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TOPIC: 1 year ago today since we first heard Nostradamus
[Head banger] Wednesday, May 06, 2009 7:22:17 AM 
if everyone were like me the world would be perfect.  HA!!!
I dont like RR, never have.  its just boring.  that and nost, I dunno, I could give nost another try sometime, RR, nope.  if they re recorded it or played bits live, fine and well.  but, perhaps turbo works for me as I was right in the target audience when it came out, think I was 13 when I got it.  dunno, but I would in a total ranking put in probably close to the middle.  there are a few other discs below it, if I realy think about it.  POE, its all good stuff, but on the disc I dont care for it as much, live is beter.  sounds very restrained on the disc, lacking energy

that RR cover is awesome though.
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