It goe against every bit of decency you've been taught all your life. Ok, enough shit talk! LOL How was your day? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:42:47 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
I could not imagine having to do businees in one of those things!!!!! For any reason!!!
spapad wrote:
When those Depends commercials first came out on TV my friends and I used to make fun of them. I was at work and took a break, when I came back and started taking orders again I was talking to a customer and looked down at the counter for a sec. and my friend had left a note that said "OOOoooops I just shit myself but I don't care, I'm wearing Depends" I started laughing and had to actually leave my job several times to try to gain some form of composure! LOL
ronhartsell wrote:
I remember that!!!!!!! What happens to some ppl???? That's f'n crazy!!!!!
spapad wrote:
Like that crazy astronaut woman who whore depends so she didn't have to stop driving to pee. I mean duh, she would still have to stop for gas, why not pee then, instead of wet yourself! Yuck! LOL
ronhartsell wrote:
Well, if you wore a diaper, you wouldn't have to leave at all!!! lol Don't forget the Desitin or you might get a rash!!
british.steel wrote:
hahahaha. dont apologize i was kidding about the diaper and milk (unles you rreally want to) i took no offense to tht. lol. yea i decided id pee during whitesnake if i had to go bad enough. haha
crapevil? LOL! BRILLIANT! i heard someone call metallica Craptallica. thts hilarious Edited at: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:21:49 PM