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Judas Priest in Toronto July 9...
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the MASTERS OF METAL arrive back in Canada...are you going?


[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:52:17 PM 
hey Ellieke you should you  have a bicycle i can meet you half 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Ellieke from Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:20:21 AM)
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:51:09 PM 
me you ready for whitesnake and popevil
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN from Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:01:51 PM)
[spapad] Saturday, May 09, 2009 9:25:06 PM 
LOL, might as well be two years in real "fan" time! LOL Tic, tok, tic, tok, tic, tok, and on.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN from Saturday, May 09, 2009 9:22:04 PM)
[Soylentgreen4u] Saturday, May 09, 2009 9:22:04 PM 
2 MONTHS TO GO............
Edited at: Saturday, May 09, 2009 9:22:35 PM
[Soylentgreen4u] Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:01:51 PM 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Friday, May 08, 2009 10:47:47 PM)
[Soylentgreen4u] Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:46:10 AM 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Ellieke from Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:20:21 AM)
[Ellieke] Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:20:21 AM 
 I so wanne be there tooooooooooo !!!! 
I don't know how long we have to wait before they come back to Belgium
[Alloy86] Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:14:43 AM 
I am sooooo ready NOW. 
[hellrider 31038] Friday, May 08, 2009 10:47:47 PM 
its a comin wolfman my good friend ARE    YOU      READY
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN from Friday, May 08, 2009 6:50:50 PM)
[MARK IN THE DARK] Friday, May 08, 2009 7:23:22 PM 
where n when is the smoke fest ? i have a bad back and would like something better than painkillers ????
[Soylentgreen4u] Friday, May 08, 2009 6:50:50 PM 

TWO MONTH'S TO GO!....well....almost......

[hellrider 31038] Friday, May 08, 2009 12:02:17 AM 
will do.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:59:19 PM)
[guidogodoy] Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:59:19 PM 
PM me a place when the date comes closer. My bro will probably have something to say about the matter but we out-age him by 20 f@#$ years and I am buying his tenth-row ticket. He is under our thumb, IOW!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:53:38 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:53:38 PM 
hell yeah my good friend but ONLY if you let me buy you a
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:50:43 PM)
[guidogodoy] Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:50:43 PM 

You saw, my tix arrived. I am Toronto-bound on my multi-Priest tour this summer. You gonna let me buy you that Coca-Cola or what?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:46:40 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, May 07, 2009 11:46:40 PM 
hey LadyBathory9 did you manage to get a ticket to the toronto show yet
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Saturday, April 04, 2009 3:25:27 PM)
[Marktheshark] Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:29:44 PM 

Thanks damnbanker and hellrider for the sentiments. It does make you see that life is short and each day should be cherished. Having said that, I don't think I could do two KISS concerts in the same month as Priest as 1) I can't afford it and 2) I think my wife would divorce me if I did that!

Edited at: Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:30:20 PM
Edited at: Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:31:03 PM
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:18:27 PM 
yeah i got a pair of tickets through ticket master but they were not during the pre sale.good luck getting good seat.there seems to be a real scam going on this year which is very unfortunate for us hard core fans .
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by 35yearpriestfan from Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:15:30 PM)
[35yearpriestfan] Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:15:30 PM 
did anyone get tickets through ticketmaster, how do you become eligible for "pre-sale offers>
[dambanker] Thursday, April 16, 2009 6:28:56 PM 


Sorry to hear about your Dad, Mark.  All the more reason for you to enjoy time with your Son.  I also got a pair of tickets for the Kiss Casino Rama show...6th row floors, only the kids can't go to that one.


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