[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:47:23 AM
Guido its strange .. But when I meet KK we had a conversation about this..
Someone brought a gold/platnum record to one of the meet and greet's for the band to sign.. Ken was in shock.. he told me because only a few were made.. I think it was from British steel, anywase..LMAO The band just kinda looked at each other, because they knew all of them were accounted for.. they asked the guy where he bought it.. and guess what he said... e-bay..lol This stuff really annoys the band, because Kenny knew it was a fake.. I cant remeber if he said they signed it or not.. That whole night was a dream to me.. anywase..
What annoyed them the most is the fact that people are selling false merchandise, and selling out the band..
Becareful what you buy on e-bay.. Cause 99% of the time its fake..
He also told me that they has trouble getting into canada on the british colombia side..LMAO another story,,,,,,
I absolutely loathe autograph whores that only seek out the famous to sign and sell on eBay. Especially when it is MY band.
Ok, I understand when a true fan had something signed and is in a financial crunch or just feels that it is time to let a signed item go. However, the bastards that seem to make a pretty good living out of having people (PRIEST!) sign things just to sell it for profit should be relegated to Dante's fourth circle of Hell, IMO. Squandered possessions. Ruins things for the rest of us. No wonder I couldn't get my tuba signed at the meet and greet...