I think Al is just trying to grab a little cash from his long ago brush with fame. It's kind of like winning 150 dollars in the lotery and your nieghbor across the street wins 15 million dollars the very next day. A little green with envy you may be. But you would think as the years roll by it would end. Guess not. He must have a shoe permanently placed up his back side from kicking himself all these many years. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Tephra Rising from Friday, June 20, 2008 4:21:35 PM)
Tephra Rising wrote:
I just went onto the Blabbermouth site and damn near laughed my ass off at the comments posted. I think I would read the Atkins bio (all 3 pages of it) for sheer morbid curiosity if for no other reason. But you can't help but feel as though Al seems to want to do some coattail-riding the way Gull Records liked to regurgitate up new versions of "Best of Judas Priest" etc. in a pathetic cash grab effort.
Here's something else to think about......if Atkins is such a marvelous singer, how come after he left Priest nobody ever heard of him again (other than a historic footnote in the world of metal history). And if Priest had gone reggae or something, would he be on the cover of this book sporting dreds and a tie-dye shirt smokin' a fatty, mon??? Instead of the leather jacket? Makes you wonder.
Now look out. Pretty soon that guy who sang for Iron Maiden (before Di'Anno and Dickinson) is going to write a bio. I think there was a one singer or maybe two before them.