the looks of it, they all look they're ready for it all to be over. This is the most disappointing concert I've ever been to. Shame on you boys, you've been a part of my life since 1978 and me and my friends went to say goodbye to an old friend. I would have been better off at home watching Sportscenter having been left with all the great memories of tours past when the band gave a fuck, when they had energy and passion. It's all gone now.
If you want to talk about this I'm a friend of yours on Facebook and I posted on the Dallas thread. I hope you read my review, I'm your friend and you need to be told how pathetic you were here and you all need a kick in your ass. Someone has to give it to you straight: You sucked in Dallas. My email address is [email protected]. You guys are lucky I didnt post this shit on Facebook eventhough you deserve it.
Edited at: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:03:41 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:48:36 AM Edited at: Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:53:51 AM Edited at: Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:56:40 AM Edited at: Thursday, October 20, 2011 11:01:36 AM |
[Starbreaker287] Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:16:56 AM | |
[Budred] Thursday, October 20, 2011 3:43:13 AM | |
I counted Re-Union as Ozzfest.
My dumbass didn't include the current tour.
I should have thought it through before I ask.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:50:53 PM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Budred, Ozzfest 2004 was the 5th, which was an awesome show. Matter of fact, that was probably the best concert I've ever been to. Black Sabbath/Judas Priest and Slayer.
Judas Priest up until this last tour was the most consistent live band I've seen thru the years. I've seen Van Halen great, then bad, Motley Crue great then bad as with other bands but not Judas Priest. Disappointing show, disappointed I had to write what I did. Other peeps have posted about the sound on their wall on Facebook, most are just being nice. I had to call it as I saw it.
Something is going on with the band internally. I think it may have to do with Nostradamus. Who knows. IT IS ABOUT VOLUME. Judas Priest has always had amazing, professional, clear sound. I notice the dums so much because I play the drums and Thin Lizzy and BLS sounded amazing.
These are the tours I've seen:
Unleashed in the East
Ram It Down
Operation Rock and Roll
Live 98
Demolition twice
Angel of Retribution twice
Metal Masters
Epitaph |
[Starbreaker287] Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:50:53 PM | |
Budred, Ozzfest 2004 was the 5th, which was an awesome show. Matter of fact, that was probably the best concert I've ever been to. Black Sabbath/Judas Priest and Slayer.
Judas Priest up until this last tour was the most consistent live band I've seen thru the years. I've seen Van Halen great, then bad, Motley Crue great then bad as with other bands but not Judas Priest. Disappointing show, disappointed I had to write what I did. Other peeps have posted about the sound on their wall on Facebook, most are just being nice. I had to call it as I saw it.
Something is going on with the band internally. I think it may have to do with Nostradamus. Who knows. IT IS ABOUT VOLUME. Judas Priest has always had amazing, professional, clear sound. I notice the dums so much because I play the drums and Thin Lizzy and BLS sounded amazing.
These are the tours I've seen:
Unleashed in the East
Ram It Down
Operation Rock and Roll
Live 98
Demolition twice
Angel of Retribution twice
Metal Masters
Epitaph |
[guitardude] Wednesday, October 19, 2011 6:26:37 PM | |
Boy, someone is throwing a hissy! Scott vibrated my ass all night with those double kicks, I could hear Ritchie just fine and ian was cutting thru the mix bad ass also, but come to think of it, you didn`t like the Van Halen show either! Perhaps Sportscenter could`ve used an extra viewer that night! One thing is correct, Black Label Society was louder than Priest, but not nearly as clear as Priest. It`s not always about volume. Next time, save your money and stay home, or do you like wasting it? And geez! I hope Facebook will survive.
So here`s an idea, get your band a recording contract and record some songs worth a shit , then go play live in a arena and show us all how the drums should sound! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Starbreaker287 from Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:57:59 PM) | | Starbreaker287 wrote: | | Judas Priest Epitaph Tour Concert Review-Dallas TX.
So Judas Priest named their final world tour Epitaph. They should have named it the "We Don't Give a Fuck Anymore Tour".
That's how they played the other night at the Allen Event Center to about 6,000 people. First of all the sound sucked. The drums especially sounded terrible, amazing because of the beautiful, clear drum sounds Thin Lizzy and Black Label Society had. Judas Priest wasn't loud at all, how could Black Label Society have been louder than the Headlining Judas Priest?? Thin Lizzy sounded so clear and perfect and played their songs to perfection, eventhough their bass player is really irritating to look at, he's always in the front looking out at the crowd to see who is looking at him. He never once, went over by the drumset to play with the drummer.
Black Label Society did their thing with tremedous sound esp the drums. Zakk's guitar solo was WAY too long. I went to the bathroom, got a beer, looked at t-shirts and was still soloing.
This was my 13th TIME TO SEE JUDAS PRIEST. I'm their biggest fan, I have all their CD's, DVD's, several t-shirts, they are MY band, a part of me, a part of who I am. I was very anxious about this show and had looked forward to it for months as I always enter a euphoric state at their shows. From the looks of the band, this is definitely going to be the last tour. Rob looked like he didnt want to be there and would walk off the stage after every song, Glenn Tipton looked bored out of his ass and fucked up The Sentinel.
I coudnt believe how sorry the drums sounded, I couldnt believe how bad the band sounded overall. One of the greatest things about Judas Priest concerts is the way their music sounds live. Their music alone live is a spectacle in itself. Nobody is heavier than Judas Priest live, Nobody. Not this show.
The high hat cymbals on the left and right were non-existent, the bass drums could barely be heard and the crash cymbals were also non existent. There was no treble on the drums at all.
Rob sounded terrible during Blood Red Skies and the song in general sounded like dog-ass, which is a shame, because on vinyl, it's an epic heavy metal composition that goes alongside Victim of Changes and Beyond the Realms of Death.
To my count, the band has had 5 major tours in the last 7 years, WAY TOO MANY and the band looks like they're sick of each other and like they're not getting along at all. The only guys having any fun were the new guitar player and Scott Travis, too bad you couldnt hear them worth shit.
The band opened with Rapid Fire, which should have slayed, it didnt. It sounded louder on my MP3 player with headphones, it was sloppy and boring. The band went right into Metal Gods, Heading out to the Highway then Starbreaker. They took out the intro on the drums on Starbreaker, probably because they sounded like shit. Victim of Changes was next and Glenn played that stupid ass guitar solo he's played for 25 years which ruins the momentum of the song.
Other songs the band went thru the motions on: Prophecy, Beyond the Realms of Death, Diamonds and Rust, Turbo Lover, The Sentinel, Nightcrawler, Judas Rising, Hell Bent for Leather some song from Rocka Rolla, Painkiller. They played at least one song from all their great albums.
Rob didnt sing a single word on Breaking the Law and during Electric Eye, which is about a spy satellite, they had a spasmatic real eye from 1976 that was really distracting and ridiculous. We got to hear Scott Travis talk, and despite how bored he looked, he had some energy in his voice and they played Living After Midnight.
Rob had more costume changes than Cher.
Judas Priest is my favorite band of all time, I can't believe their touring again, hell they probably can't either and by the looks of it, they all look they're ready for it all to be over. This is the most disappointing concert I've ever been to. Shame on you boys, you've been a part of my life since 1978 and me and my friends went to say goodbye to an old friend. I would have been better off at home watching Sportscenter having been left with all the great memories of tours past when the band gave a fuck, when they had energy and passion. It's all gone now.
If you want to talk about this I'm a friend of yours on Facebook and I posted on the Dallas thread. I hope you read my review, I'm your friend and you need to be told how pathetic you were here and you all need a kick in your ass. Someone has to give it to you straight: You sucked in Dallas. My email address is [email protected]. You guys are lucky I didnt post this shit on Facebook eventhough you deserve it.
Edited at: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:03:41 PM |
[spapad] Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:48:12 PM | |
I've read several reviews from fans on the Allen show and all of them enjoyed the show. I know they did not attend two different shows, so maybe this person was just determined to see nothing but negative, and did a damn good job of ruining his night with that lovely attitude.
I wish you had stayed home too Starbreaker 287, you would have shared us all that negative rant posted in two threads.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:41:53 PM) | | Budred wrote: | | Wow, that was harsh.
I can believe they've hit a low point but I have trouble believing it was that bad.
Also, I saw Re-Union
Metal Masters
and British Steel.
There was no Nostradamus so what was the fifth tour?
@HRMG, you said you were going to Dallas, what did you think? |
[Budred] Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:41:53 PM | |
Wow, that was harsh.
I can believe they've hit a low point but I have trouble believing it was that bad.
