You take those errors, Vail. I don't want to make Timbo cry again.... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:23:06 AM)
_strat_ wrote:
FFS... Are all Freezes children memebers here?
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
That's actually spelled "bully"...
_strat_ wrote:
Hey!!!! Dont be so mean! You even made our Predator cry! And you know what a tender soul he is... Shame on you, you bullie!
guidogodoy wrote:
_strat_ wrote:
But he is a spy! Honest! He hacked a sattelite to watch me in the shower! Look how good I am! Wouldnt you take me in his place?
guitardude wrote:
Well Strat, you had me up until you accused General Guido of being a spy!! Now I remember the good old days as well. And they were good. If you can convince General Guido and Sir Tim that your intentions are honest, then who am I to argue with my superiors.
But beware... Sir Tim will not be an easy sell, he may lopp off your arm just for fun and beat you about the torso with it!!
_strat_ wrote:
Well, boys and gals and skeletons... Ive been backreading this thread... I mean really, backreading... The days when we were a team... Wasnt that nice? Remember, Guido, when we came up with the idea for it? Geez.... Heres the deal: I will forget about your petty insults. All of them, no matter how annoying they were. And I want my Admiral rank back. Then I will consider rejoining you. What say you?