whatever floats your boat....everyone is different.
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 6:04:08 PM
I listened once....that was enuff - don't get on my case - each to their own yes? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:53:20 PM)
jackylone wrote:
sorry pal, you are dead wrong....don't like it? don't listen....how simple is that!
[jackylone] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:53:20 PM
sorry pal, you are dead wrong....don't like it? don't listen....how simple is that!
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:39:20 PM
oh plz - nostradamus is the worst priest CD in years...go away and stfu
[jackylone] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:12:19 PM
no problem Bev, Priest fans are, 'United'!
[Bev] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 6:14:17 AM
Thanks Jim! Again the torch is carried for the diehards, not only that Nostra is what it is, but because it got the Band some acclaim as well. Here's hopin, wishin' and dreamin' 2010 is "the year"! Thanks for representing me too! ; ) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Wednesday, August 26, 2009 12:46:16 AM)
jackylone wrote:
Hey Hotrockin' Metal Goddess, thanks alot, its great to have supporters! if you go to blabbermouth.net and read some of the comments about the 365 day mark and the meeting the band, it wasn't very nice, althought there were supporters there. (few)...anyways all the guys were super, K.K. and Glenn thought it was so cool that i took to the record like i did and thanked me for my dedication for that and the 30 some years i've been a fan. Ian laughed and jokingly said you listened a whole year and survived, but thought it was so cool....Scott thanked me for my dedication to the band, and Rob just sat and talked about doing the Nostradamus live and the production they want to put into it. He asked me what the first Jp record i bought was, (Sin After Sin), and if this was the first time i saw Priest, of course this was the 6th or 7th time, (military commitments stopped me a few times), and he asked me why i dug the album so much, and basically i tld him, that no other album has been done this way, and that the band told the story very well..the music is great and that i could feel how Nostradamus 'the man' was feeling at a particular moment in his life in the tone of his vocals. i also told him i knew little about Nostradamus and that i could get a picture of what he did and who is was. it also made me do some research to learn more about Nostradamus. He said he had read about me i that mornings paper, (the cleveland plain dealer did a story about the listening, and they also did a follow up that saturday with rob and i's picture in the paper). i told him if it doesn't come to cleveland to at least try and get somewhere reasonable as i have to see it live. he asked what i do for a living, even though it was in the paper, and i also told him about being a 20 year retiree from the military which he thought was very cool and thanked me for dedicared service. He posed for a pic or 2 and thanked me for my love of the album and of the band, and told me to keep listening, and that 'understand the concept of Nostradamus! i t was an experience i will NEVER forget! don't think i wasn't a little excited and nervous because i was, but i also knew i was meeting some peopkle who have been in my life for 30+ years, so it wasn't bad at all. they all made me feel just like i've known them for years.....anyother question, don't hesitate to ask, i LOVE talking Priest!
[.] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 6:11:27 AM
I prefer quality listening to quantity listening, but to each his/her own. I think the people criticizing had valid reasons to do so and their opinion was sincere, even if the language was rough and I don't agree with their overhall opinion of the album myself.
You got out of having your fun:
A free ticket;
Met the band who thanked you personally for your dedication;
The chance of bragging about it all.
By the way, that picture on Blabbermouth is more kind on you than the first one I saw (that made you look like a complete nutcase) because your friend is dressed in curtains and wears a lamp shade on his head.
Sorry to bitch, I can't help it but if you spent your time in the military 20 years ago, you're strong enough to read this.
Hey Hotrockin' Metal Goddess, thanks alot, its great to have supporters! if you go to blabbermouth.net and read some of the comments about the 365 day mark and the meeting the band, it wasn't very nice, althought there were supporters there. (few)...anyways all the guys were super, K.K. and Glenn thought it was so cool that i took to the record like i did and thanked me for my dedication for that and the 30 some years i've been a fan. Ian laughed and jokingly said you listened a whole year and survived, but thought it was so cool....Scott thanked me for my dedication to the band, and Rob just sat and talked about doing the Nostradamus live and the production they want to put into it. He asked me what the first Jp record i bought was, (Sin After Sin), and if this was the first time i saw Priest, of course this was the 6th or 7th time, (military commitments stopped me a few times), and he asked me why i dug the album so much, and basically i tld him, that no other album has been done this way, and that the band told the story very well..the music is great and that i could feel how Nostradamus 'the man' was feeling at a particular moment in his life in the tone of his vocals. i also told him i knew little about Nostradamus and that i could get a picture of what he did and who is was. it also made me do some research to learn more about Nostradamus. He said he had read about me i that mornings paper, (the cleveland plain dealer did a story about the listening, and they also did a follow up that saturday with rob and i's picture in the paper). i told him if it doesn't come to cleveland to at least try and get somewhere reasonable as i have to see it live. he asked what i do for a living, even though it was in the paper, and i also told him about being a 20 year retiree from the military which he thought was very cool and thanked me for dedicared service. He posed for a pic or 2 and thanked me for my love of the album and of the band, and told me to keep listening, and that 'understand the concept of Nostradamus! i t was an experience i will NEVER forget! don't think i wasn't a little excited and nervous because i was, but i also knew i was meeting some peopkle who have been in my life for 30+ years, so it wasn't bad at all. they all made me feel just like i've known them for years.....anyother question, don't hesitate to ask, i LOVE talking Priest!
