[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:50:56 AM
Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol
Becks wrote:
LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO!