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Social Issues and Politics
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[Deep Freeze] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:50:01 AM 

HA! It does, doesn't it Darth?

You know, I do not mean to disparage the thoughts, ideas and beliefs of anyone. You are all entitled to your opinions. I simply do not go for those kind of theories. Doesn't mean that there is no validity to them. As I have mentioned often in the past, I have never really been the "benevolent" type. You will not see me at a "March of Dimes" rally or a GreenPeace convention. I just do not have it in me to be that philanthropic. Likewise, I do not have any desire to "change the world" and usurp the  powers that be. I understand that there are elements in the world that go beyond simple politics. I realize there are a "select" few that seem to make more than their fair share of the decisions and have most of the cash. So be it. All I have ever wanted is my small piece of it.

The old "suffering of my fellow man" bit is just too much for me. I have said this often as well; it was happening LONG before I came along and will continue LONG after I am gone. World keeps spinning, my friends. I do what I can to take care of my own. I see to it that I get my "piece". May sound terribly self-serving because, honestly, it is.

[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:19:36 AM 

Ummmm...Yea.  That sounds more like a Dan Brown novel than actual fact to me.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by BLOOD SUCKER Esquire from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:43:24 PM)
[BLOOD SUCKER Esquire] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:43:24 PM 
The Free Masons. The Priory of Sion and Opus Dei. There lies the power that controls the world!

a. Hammerstein
[_strat_] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:22:55 AM 
I quite agree. While it is obvious that in any capitalist country big buisinesses are in bed with politics, I dont think that the Orwellian scenario is the right one to describe the situation. I think its more the case that politicians will offer their power and influence to the highest bidder. 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 7:59:53 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 7:59:53 AM 
Well guys, I hate to sound like one of those "mindless drones" but I'm afraid this is where I must jump off. I mean, ALL of them are Free Masons?? ALL of them are psychopaths?? I am SO sorry but that is a bit more than I am able to handle! I am up for a good conspiracy theory the same as the next guy but, to me , this is just too much about generalizing. The paranoia here is so thick you can actually cut it!

Now, I may be an old man and I may be one of those that you claim is being "led" like a sheep to the slaughter but I simply cannot put "all" of anything into one, subversive  group and call it by one name! FAR too Orwellian for me, guys. I don't know just how much of your "Big Brother" theory is true , Kendall but I do not even have ONE credit card. Not one! I do not believe in them as credit is the problem, not some spy network. Advertisers are trying to sell goods. Yes, they make credit easy to obtain. I agree. THAT is why we have the financial situation we do in this country! People buying things they cannot afford! I guess you could call that mind control but I do not see it as such. I call it  stupidity. 
Debt is the real problem in society. One cannot create wealth so long as one has debt. Advertisers sell us more debt. The public licks it up because, as you so eloquently said, it is easy. Getting more crap that you really do not need is the enemy. Creating mountains of debt that drain your wealth and mortgage your future AND your children's future is the real problem. The solution is not some kind of "revolt". The solution is simple; live within your means.
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Tuesday, November 11, 2008 1:34:28 PM 
I totally agree!  Remember the politicians are for the show to the public.  And they themselves the politicians are chosen. It is a fact that I will go into later, that all those that seek these offices start on the psychiatric scale, if you will, of psychopathy. Also those that seat higher positions are ALL in masonry.  No if and or buts about it. They all Serve orders of an agenda that does NOT serve the commons or as they like to say," the herd". 