[jackylone] Wednesday, August 26, 2009 12:46:16 AM
Hey Hotrockin' Metal Goddess, thanks alot, its great to have supporters! if you go to blabbermouth.net and read some of the comments about the 365 day mark and the meeting the band, it wasn't very nice, althought there were supporters there. (few)...anyways all the guys were super, K.K. and Glenn thought it was so cool that i took to the record like i did and thanked me for my dedication for that and the 30 some years i've been a fan. Ian laughed and jokingly said you listened a whole year and survived, but thought it was so cool....Scott thanked me for my dedication to the band, and Rob just sat and talked about doing the Nostradamus live and the production they want to put into it. He asked me what the first Jp record i bought was, (Sin After Sin), and if this was the first time i saw Priest, of course this was the 6th or 7th time, (military commitments stopped me a few times), and he asked me why i dug the album so much, and basically i tld him, that no other album has been done this way, and that the band told the story very well..the music is great and that i could feel how Nostradamus 'the man' was feeling at a particular moment in his life in the tone of his vocals. i also told him i knew little about Nostradamus and that i could get a picture of what he did and who is was. it also made me do some research to learn more about Nostradamus. He said he had read about me i that mornings paper, (the cleveland plain dealer did a story about the listening, and they also did a follow up that saturday with rob and i's picture in the paper). i told him if it doesn't come to cleveland to at least try and get somewhere reasonable as i have to see it live. he asked what i do for a living, even though it was in the paper, and i also told him about being a 20 year retiree from the military which he thought was very cool and thanked me for dedicared service. He posed for a pic or 2 and thanked me for my love of the album and of the band, and told me to keep listening, and that 'understand the concept of Nostradamus! i t was an experience i will NEVER forget! don't think i wasn't a little excited and nervous because i was, but i also knew i was meeting some peopkle who have been in my life for 30+ years, so it wasn't bad at all. they all made me feel just like i've known them for years.....anyother question, don't hesitate to ask, i LOVE talking Priest!
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:22:48 PM
Haaaa. I think I only managed to blubber out "I love you" at the meet and greet two years ago too! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:25:18 PM)
Jackylone! Obviously this album struck a cord with you and I think it's GREAT!! I remember doing the exact same thing with SFV, played it every single day, sometimes multiple times until Defenders came out. You do it because you love it and that is the only reason you should do it. I think it's fantastic that the band recognized it and wanted to meet you. Do you mind my asking, what questions did Rob ask you? Sorry, I need to live through you because when I met Priest at the meet and greet last year, I was a blubbering MESS! If in your shoes, I don't think I could have gotten very many words out, other than "I LOVE YOU!" For some reason, I meet anyone in Priest and my brains just fall right out of my head! LOL! By the way, my husband and I were at the Cleveland show too, 4th row center KK's side. Victim of Changes that night brought tears to my eyes.... God it was AMAZING!!!
jackylone wrote:
who knows about the guiness thing...not intrested in that. i just listen for the love of the record.....
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:25:18 PM
Jackylone! Obviously this album struck a cord with you and I think it's GREAT!! I remember doing the exact same thing with SFV, played it every single day, sometimes multiple times until Defenders came out. You do it because you love it and that is the only reason you should do it. I think it's fantastic that the band recognized it and wanted to meet you. Do you mind my asking, what questions did Rob ask you? Sorry, I need to live through you because when I met Priest at the meet and greet last year, I was a blubbering MESS! If in your shoes, I don't think I could have gotten very many words out, other than "I LOVE YOU!" For some reason, I meet anyone in Priest and my brains just fall right out of my head! LOL! By the way, my husband and I were at the Cleveland show too, 4th row center KK's side. Victim of Changes that night brought tears to my eyes.... God it was AMAZING!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:05:22 PM)
jackylone wrote:
who knows about the guiness thing...not intrested in that. i just listen for the love of the record.....
