I like both Picard and Kirk but I like Picard a lot more because he has a more true captain personality. Plus he got assimilated by the borg and then brought back to normal and lived to fight another day. The Borg are a force to never mess with. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:12:37 PM)
_strat_ wrote:
Well, if I can allow myself a moments seriousnes here... IDK, but Shatner was never really to my liking. IDK why, maybe its because the first episodes I watched were those with Picard, and he will forever be the true Enterprise captain as far as Im concerned.
ronhartsell wrote:
Nothing beats the original...just ask 'Ripper'...
_strat_ wrote:
YAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWNNNNNNNNN.............. Yup, Im a punk kid, I dont have an idea on who the blonde is, and Kirk cant beat Picard... Ever.
Picard is hip!
guidogodoy wrote:
In your DREAMS, buddy!
As the caption says...BEST DEATH EVER! Long live Captain Kirk (and, certainly, anyone but a punk kid could name the blonde). Gotta love the one-piece! (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:27:48 PM)
_strat_ wrote:
Lmao!!! That was great!! But this is better:
Picard owns Kirk. There, I said it. Feel free to launch a shitstorm my way. The way Kirk is dressed makes me glad that I wasnt around in the 60s.
guidogodoy wrote:
HAAAAA!!!!! Sadly, I DO remember the episode.
Painkiller87 wrote:
Don't forget the outcome "worse than dead" as once uttered by Doctor McCoy in one of the original Star Trek episodes, I don't remember which one.
_strat_ wrote:
Quite dead? Is that somewhere between totaly dead and medium done?
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote:
Charles Manson is real and he will kill again for me. Lector is fictitious, but Jeffrey Dahmer (Hannibal Lectorwannabe) is quite dead.
15th level!!!! Manson (Charles!) is NOT alive!!! I took him ages ago! Youre only seeing a copy/paste gif. animation of him! And Lector is real! You still doubt me?
Damit... I guess thats what happens when we are left unsupervised... The conversation started around movie remakes, now this.
guidogodoy wrote:
Marilyn or Charles? Either way, both are real (and still alive). Hannibal Lector was fictitious.
I am truly befuddled by the theories suggested here tonight. Probably because I don't get Fox.....
_strat_ wrote:
A smartass, eh? Its the 10th level for you, then! And before you start whining, there is a tenth level, and thats where youre going! Say hello to Manson and Lector for me...
There is no newsleter, just a TV station. You probably heard of it before, its called Fox. And Murdoch is nothing but my minion.
guidogodoy wrote:
Hmmmm....so I would reside in the sixth circle, eh? With the heretics in the City of Dis for not believing in one who claims Genesis to be erroneous.
'Tis a strange religion you advocate. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter for further information.
_strat_ wrote:
Hey, hey, hey!!! Do not doubt me, or its picking up the soap with the rest of the inmates on the sixth level! All I say is truth, only truth and nothing but truth!
And who said that the genesis is the beginning of everything? You and Freeze date from waaaay before!
guidogodoy wrote:
Yet you are still younger than me, heard Napoleon speak English and have a Dante-like version of inner circles of Hell.
I am just trying to figure out where you went wrong in your education. Religious Studies, History or Math! LOL!!!
_strat_ wrote:
Ehm... No. Adam and Eve were cast out, and Freeze got grounded for telling. I should know, I was there too. I got cast to a lake of fire, just for offering them a bite from some tree!
Its all there, in the book of Strat. The bestseller in the lower levels of hell.
guidogodoy wrote:
Uhhhh....Adam, Eve, Freeze and his DAD were all around at the same time?! Freeze (or his dad) didn't bite the apple? THEY must still in a state of grace then?
That all must be in the Book of Mormon or something. First Book of Nephi, Book of Jarom, Book of Strat...
_strat_ wrote:
Im sure. Freeze was the one who came running to his dad, crying "father! Adam and Eve are eating apples and they wont let me have any!!!"
guidogodoy wrote:
You sure you aren't confusing me with that Freeze fellow?
_strat_ wrote:
Of course you dont! You were already 2000 years deaf then! When Jesus said "love thy enemy" you said "Shpeak up, lad, I cant hear ya!"
guidogodoy wrote:
Odd. I don't remember Napoleon speaking English..... ¡MENTIROSO! J'ACUSSE!!!
_strat_ wrote:
Kids? I`ll have you know, when Napoleon said "Charge" I said "Im getting too old for this shit!" Which still makes me a couple of millenia younger than you.
As for the love of animals, I love them more than you. Well, the taste of them, anyway.
guidogodoy wrote:
Kids...sheesh. Gotta teach them everything. How do you flush a pelican? You simply step on his foot. I also take offense at you calling my love for animals into question. They are gainfully employed. "Eh' it's a livin'!"
_strat_ wrote:
Ouch... Mental images!!! Lmao...
And all this from someone I thought of as an animal lover?
Oh, and by the way... Ho do you flush a pelican?
guidogodoy wrote:
What type of dumb-ass question is THAT?!? How would I know what a pelican toilet feels. They don't speak...duh. Plus, they'd have their mouths full if they could. HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote:
For whom? You or the pelican?
guidogodoy wrote:
No, but that pelican toilet sure takes getting used to...HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote:
Lol... An old dude is calling an old dude an old dude.
Say Guido, was it a big shock? Going from leg powered to engine powered cars, I mean.
guidogodoy wrote:
I bet you were mad with Jurassic Park, too. Didn't look anything CLOSE to the dinosaurs you remember roaming about the cave!
Deep Freeze wrote:
So here's what is PISSING me off!!!....: WHY is it that EVERYTIME one of these movie guys decides to do a "remake" of a classic TV show (in this case Star Trek), they have to "modernize" it and make it "hip"???????? WHAT??!?!??!?!?!? Why is it that they cannot just make a remake and have it be the same as what made the original so good in the first place?????????? Arrrrggghhh!!!
Now, please do not get me wrong. I am NOT a "Trekkie". Never been to a convention. Don't have the ears. I love the original show because I was a kid when it came out and I actually watched it!! (Same with the original Batman series) ANYWAY, I just read an article that says Captain Kirk is more "hip" in this movie. Apparently, making him a "badboy" is somehow "cool"...? WHATEVER!!!!
The whole cool thing about the original Kirk was his steadfast devotion to duty!! He would NEVER "sneak" aboard a starship!! He served on the Valiant or Reliant or something, for like 12 years before getting command of the Enterprise!! He was not a "loose cannon". He did not ride a friggin motorcycle and look for fights!! He was a Starfleet cadet and one of the FINEST ever. VERY reserved and VERY reliable. BY the book! I just cannot accept that it is "cool" to be a rule breaking troublemaker. Ooops, I forgot..that IS cool these days!! My bad!!
I had planned to go see the movie. I have reconsidered and , at this point, I am no longer interested.