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[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:22:59 PM 
You got that right! I usually get the disapproving  head shake  when I start laughing. For us they think that if you are laughing, you are not working hard enough. Yet there is someone over in the corner reading a book for the last 30 minutes, that's OK.... but you laughing for 20 seconds, well, that's a no no! Of course I can get more done in 20 seconds then some of these people can in 20 minutes, but still.... Luckily my director has a GREAT sense of humor and believes in us having fun while working. He's a keeper!

Well, sorry to chat and run but it's time to put the boys to bed and spend some alone time with the hubby. 
Happy metal dreams everyone!!
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