We're in 2008 and on a roll into the big totalitarian society, which is really all around us right now, but the velvet glove is off the iron fist and we're beginning to see it – at least those who are awake.  So much catching up to do, especially when those who rule us are on such a roll as they are today, massively, massively so, every day. More laws across the world, same laws, because we're already global. We have been for a long, long time in fact and now they're going for the big kill, which is to make sure that everyone on the planet is predictable by having all data 24 hours a day on your every move. That includes what you eat. What you buy. Who you talk to. What you say. That's the totalitarian system that's meant to keep us safe from ourselves, because you see we the people are the enemy. That's the big joke. You see the joke's on us.
We the people are the enemy. We were declared the enemy a long time ago and if you even read the charter and the various charters of the subdivisions of the United Nations, you'll find it in there that the people themselves are the enemy. Look to the psychiatric and psychology associations. Look at the big players. Read what they've printed in their own big magazines and they've said it, that everyone who is alive today is mentally ill according to their documentation. Mentally ill means having opinions derived from previous societies, old-fashioned ideas, and following rules are old-fashioned rules meant for a different era and if you pass them on to your children you "contaminate" them. That's the language they use and you're all mentally ill and so you'll have to be reconditioned or eliminated. That's the real world.
Meanwhile everyone is playing themselves and playing massively so with all their free programs on the internet and giving all their data out to all the different little things that appear asking them very intimate questions to create complete profiles on them. They're doing it because it's free and it's so convenient, so convenient and they've never had a time when they can have so much free sex, for instance. It's so readily available anywhere you go. It has been for a long time and we're playing ourselves like never before, a world of children, while our betters, you know those people "up there," take care of the big problems including us ourselves.
We're the big problem because it's not intended that we go on playing for very long and use up what they call the world's resources, and sure enough, they've trained us you see to go out and work and reward ourselves at least once a month. That's not much, once a month. Most folk want to do it all the time with credit cards and they're constantly rewarding themselves for putting up with boring, depressing repetitive jobs and Pavlovian style, sure enough, they reward themselves with buying some trivia or junk or something that's supposed to satisfy a need and make you happy for five minutes before you become fed up with it and want to buy something else. That's what advertising is based on is creating dissatisfaction and they don't have far to go because all they sell you are lies in advertising. That's what advertising is about – selling you a complete fiction.
However, because we live in an unhappy society, a society which is stressful, a society that very few people understand in fact, everyone wants to fit into something that's really artificial. That's why they kind of feel on edge all the time. It's not a natural system. It's not meant to be natural in this system and those who run it have decided as I say we're using up too much of the world's resources by rewarding ourselves and they're going to cut back on us, you know the ones who are mentally ill, meaning the ordinary people.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Justin Kenny from Tuesday, November 11, 2008 1:17:51 PM)
[Justin Kenny] Tuesday, November 11, 2008 1:17:51 PM 
See Kendall...that's what bothers me too....the fact that there are people in 'control'  who were NOT elected to be in that position, and seem to hold more sway over what goes on than what we're privy to.    I've often wondered just how some of these high-falutent government officials (elected or otherwise) would take to living on a fixed income of less than $18,000 a year,  or;  they were the sole bread winner of the household with 'wolves' at the door because the one income just doesn't cover all the expenses and their spouse(s) were simply unable to find quick, sustainable employment anywhere.     I'm not the least bit convinced that people seeking political favor are in touch whatsoever with the WORKING class....never mind the middle class for a moment...because when someone talks to me about the  "middle class,"   I get the picture of a double income totalling more than $75,000 annually, which could easily float a family of three or even four  if they live within their means.     To me, it's the WORKING class and those who bust their humps earning maybe a buck more an hour than minimum wage...these are the groups of people that most politicos are extremely out of touch with.      While I do agree that anyone less than happy with their circumstances ought to do whatever they can to try and improve their own status,  it's not always feasible when choices are so limited...and when those already limited choices are made more so due to program cuts and other  ""  maneuvers,   just how much improvement can one procure?     