funny, that sounds like me and the union business agent last greivance. except, the other way round. I dont do many greivances, thank god. but when I had to handle this one, (employee denied action that was on video tape), kept getting longer and longer documents... glad the boss came back from vacation, the union finaly withdrew it the day before the arbitration hearing. When your wrong, on either side, just admit, its so much simpler. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Friday, March 27, 2009 5:07:59 AM) | | ronhartsell wrote: | | Man, me and the Oper. Mngr. went round and round yesterday during a step 2 grievance procedure...pretty cut and dry case, but when he (he does this all the time) knows he can't win, he bombards me with all these useless documents that I have to go through, just to delay the inevitable...worst of all, it;s not even him who's responsible, it's the owner and I'm trying to get to step 3...I guess it makes him feel important or something, but in the mean while, a worker on the floor is paying the price...arrrrgh, business as usual... | | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Me too ron,me too...don't get me wrong..I am glad to still have a job..but its frustrating working for these idiots how they run things within this if I could only explain it in more detail!! lol!! Its very tough to say the least man. | | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well, with the economy the way it is, I'm more often than not just glad to be working. | | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | |
Thanks ron,
This is an idea of what I'm doing...the above picture is a "Wheelabrator" or "shot peen machine"....the one I work on is about 3 times as big! I put parts on both doors,only one door goes into the Wheelabrator at a time,its controlled by a control panel set with RPMs.....and "cast steel shot" s-230 shot peen(looks like small BBs for a BB gun)...and a ton of paper work I have to fill out each job! lol! I have to get certified by Boeing once a year! I actually like shot peen,but this retarded company that I work for is what is ticking me off!! Oh well,I'll have to put up with it....."sigh".
| | ronhartsell wrote: | | I hear ya man...I would do the same if I could. For medical reasons I can no longer do what I used to do, so now I'm kind of 'stuck', as I have no college degree or anything. Good luck and think of quitting time!! | | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | I'm a Shot Peener,I work on a shot peen machine,which I enjoy doing...its the freakin company that I work for that pisses me off!! EEEERRRRR I can't wait till I can get the f#$% outta there ron!!! EEERRR!! lol! | | ronhartsell wrote: | | Hey there JD, what kind of work do you do? | | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Man my fucin work is pissing me off something terrible!! I so wish I could afford to just up and quit!! Once the economy picks up in a couple years(if it ever does)I am looking for a new job asap!! Fuck I hate my job!!! |