[jackylone] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:05:22 PM
who knows about the guiness thing...not intrested in that. i just listen for the love of the record.....
[I.M.P.] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:55:47 AM
Damn dude! Dedication to the faith!
Going to spin that Nostradumus disc tomorrow at my job. Like you, I've a job I can do that with-thankfully!
Hey guys, i know you were only joking around...believe me, i took alot of bashing on blabbermouth.net over this, but it didn't bother me...there are alot of people who knew what was going on, including you guys on the boards here, and have been very supportive...so thanks to all of you and them...funny thing is, alot of the crap i got was how can i listen to the same album everyday for nearly 2 hours? i would say there's 24 hours in a day, i sleep 6-7 and there's still 17 to play with, and what's 2 hours!!!! i am fortunate enough to have a job where i can listen to whatever for 8 hours....so, its pretty easy.... Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:13:21 PM
[spapad] Monday, August 24, 2009 6:16:29 PM
Is there a guiness book of world records for listening to the same album for a certain amount of time? Have you looked in to seeing what the amount of time is? Might be worth giving them a call! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Monday, August 24, 2009 6:04:03 PM)
jackylone wrote:
435 days, and still going strong!!!! lovin' every second of it!!!
[jackylone] Monday, August 24, 2009 6:04:03 PM
435 days, and still going strong!!!! lovin' every second of it!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:26:38 PM
"It will grow on you".........like fungus? LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by priestrocker2 from Saturday, August 15, 2009 6:52:41 PM)
priestrocker2 wrote:
Nostradamus is a really good album. It starts off with a punch and ends with one. It is one of those cd's that you have to listen to a couple of times and then it starts to grow on you. Listen to "Calm Before The Storm". If that doesn't give you chills I don't know what will. The way Rob sings it is, well only the way Rob can! Then the song "Nostradamus" very brutal song. Reminds me of Painkiller in a way. Then the last song "The Future Of Mankind". Holy sh*t. This song is frickin awesome. If anyone doesn't like it just give it about 3 or 4 times. It will grow on you!
[priestrocker2] Saturday, August 15, 2009 6:52:41 PM
Nostradamus is a really good album. It starts off with a punch and ends with one. It is one of those cd's that you have to listen to a couple of times and then it starts to grow on you. Listen to "Calm Before The Storm". If that doesn't give you chills I don't know what will. The way Rob sings it is, well only the way Rob can! Then the song "Nostradamus" very brutal song. Reminds me of Painkiller in a way. Then the last song "The Future Of Mankind". Holy sh*t. This song is frickin awesome. If anyone doesn't like it just give it about 3 or 4 times. It will grow on you!
Keep listening Jim! Nostradamus is a masterpiece no matter what ppl say....i just hope they tour Nostradamus is cleveland!
[hellrider 31038] Friday, August 14, 2009 7:20:21 PM
VERY GOOD TO KNOW.HELL YEAH jackylone now put your fist in the air and we will repeat that part about PRIEST RULES [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 6:23:01 PM)
jackylone wrote:
No offense taken at all! THE MIGHTY PRIEST RULES!
[british.steel] Friday, August 14, 2009 7:16:14 PM
Keep listening Jim! Nostradamus is a masterpiece no matter what ppl say....i just hope they tour Nostradamus is cleveland!
[jackylone] Friday, August 14, 2009 6:23:01 PM
No offense taken at all! THE MIGHTY PRIEST RULES!
[hellrider 31038] Friday, August 14, 2009 4:52:58 PM
mean either COOOOMMMMMMMAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDDDEEEEEERRRRRRR.like i said a few moments ago i respect his feelings for the album [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, August 14, 2009 4:12:27 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I agree hellrider....Painkiller is one of the top 3 best Priest records of all time...but I'm not taking anything away from jackylone and his love for the Nostradamus album.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
no offence of coarse but in my opinion the MIGHTY PAAAAAAINKILLLLLLLLLLER RULES.hell yeah saying it with my STUDDED wristbands on and fist in the air CRANK IT UP what a total rush of power heavy meeeeett ttttaaaallllllll masterpiece(AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) ROB HALFORD METAL GOD SCREAM) (Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 12:24:16 AM)
jackylone wrote:
425 days and still going strong! Nostradamus rules!!!
Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 12:36:30 AM
[hellrider 31038] Friday, August 14, 2009 4:48:25 PM
hey jackylone well i do believe the MIGHTY PAAAAINKILLLLLLER RULES but i respect your feeling for JUDAS PRIEST album nostradamus.no way did i mean to offend you my fellow defender of the faith.hell yeah [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 1:12:21 PM)
jackylone wrote:
Hey guys, i know you were only joking around...believe me, i took alot of bashing on blabbermouth.net over this, but it didn't bother me...there are alot of people who knew what was going on, including you guys on the boards here, and have been very supportive...so thanks to all of you and them...funny thing is, alot of the crap i got was how can i listen to the same album everyday for nearly 2 hours? i would say there's 24 hours in a day, i sleep 6-7 and there's still 17 to play with, and what's 2 hours!!!! i am fortunate enough to have a job where i can listen to whatever for 8 hours....so, its pretty easy.... Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:13:21 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, August 14, 2009 3:52:10 PM
Good for you jackylone....I love albums that some people "HATE" so I think each of us can identify with that. But hats off to you man .
If the next Judas Priest album is a return to a Painkiller/Angel of Retribution style,then I may be listening to it for 400 + days consecutively!!!! LOL!
Hey guys, i know you were only joking around...believe me, i took alot of bashing on blabbermouth.net over this, but it didn't bother me...there are alot of people who knew what was going on, including you guys on the boards here, and have been very supportive...so thanks to all of you and them...funny thing is, alot of the crap i got was how can i listen to the same album everyday for nearly 2 hours? i would say there's 24 hours in a day, i sleep 6-7 and there's still 17 to play with, and what's 2 hours!!!! i am fortunate enough to have a job where i can listen to whatever for 8 hours....so, its pretty easy.... Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:13:21 PM
[jackylone] Friday, August 14, 2009 1:12:21 PM
Hey guys, i know you were only joking around...believe me, i took alot of bashing on blabbermouth.net over this, but it didn't bother me...there are alot of people who knew what was going on, including you guys on the boards here, and have been very supportive...so thanks to all of you and them...funny thing is, alot of the crap i got was how can i listen to the same album everyday for nearly 2 hours? i would say there's 24 hours in a day, i sleep 6-7 and there's still 17 to play with, and what's 2 hours!!!! i am fortunate enough to have a job where i can listen to whatever for 8 hours....so, its pretty easy.... Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:13:21 PM
[ron h] Friday, August 14, 2009 12:03:13 PM
Hi again Jim...Don't bother answering the question I asked. A friend of mine e-mailed me an interview you made that answered it for me. I had in fact read it before, but I didn't recall it. I was just curious in that what you've been able to accomplish is quite impressive, but for it to get all the way to the band is just incredible!!! Keep the Faith, bro [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Friday, August 14, 2009 10:57:56 AM)
ron h wrote:
Hey Jim, just echoing Freezes' comments. I'm sure meeting the band and all that was a dream come true and I don't doubt your word at all. I can see where there's time throughout the day...after all, there's still almost 22 hours left after a listen if you acually sat and did it. I know I spend more than 2 hours a day listening to music, even though it's in the background and not relevant to what I'm doing. I do have a question though, if you don't mind...how did your listening to Nos everyday become public in the first place?
jackylone wrote:
hey guys, trust me, may god strike me down if i don't listen to it at least once a day!!! i play it at work, (i'm there for 8 hours), or while at home doing something, or whenever...it doesn't stop me from listening to other stuff, i have a HUGE cd/album collection...and 2 hours a day is nothing....believe me, when this was started, there was no intent for what this has rolled into, (meeting the band or the press), it still amazes me that something like this got so much attention!
[ron h] Friday, August 14, 2009 10:57:56 AM
Hey Jim, just echoing Freezes' comments. I'm sure meeting the band and all that was a dream come true and I don't doubt your word at all. I can see where there's time throughout the day...after all, there's still almost 22 hours left after a listen if you acually sat and did it. I know I spend more than 2 hours a day listening to music, even though it's in the background and not relevant to what I'm doing. I do have a question though, if you don't mind...how did your listening to Nos everyday become public in the first place? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 9:01:29 AM)
jackylone wrote:
hey guys, trust me, may god strike me down if i don't listen to it at least once a day!!! i play it at work, (i'm there for 8 hours), or while at home doing something, or whenever...it doesn't stop me from listening to other stuff, i have a HUGE cd/album collection...and 2 hours a day is nothing....believe me, when this was started, there was no intent for what this has rolled into, (meeting the band or the press), it still amazes me that something like this got so much attention!