Most times, people of the poor/working class are relegated to working more hours or more days instead, which compromises time with their families;  a factor which gets brought up often in divorce proceedings!      A mere example, to be sure...but it's nonetheless negative and counterproductive, and it doesn't stop there. do you think Newt Gingrich or any of the Kennedy family would do were they to find themselves in any of those situations?    I'll tell you....they'd sink  before they took one stroke to swim.      Maybe it's unrealistic to assume any of the political bigwigs out there could ever even think along those lines or imagine themselves in more dire straits,  but is it any MORE realistic to assume that these politicians should acquire so much support and exercise those of society they're so out of touch with to actually go forth and VOTE??      It's like my father used to say whenever anyone would ask him if he was going to vote....  "....for what?"      I didn't always understand that sentiment growing up...but now I kinda do!    
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:32:20 PM 
As I say, it's a shame, it's very sad when you realize that the world isn’t real as it's presented to us and that the game of politics (that's why they call it the game) of politics at the top. It's just a game for the public and how democratic can it be when you need millions of dollars for the supposed ordinary person to run and get in. The whole idea under democracy was that someone from your area, your little town or whatever, would go off and represent you. Well, when has that ever happened? Once they created the party system your politician would turn back to his constituents and say well I couldn't really go along – they wouldn't go along with it and I have to go along with my party.
Why do you bother voting for them if they have to go with their party and make little laws that affect you to your detriment? What's the point in voting for them?
See, the whole thing is a con, but they realized back in Britain, the home of this whole democratic business, and they learned it from their ancient records. The Greeks talked about it copiously how they go through these different systems of democracy and republicanism and fascism and so on, and the tyrant dictator and all the rest of it. It had all been tried out before and they knew how the game was played. Britain realized that if they didn't have a vote every few years then the public would have insurrections and so you wait for four or five years and suffer more misery and then you vote the last bunch of crooks out. That's how politics and democracy works. You don't really vote a new party in. You're so sick of the last bunch of crooks and yet you still haven't caught on. It’s not that they're just crooks. They all work for the one big institution, the World Corporation, and it's a supra-government that's above all national governments, always has been. These characters that you vote in are generally millionaires and most of them are lawyers who've dealt with real estate and big business and they've been CEOs of corporations.
What on earth do they have in common with you?
Nothing. That's the bottom line and Quigley said it. He said, "we always, we always make sure that the top people on all sides, all parties are theirs." It's like the politburo. Which politburo member are you going to vote for, A, B, C or D? That's the old Soviet Union. Here you just give them different names for parties, the left wing, right wing, but they don't tell you they're both attached to the body of the same bird. The real head of the bird, the real power behind it, is behind that shield there. You'll never see it and that's what it stands for.
However, you'd have insurrections every few years and Jefferson was quite right. He told us – they do tell us how the game is played. If you listen to the illumined ones carefully they'll tell you how it's played. He said when you see an agenda, an agenda going forth between exchanges of houses (meaning the different parties getting voted in and out) the same agenda being carried forward you will know you're under tyranny. That's your symptom and you look at all the UN laws they put out and sign into the books every year and then the global treaties they sign every year in every country all joining us all together closer and closer with the same multinational and international corporations at the top, then you see this agenda rolling forward regardless of the change of parties in a Parliament building or a Congressional Hall. It doesn't matter.
The same agenda steamrolls and I've been watching this for a very long time.   We're dealing with most people who still live in the belief of the world that they've swallowed as it has been presented to them. It's a con game, a con game and as I say a few people like Quigley have told us so and they worked for the ones who really run the world; and Quigley was all for this global elite, by the way. He thought it was a swell idea and that the elite and intelligentsia had the right to rule the world on behalf of the dull and ignorant beneath them, the profane as they call them.
[BLOOD SUCKER Esquire] Monday, November 10, 2008 1:11:46 PM 
Given the the fact that a Negro now holds the highest office in your country such a big deal? 50 years ago, definetely. 20-25 years ago, absolutely. 10 yeras ago, perhaps. But now? The world is becoming more pluralised in so many different ways. Once race, one government, one religion, one people. Maybe John Lennon was right?

