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TOPIC: The Imaginary thread
[guidogodoy] Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:52:53 PM 
¡¡Jaa!! Romance languages only! Comes in great part to my upbringing. My father was an international businessman. He and my uncle set up credit unions in many parts of latin america. As such, I had the advantage of living in a number of countries. Went to formal school in both México and Spain (thus the tortilla info) and I have had an apartment in Brazil for years.

Short answer is yes for both. However, you have to look for it. Big cities are easier. Brazilian restaurants (there is one here in Memphis) LOVE dulce de leche and I even make it here at home from time to time. You can also find milanesas but, mostly, in big cities with big hispanic communities. Both beef and chicken. Beef, of course, is more popular and common.

Aquí, donde vivo, es un pueblito bien pequeño en el estado de Tennessee. Sería IMPOSIBLE encontrarlos, en otras palabras. Sin embargo, en Memphis (dos horas al sur) es bien fácil encontrar los dos. Especialmente en un restaurante (una cadena) que se llama "Texas de Brasil" (ni idea porque no usan el portugués, Texas DO Brasil"...creo que piensan que se habla español en Brasil. ¡ja!). Los dos son BIEN comunes y populares.   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by adrianaec_88 from Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:37:39 PM)
Edited at: Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:56:34 PM
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