[Deep Freeze] Friday, August 14, 2009 10:35:00 AM
My friend, I was only joking. I hope you know that. I believe you. I think it is an incredible twist that you got to do so much as a result! Good for you, man! Please do not be offended by my kidding around. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 9:01:29 AM)
jackylone wrote:
hey guys, trust me, may god strike me down if i don't listen to it at least once a day!!! i play it at work, (i'm there for 8 hours), or while at home doing something, or whenever...it doesn't stop me from listening to other stuff, i have a HUGE cd/album collection...and 2 hours a day is nothing....believe me, when this was started, there was no intent for what this has rolled into, (meeting the band or the press), it still amazes me that something like this got so much attention!
[jackylone] Friday, August 14, 2009 9:01:29 AM
hey guys, trust me, may god strike me down if i don't listen to it at least once a day!!! i play it at work, (i'm there for 8 hours), or while at home doing something, or whenever...it doesn't stop me from listening to other stuff, i have a HUGE cd/album collection...and 2 hours a day is nothing....believe me, when this was started, there was no intent for what this has rolled into, (meeting the band or the press), it still amazes me that something like this got so much attention!
[Deep Freeze] Friday, August 14, 2009 8:51:09 AM
HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell, I would claim just about anything for that honor! Personally, I think jackylone is a friggin GENIUS. Whether or not he is really doing it, this Thread makes PERFECT sense! The Band desperately wants this album to be accepted and successful. Then a member claims to be "all about" it... friggin BRILLIANT! My hat's off to him! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Friday, August 14, 2009 8:45:50 AM)
ron h wrote:
So very true...me as well!!!
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can tell you this much; whether he does or does not listen to other music, if it meant that I would get the opportunity to go BACKSTAGE and meet Rob Halford AND chat with him, I would listen to it EVERYDAY as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Or at least claim to..)
I can tell you this much; whether he does or does not listen to other music, if it meant that I would get the opportunity to go BACKSTAGE and meet Rob Halford AND chat with him, I would listen to it EVERYDAY as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Or at least claim to..)
[Deep Freeze] Friday, August 14, 2009 8:42:03 AM
I can tell you this much; whether he does or does not listen to other music, if it meant that I would get the opportunity to go BACKSTAGE and meet Rob Halford AND chat with him, I would listen to it EVERYDAY as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Or at least claim to..)
[ron h] Friday, August 14, 2009 7:45:49 AM
I can't believe Nos is the only thing he listens to...unless he's said as much. But, I can imagine that while he's home he's got it playing while on the pewter or while cleaning...just as background music. Now, if he was sitting in a Lazy Boy for two plus hours with headphones on... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by devils_child from Friday, August 14, 2009 4:22:32 AM)
devils_child wrote:
I respect that jackylone likes Nostra...... but i think a little thing called OCD comes into play when we reach 425 days................................ ................... there is other music out there pal.
jackylone wrote:
425 days and still going strong! Nostradamus rules!!!
[Bev] Friday, August 14, 2009 7:17:34 AM
LOL ... OCD is me everytime I try to log-off JP.com!!! I can't seem to quit hiting the "refresh" button
Jim, I'm sure Nostra isn't the only album you listen to! But like me, there are somethings that just become routine, eh?! Kind of like stopping by JP.com at the same time everyday, etc ; )
[devils_child] Friday, August 14, 2009 4:22:32 AM
I respect that jackylone likes Nostra...... but i think a little thing called OCD comes into play when we reach 425 days................................ ................... there is other music out there pal. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 12:24:16 AM)
jackylone wrote:
425 days and still going strong! Nostradamus rules!!!
[Necroticist] Friday, August 14, 2009 4:21:18 AM
Nostradamus SUX - unless u have the ORIGINAL by Nikolo Kotzev
OK - said my piece..don't bother responding...