a. Hammerstein 
[Deep Freeze] Monday, November 10, 2008 12:51:17 PM 
Actually, I believe it was Socrates that used "dialectic procedure", but I am not really all that good with that kind of thing! HA!!!!!!!! Man Kendall, you are such a unique individual.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Kendall aka JudasRyche from Monday, November 10, 2008 12:03:30 PM)
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Monday, November 10, 2008 12:03:30 PM 
Justin....well said.  As for this "assination plot", you must see this is just a propaganda game for the dialetic.  The real "plots" are seized and you will never hear of them. And actually real plots are carried out by the CIA, etc. 

It's the dialectic, the dialectical procedure has been understood since the days even before Plato existed but it's a technique of using, always, you see, to change society in any direction, you must have a conflict so you must create another. You must create one group which comes out with proposals to change society. That will automatically foment a group that will oppose them and through their conflicts and resolutions - and resolutions are the key, that means things like treaties for instance and laws, signed into law - then you are guiding both of them along a pre-planned path and that's how you get it. Now, most folk will choose one side or another, that's the nature of humanity, and, through the use of politics and sides, you're being conned; because, eventually, the two paths end up on the same road. I always say there's two wings on the bird there, on the emblem of the U.S. and they're both joined to the same body and the body is hidden behind a shield that's not for public view. Those that really run the Government are not elected. 
It's the big foundations and the think tanks that work with them, this parallel government, that's really what it is. It also consists of ex prime ministers and presidents that work in the C.F.R. and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, all working together, globally, on a long-term strategy. I mean, for instance, when they set up the C.F.R., in the U.S., it's a branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. They also set up specialised departments, the Institute for Pacific Relations was one of them and their job was to work, 80 years ago, and getting the Asian, the Far Eastern States, to come in under a bloc, a trading bloc. That's how long they've been working on all of this, inter-generationally, towards the same goal.
They gave us a thing called democracy, which was a good panacea, because the idea of democracy is you can always vote this bunch out; that's what you do in democracy, you don't vote a new bunch in, you're really so sick of the last bunch, you're voting them out. So, they play this ping-pong game and that stops people from having revolutions every four or five years. That's why they gave us democracy; but, all along, as I say, the parallel government has run since the birth of so-called democracy, this parallel government has been here, under many different names and, now, it's so well-funded and organized and funds their NGO groups that create policy for the public. This is all documented fact.  But no one looks, by choice.

These made administrations are nothing but managers that are given the orders to carry out agenda set up by the foundations. Very simple.  This is why we have this "show" called politics.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Justin Kenny from Monday, November 10, 2008 10:45:10 AM)
[Justin Kenny] Monday, November 10, 2008 10:45:10 AM 
My God...the man has only won the election less than a week ago...and already, there have been plots to assassinate him. Two youths (ages 20 and 18) have been arrested for plotting an assassination hit on Obama, as well as a few other local people within their neighborhood or some shit. I haven't seen/heard all the details...but there it is...quick as history (of sorts) has been made, is as quick as someone or another is hot to try and end it before it's begun. I'd like to say I did my part and voted...but I gotta tell you...I haven't voted since I was legally old enough to take part in the privilege. All told, I'm about as political as a cardboard box, and I can't say I'm hip to every issue that there is...I have enough to do and more than enough to worry about, and most--if not all of that--is under the very roof I live in. From where I sit, it's pretty difficult to be civic when I've become such a cynic to what goes on within the political system. So many people are quick to blame the presidents we elect when shit goes wrong...and while I'm sure there have been presidents who've used their position for their own gains (as well as the gains of those with their fingers in the proverbial till), what a lot of people seem to forget is that the president is nothing more than a figurehead. I mean...presidents have all these advisors...their Cabinet, speech-writers, et, al...who basically spell it all out for him before he makes a speech, arrives at a foreign country, addresses the nation, appears before the media...what have you. When you also consider the checks and balances system between the two major parties (Democrats and Republicans, natch), and the wealth of power as distributed between the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and it any wonder so many once good ideas suddenly seem to get all but forgotten about?? Every new candidate that comes along seems to offer the same speech...the same promises...the same glib layouts and plans. What they too forget is everything I spelled out already. Seems once they're in office, they quickly realize that there's many more chefs stirring the pot already, and have that much more work to do to try and change the way the pot gets 'stirred.' I'll's been a while since I've actually read any books that divulge an honest sense of how things are done in D.C., and because of that, I do have a certain naivete when it comes to all things politics...but, if there's something I'm missing here or there's something vast I've left out in this all means...educate me...inform me of something I've not given any thought or credence yet. I'll impart an honest set of eyes, at
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Monday, November 10, 2008 10:29:10 AM 
Thanks Freeze!!! I just think it's really time for people to see through this huge scam of control. and the control is from those that NO one in the public even consider.

The future is here and things are happening and things are sliding rather quickly, and the last ones to really want to know it are those who are living through it. They look for leaders, look for people who will be their champions. The feudal system gave the common people champions because they used to have jousts – that's where justice comes from, joust, it's on a court. A court, a big lawn where they'd ride their horses at each other with lances and battle axes and swords in front of the king or the queen for an afternoon's sport. A commoner was not allowed to fight on that field because you were a commoner. You were unclean. If there was enough of a grievance for the commoners, they could ask a knight (the holy elevated knights) to fight for them to be a champion for them and that's where the idea of politics came from. They would give the public people to vote for, who would go off and champion for them and that's how we've been conned all down this path in politics.
They always make sure that certain factions are given the particular champion, without telling you the rest of the story; and the fact is the whole system in politics and bureaucracies is so interwoven now that no one party could ever unravel it unless they threw it all out and started again. This was even stated in Canada by a Premiere, that's like a governor of Ontario, Bob Rae, who at the end of his tenure stated that we have so interwoven all the laws that we've made it would take years for lawyers and bureaucrats to unravel them and alter them. That's what's happened in federal governments too, because they've been interweaving them in preparation for a world state since before World War II. Therefore, no one party could possibly go in and change it; and apart from that, Professor Carroll Quigley(insane proud official historian of the CFR, and author of"Tradgey and Hope") told us they always have the leaders of the parties in their pocket. They train them. The vet them and allow them to run and however you're inclined by habit or nature, they have a champion for you who will say all the rights things but go along with the system once he's in it because the system is totalitarian in structure. The bureaucracies know the agenda more so than politicians. All the lower politicians are allowed simply to compete for higher brownie points amongst each other, opposing parties, but the guys at the top in all parties belong to the same group. Any man who tried to change it would be 'Kennedied' very quickly and that's just the way it is. So if people believe this Obama person has real say and is anything more than a sock puppet then they are literally in the Dark.  The Agenda goes for U.S. "policy" that the last administration represented is simply being continued.  This is ALL the agenda of the elite foundations that rule the globe.  All published and proven.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Monday, November 10, 2008 10:10:56 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Monday, November 10, 2008 10:10:56 AM 
Interesting read as usual, Kendall. Hope you are well.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Kendall aka JudasRyche from Monday, November 10, 2008 9:59:17 AM)
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Monday, November 10, 2008 9:59:17 AM 
The feudal system that the Normans ruled with and used over the public has never disappeared. They knew that they'd have to give the populace an idea that they were somehow running things or had a hand in things by creating this thing called democracy. A democracy is what they call a "feint" in boxing. It's a con. It's not really there. It's an illusion but it tricks the public into believing they have some kind of rights and that they're involved in the way that the future is going to end up, because if they didn't give the public this particular system they knew that there'd be revolutions every few years, so they give you elections every few years instead. In democracies, no one votes in the new guys because they like them. They vote the old guys out because they've had time to see how corrupt they are and you live in hope, so you vote in the new champion who always end up doing the same thing as the last champion. Something that some people never ever wake up to their whole lives long. I've heard people in their 80's when they send vans around to pick them up to go and vote telling you that they've always voted. Yeah, they're the first to complain how bad things are getting and when you try and ask them "haven't you noticed that regardless of what party, what person you vote for, over the last 80 years an agenda is going forward and it seems to be getting worse?"  They'll agree with you but then they go back in that double-think they still have to vote. They just can't quite catch on – too far gone.
Thomas Jefferson talked about that because the whole concept of democracy was not new to the Founding Fathers of the U.S. These characters had great educations and they studied and read. They read the Greek Classics and they read the histories of the world. They knew how the systems had worked and how tyrants ruled under the guise of benevolent dictators. They knew what democracy was supposed to end up with, because Plato when through all the systems including democracy, which ends up in a form of socialism, which always ends up in dictatorship. It's all been done before.
Ancient China, if you go into their histories, had done all of these. Republicanism, they tried that. They tried democracy. They tried fascism thousands of years ago, all well documented, all experimented with. The Founding Fathers of the U.S., Thomas Jefferson said "when you see an agenda carrying onwards between the different changes in Congress (meaning the different parties who get in and out), when you see a single agenda obviously carrying through from one to the other," he says, "you know you're under tyranny." What we've had since the League of Nations is this amazing step by step into the United Nations program to bring about a totalitarian world governmental system, where even in the 1800's Karl Marx talked about the unification of Europe and unification of the Americas that would come and then the Far Eastern and Pacific Rim unification. The three trading blocks which would have a form – they'd be demoted to a form of local government, a provincial government, so your federal government becomes a provincial government under a supergovernment, a world government, written all that time ago and most people today live in ignorance of all of that. It's been taken out of the school books for them and they have no inclination, most people, to go and find out; because, after all, today is not too bad, is it? Today will always be here. Tomorrow will be the same as today for ever and ever; and that's infantile thinking. That's how they're trained.
They do believe that their betters, those people on television, those famous faces will tell them all they have to know for their own good and all of those people who come out of the special wombs and run the world, you know the superior types, will just do everything for them and deal with all their heavy and weighty problems of the world. That's socialism. That's infantile thinking. That's what it was designed to do. Most people do not think through problems. They adopt their customs, their religion, the changes in the system and the religion through a form of osmosis. They don't think it through. If everyone else is going off in a direction, they will go in that direction too without question and will think they're quite normal because everyone else is going there too. That's a simple as it is and they could never believe even when it's happening and this is the strange thing about human nature. Even when the worst eventually comes down on their heads, right to the end, if they're put to the wall to be shot, they would still believe it's impossible, this cannot happen in my world. That's why they go passively. They do what they're told. They're ordered to the very end and they obey to the bitter end because they cannot believe its happening.
What's happening across the world to other countries in this perpetual war, physical war too that we've seen going on. We've had 50 years of war on the Latin American countries. All quiet wars kept from the public in the North and over in Europe, but people schooled in the School of the Americas, they changed their name but they're still operating. We don't mind other people being killed as long as it's not us.
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:02:50 AM 
Hey gang! I received a Private Message this morning from a member I do not know. I ACCIDENTALLY deleted it before I read it. Could the person that sent this to me PLEASE re-send it? It was regarding the Project and the band. I apologize for this but I am an old man and often have trouble with this diabolical machine!! Please forgive my stupidity  and re-send your message!!!!
[Craig Wagenhoffer] Saturday, November 08, 2008 4:21:16 PM 
Deep "The New Dealer" Freeze!!!??? Hahahaha!!! Thank you for the warm welcome, dude! 

