No. Data is cool. And so is Q. Kirk never had anything to do with Q. And Picard had a Klingon. Did Kirk have a Klingon? No, Kirk didnt have a Klingon. Picard had a cool uniform, very stylish. Did Kirk have a cool uniform, very stylish? No Kirk had a yellow tight shirt. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, May 23, 2009 12:52:25 PM)
Head banger wrote:
data is a rip off mr spock
_strat_ wrote:
Kirk never had a cool android.
Head banger wrote:
picard never got anyone to heal the horta
_strat_ wrote:
Well, yeah, they were short. But in Picards days, short skirts gave way to very, VERY tight costumes.
Picard went against borgs. Kirks main opponents were Klingons with bad makeup.
Head banger wrote:
but..... he.... could.....kick...... some.....ass.....
and the skirts were real short!!!
_strat_ wrote:
Youre right. A real captain would embarrase himself with bad acting.
Is it just me, or is Spock wearing make-up?
Head banger wrote:
lets not, no real captain would.
_strat_ wrote:
Ahem... Lets se Kirkie do this!
kiamat wrote:
Ahhh, don't feel bad Picard, just because you were never as awesome as the Kirkmeister. And you never got the girl.
_strat_ wrote:
I feel like bashing Kirk today...
Suuure you are...
Mhm. I wonder who they are talking about? Probably Sulu...