New York is more than big enough to support 2 teams, they do in football and baseball...I'm not sure of the seating capacity where they play, but I don't think you need to sell 40,000 tix to sell out. I know we've been averaging 20-24,000 a game, but look at the avg. before Towes and Kane arrived, 4-5,000. Maybe some young blood will rejuvinate the fan base (like Soy said)...I could't imagine NY w/o the Islanders!!!
I hate to raise this issue again, but what happened to the time when an amatuer was 'happy' just to be drafted?? Since when does a person who hasn't played 1 min. in a professional game get to say where he's drafted?? I remember when Elway did it, it disgusted me then and it ticks me off now...maybe I'm just 'stuck' in the good old days, but how is a poor team able to get better w/o the draft??? |