How are you, man? As for me: I could be better. I still have a hard time to accept that Barack Hussein Obama is our next president. Ah well, there's nothing I can do about it and I don't want a server ban, so I will keep my rants to myself.

I'll catch you later.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, November 08, 2008 2:58:21 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, November 08, 2008 2:58:21 PM 
Craig!!!!!!!! GREAT to see you again!!!!!!
[_strat_] Saturday, November 08, 2008 2:30:17 PM 
Well, we will see, because Russia is technicaly still a democracy. But I dont doubt that if Putin comes back that he will be re-elected.

In any case, Medvedjev, Putin = Nationalist douchebags. Whichever one is in the Kremlin is bad.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Craig Wagenhoffer from Saturday, November 08, 2008 1:38:05 PM)
[Craig Wagenhoffer] Saturday, November 08, 2008 1:38:05 PM 
Now that we're talking about Russia: I just read that Vladimir Putin will probably return as Russia's president in early 2009. Rumour has it that Putin would then stay president until 2021 or even become "president for life"! This is the period Putin needs to complete his "Putin Plan". The appointment of Dmitri Medvedev as Russia's president earlier this year seems to be part of a calculated plan. Right now Medvedev is pushing through some unpopular social reforms and reforms to pave the way for an easy return of Vladimir Putin. 

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by stratlover from Saturday, November 08, 2008 11:25:35 AM)
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