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ULI JON ROTH - Under a Dark Sky
 This Topic was created by [Keyd [Banned]] Messages per page: 20 50 [100]
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2008 Albums


[zombie666] Sunday, October 19, 2008 4:29:02 AM 
Yes i was at the southhampton show, WOW 3 shows in a month thats cool! So what are your standout songs from Under a Dark Sky? I think ULI played The Magic Word, Letter of the law, Tanz In Die Dämmerung and 1 more i cant remeber and they sounded great! Also what other ULI JON ROTH albums are worth buying?
[Keyd [Banned]] Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:19:02 PM 
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[zombie666] Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:08:49 AM 
I just saw ULI open for the SCORPIONS on thursday. and was very impressed with the songs, ULI himself was amazing,He only played for 45mins and i belive he said it was all from the new album Under a Dark Sky? I ordered a copy of the album and should get it early next week, i hope its as good as it sounded live?
[Keyd [Banned]] Saturday, October 18, 2008 2:57:47 AM 
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