I try to stick to Beer, I cant mix some wicke drinks, did it for years, but I can't drink them! I'll end up in the floor! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, March 03, 2009 8:49:55 PM)
Bev wrote:
Grand Marnier does that to me!
spapad wrote:
Ever tried Grappa. It's italian and greek, and it's awful! Take a few shots of it though and you won't remember anything!
Bev wrote:
Sambuca w/ 3 beans, isn't it?
Good & Plenty ... there are purses out nowadays with the good / plenty colors. I laugh everytime I see one!
spapad wrote:
There is alot of Anise in Greece! Yuck! over here there is black liqurish, and nastly little oversived chewy tic tac type things called "Good and Plenty". Bleh!
devils_child wrote:
It's just odd when i walk into an import shop they have almost everything cinnamon or peanut butter.... both i'm not really a big fan of. Doyou have the same shops over there??
As for NZ, (i think it's either them or the UK)... everything has aniseed in it... ewwww
spapad wrote:
Cinnamon= breathalizer! and peanut butter we loved until the big call back this past month or so on WAY too many peanut products!
Aside from that we are obsessed about good breath and getting fat! LOL
devils_child wrote:
OK...question for the Yanks..... What's with the cinnamon and peanut butter obession when it comes to candy?..... I found cinnamon tic tacs, gum, jelly beans..... a few others i can't think of at the moment... and peanut butter, cups, m&m's, oreo's...? hahaha