[Apocalypse] Thursday, December 25, 2008 6:03:40 AM | |
oh i have. maybe that was a brick in the divorce wall. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by SadWingsRaging from Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:18:37 AM) |  | SadWingsRaging wrote: | | Obviously you have never interupted a frazled female neck deep in prepairing a large meal cause if you had, YOU would have been on the menu! |  | Apocalypse wrote: | | mine is microwave city. fuck cooking. Dark arts? lmao |
[SadWingsRaging] Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:18:37 AM | |
Obviously you have never interupted a frazled female neck deep in prepairing a large meal cause if you had, YOU would have been on the menu! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Apocalypse from Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:08:48 AM) |  | Apocalypse wrote: | | mine is microwave city. fuck cooking. Dark arts? lmao |
[Apocalypse] Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:08:48 AM | |
mine is microwave city. fuck cooking. Dark arts? lmao |
[SadWingsRaging] Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:04:56 AM | |
So,here I sit early in the morning with various phils and crucibles along with countless other paraphernalia scatered around me watching and listening to the flames bring numerous nefarious concoctions to a simmer & boil behind me whilst performing the delicate act of shoving my arms up to my elbows inside a turkey in my latest attempt to create the 'Phiosophers Stone' of the cooking art,,, The Juicy turkey! Baking is another black art but flour is cheap, a turkey is not!Since it is the time of the year that the turkey is king, excepting thanksgiving but with all the other food you have to prepair at thanksgiving it is hard to dedicate your entire mental capacity to just the bird, I feel it is a good time to unlock the grimmorae & compare each others recipes. I am keeping mine simple this year. After removing the gibblets I have sliced up a sweet onion & lined it inside the cavity then packed in a large sliced apple. I have also rubbed the bird with olive oil and placed a piece of foil as tight to the skin on the breast as I could get it. Then tossing the bird into a suitable container I have placed another layer of foil on it to seal in the moisture. I will cook according to the,,, err,,, manufacturers directions. When it is 30 to 40 min. from being finished I will remove all the foil & brush on the honey & brown sugar glaze then finish cooking it. IMHO all good boards need a good cooking place so here is one for us to share amongst ourselves. Please feel free to divulge other recipes here. I like to mixNmatch differing things to create new tastes. Bon appetit! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:10:56 AM |