HAAAA!!! Sorry, I was distracted with an upside-down Rob in the Locked In vid (I know that sounds kinda bad).
Rest assured, DC, you WILL be the first to take me out for that "test drive" should I ever take Enzyte. Bring a camera. I wanna see if I smile like Bob! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by devils_child from Tuesday, March 03, 2009 6:09:16 PM)
devils_child wrote:
Hey Guido... I'm really starting to think you should try this stuff... If it can do what it boasts i want to be the first to take you for a test drive after you start taking it... OR maye we can compare before and after
Increased performance! WOW! hehehe
guidogodoy wrote:
And quit calling me "aso" for that matter. We all have our problems. No need to call attention to it...LOL!!!!
Phantom A6 wrote:
Hey, I'm not the sheriff of the board. Just have created this thread to "rescue" the birthday thread and to setup a plattform to talk, chat aso for newbies, that's all. And you can post all your jelly/jello/preservers & male and female enhancement here too. No problem.
devils_child wrote:
We can't talk about male enhancement and debate jelly, jello and preserves in the birthday thread anymore?.,... Oh fiddle sticks