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, August 14, 2009 4:12:27 AM
I agree hellrider....Painkiller is one of the top 3 best Priest records of all time...but I'm not taking anything away from jackylone and his love for the Nostradamus album. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Friday, August 14, 2009 12:35:11 AM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
no offence of coarse but in my opinion the MIGHTY PAAAAAAINKILLLLLLLLLLER RULES.hell yeah saying it with my STUDDED wristbands on and fist in the air CRANK IT UP what a total rush of power heavy meeeeett ttttaaaallllllll masterpiece(AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) ROB HALFORD METAL GOD SCREAM) (Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 12:24:16 AM)
jackylone wrote:
425 days and still going strong! Nostradamus rules!!!
Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 12:36:30 AM
[hellrider 31038] Friday, August 14, 2009 12:35:11 AM
no offence of coarse but in my opinion the MIGHTY PAAAAAAINKILLLLLLLLLLER RULES.hell yeah saying it with my STUDDED wristbands on and fist in the air CRANK IT UP what a total rush of power heavy meeeeett ttttaaaallllllll masterpiece(AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) ROB HALFORD METAL GOD SCREAM) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Friday, August 14, 2009 12:24:16 AM)
jackylone wrote:
425 days and still going strong! Nostradamus rules!!!
Edited at: Friday, August 14, 2009 12:36:30 AM
[jackylone] Friday, August 14, 2009 12:24:16 AM
425 days and still going strong! Nostradamus rules!!!
[hellrider 31038] Monday, August 03, 2009 6:48:17 PM
wow man that is totally awesome.i bet it was cool as hell. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Monday, August 03, 2009 5:15:15 PM)
jackylone wrote:
i spent a few minutes with each except Rob. i actually got to sit down with Rob for about 10-15 minutes and chat about Nostradamus, the album, and the man...it was cool as hell!!!!
[jackylone] Monday, August 03, 2009 5:15:15 PM
i spent a few minutes with each except Rob. i actually got to sit down with Rob for about 10-15 minutes and chat about Nostradamus, the album, and the man...it was cool as hell!!!!
[hellrider 31038] Monday, August 03, 2009 1:56:57 PM
wow jim thats totally awesome man.how much time to you get to spend with the MASTERS OF METAL AND THE METAL GOD [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, August 02, 2009 1:20:00 PM)
spapad wrote:
Jim, here's your pics now that I have your permission to post them. Very Nice!!!
I like this last one! That Smile says it ALL!!
jackylone wrote:
As soon as i figure out how to post some pic's on here, i will...for now you can go to bwbk.com and type 'Nostradamus fanatic' in their search and it will bring up the photo's with the guys and the story...
[jackylone] Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:49:16 PM
i don't have any way of contacting management or the band. but a friend told me some of the guys were talking with fans after the show around the bus....my friend met them all i believe except Rob....i guess it's just how they feel on a particular night. Edited at: Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:50:38 PM
[Hellion87] Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:36:41 PM
Where do u go to contact the management, if there is any way you could give me an e-mail address to contact them wiht? I just ask because I would like the chance to meet glenn tipton for inspiring me to pick up the guitar because he picked it up when he was 21 as well as I did. Thank you for anything you could possibly do to help me achieve this. His playing and the music that both he and the rest of Judas Priest has helped to create has been a great influence to me.
[jackylone] Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:24:32 PM
Hey Hellion87, the guys and their management heard the story and read about my insane listening to Nostradamus, and i was told Rob wanted to sit down and talk to me about it awhile ago....low and behold i recieved an email the day before the show telling me a meet n greet had been arranged..i was completely surprised when i read its contents.
[Hellion87] Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:16:02 PM
I gotta ask Nostradamus fanatic how in the world did you get your pre-show pass?? Please tell me I am dying to know!!
[jackylone] Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:13:38 PM
thankyou Bev, it was one of the GREATEST nights of my life....
[british.steel] Sunday, August 02, 2009 4:30:36 PM
i know, i havent been here in a while! 2 days ago we i went to a grad party all day and yesterday we had some family party thing since reatives were coming in from texas, but 2 a days start tomorrow! shit!
[spapad] Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:58:34 PM
B.S.! where have you been hiding yourself?! Oh, nevermind, answered my own question. Football! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by british.steel from Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:54:40 PM)
british.steel wrote:
thts aweosme Jackylone, your so lucky! Hope they tour Nostradamus in Cleveland next year. will be something to remember
[british.steel] Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:54:40 PM
thts aweosme Jackylone, your so lucky! Hope they tour Nostradamus in Cleveland next year. will be something to remember
[Bev] Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:45:39 PM
Jim, Have to let you know one more time how happy I am that you got to spend some time with these guys!!! Keep well!