They're tainted Peanut M&M's lana. As for the 5000 or so RPB Cups, lets just say they were donated to a good cause (the feed DPK Fund). As for killing La Sid, I hold him in the same regard I hold Vincent Lacavilier of Tampa Bay and Eli Manning of the & destroy!
As for you attempting to beat me to a bloody unrecognizable pulp, my g/f said you come near me and she'll rip you up and use my whip on ya. Oh...I've said too much me thinks. 
And I would never ridicule you lana...I don't condone that sort of talk. |  | lana wrote: | | DC--watch out for that DPK-he laced my RPB Cups with ex-lax & I just now got off the pot
now onto more pressing business
DPK & Soy-- let me get this straight --you wanna threaten my RPB Cups--surround me with a moat filled with peanut M & M's-----call me dim Dora & ask me to kill the gorgeuos Sidney Crosby ??
is that all
well here goes
this is DPK & Soy before I beat them both to a bloody unrecognizable pulp-- 
this is me beating them to a bloody unrecognizable pulp-- 
this is them after being beaten to a bloody unrecognizable pulp--
this is me saving Sidney Crosby from harm-- & eating the moat of peanut M & M's
so do ya see the pattern ?? you guys look just the same half w-wits after the beating as before & I still come out smelling like a rose & with Sidney Crosby --me thinks you too are so totally jealous of me that all you can do is ridicule me & threaten me --don't ya boys know I'm protected by the sinful gals--wait til I tell them how I've been treated |