Also, I saw Re-Union
Metal Masters
and British Steel.
There was no Nostradamus so what was the fifth tour?
@HRMG, you said you were going to Dallas, what did you think? |
[acolyte55] Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:19:42 PM | |
WOW!! that is some heavy shit man ! |
[Starbreaker287] Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:57:59 PM | |
Judas Priest Epitaph Tour Concert Review-Dallas TX.
So Judas Priest named their final world tour Epitaph. They should have named it the "We Don't Give a Fuck Anymore Tour".
That's how they played the other night at the Allen Event Center to about 6,000 people. First of all the sound sucked. The drums especially sounded terrible, amazing because of the beautiful, clear drum sounds Thin Lizzy and Black Label Society had. Judas Priest wasn't loud at all, how could Black Label Society have been louder than the Headlining Judas Priest?? Thin Lizzy sounded so clear and perfect and played their songs to perfection, eventhough their bass player is really irritating to look at, he's always in the front looking out at the crowd to see who is looking at him. He never once, went over by the drumset to play with the drummer.
Black Label Society did their thing with tremedous sound esp the drums. Zakk's guitar solo was WAY too long. I went to the bathroom, got a beer, looked at t-shirts and was still soloing.
This was my 13th TIME TO SEE JUDAS PRIEST. I'm their biggest fan, I have all their CD's, DVD's, several t-shirts, they are MY band, a part of me, a part of who I am. I was very anxious about this show and had looked forward to it for months as I always enter a euphoric state at their shows. From the looks of the band, this is definitely going to be the last tour. Rob looked like he didnt want to be there and would walk off the stage after every song, Glenn Tipton looked bored out of his ass and fucked up The Sentinel.
I coudnt believe how sorry the drums sounded, I couldnt believe how bad the band sounded overall. One of the greatest things about Judas Priest concerts is the way their music sounds live. Their music alone live is a spectacle in itself. Nobody is heavier than Judas Priest live, Nobody. Not this show.
The high hat cymbals on the left and right were non-existent, the bass drums could barely be heard and the crash cymbals were also non existent. There was no treble on the drums at all.
Rob sounded terrible during Blood Red Skies and the song in general sounded like dog-ass, which is a shame, because on vinyl, it's an epic heavy metal composition that goes alongside Victim of Changes and Beyond the Realms of Death.
To my count, the band has had 5 major tours in the last 7 years, WAY TOO MANY and the band looks like they're sick of each other and like they're not getting along at all. The only guys having any fun were the new guitar player and Scott Travis, too bad you couldnt hear them worth shit.
The band opened with Rapid Fire, which should have slayed, it didnt. It sounded louder on my MP3 player with headphones, it was sloppy and boring. The band went right into Metal Gods, Heading out to the Highway then Starbreaker. They took out the intro on the drums on Starbreaker, probably because they sounded like shit. Victim of Changes was next and Glenn played that stupid ass guitar solo he's played for 25 years which ruins the momentum of the song.
Other songs the band went thru the motions on: Prophecy, Beyond the Realms of Death, Diamonds and Rust, Turbo Lover, The Sentinel, Nightcrawler, Judas Rising, Hell Bent for Leather some song from Rocka Rolla, Painkiller. They played at least one song from all their great albums.
Rob didnt sing a single word on Breaking the Law and during Electric Eye, which is about a spy satellite, they had a spasmatic real eye from 1976 that was really distracting and ridiculous. We got to hear Scott Travis talk, and despite how bored he looked, he had some energy in his voice and they played Living After Midnight.
Rob had more costume changes than Cher.
Judas Priest is my favorite band of all time, I can't believe their touring again, hell they probably can't either and by the looks of it, they all look they're ready for it all to be over. This is the most disappointing concert I've ever been to. Shame on you boys, you've been a part of my life since 1978 and me and my friends went to say goodbye to an old friend. I would have been better off at home watching Sportscenter having been left with all the great memories of tours past when the band gave a fuck, when they had energy and passion. It's all gone now.
If you want to talk about this I'm a friend of yours on Facebook and I posted on the Dallas thread. I hope you read my review, I'm your friend and you need to be told how pathetic you were here and you all need a kick in your ass. Someone has to give it to you straight: You sucked in Dallas. My email address is [email protected]. You guys are lucky I didnt post this shit on Facebook eventhough you deserve it.
Edited at: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:03:41 PM |