Wow! Sorry to hear that you are ill but that sort of service with regard to healthcare just amazes me.
Here (at least where I live...middle of nowhere) you either wait around 2 weeks to see your regular doctor or go to the (usually slow / over-used) Emergency Room. Sucked when I had the flu last year. By the time you get to see a doc, you are over it. Yeah, healthcare here sucks! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 29, 2009 8:52:22 PM) | ![](1.gif) | Becks wrote: | | Yeah I did, no appointments available yesterday, and today my usual doctor was fully booked from first thing, so I had to go to a casual place and wait for AGES to finally have a doctor see me, then get my prescription. | ![](1.gif) | guidogodoy wrote: | | So you actually GOT to a Dr. today, Becks? | ![](1.gif) | Becks wrote: | | LOL! ![](/FCKeditorNEW/editor/images/smiley/fun/lol3.gif)
Man I am bored, I'm home alone till tomorrow morning and don't really want to go outside. I have conjunctivitis (lovely, not) and actually feel pretty unwell on top of that. My body gets no reprieve from illness! LOL! | ![](1.gif) | spapad wrote: | | Thank God my kid never went Potter for Halloween or could have been really bad, in that case I would have donned a papperbag on my head as well LOL![](/FCKeditorNEW/editor/images/smiley/fun/lol3.gif) | ![](1.gif) | Becks wrote: | | Just as long you weren't wearing gryffindor robes and didn't scribble a lightning bolt on your forehead then it's cool, haha. | ![](1.gif) | spapad wrote: | | I would have looked alot better if I had Flora along for the tow! But she was off for the summer, so everyone knew I was a Potter Addict! | ![](1.gif) | Becks wrote: | | awesome! I can't laugh, I would have been exactly the same! | ![](1.gif) | spapad wrote: | | Oh God the local TV was there filiming and when they called my name out as third in line. Talk about making an ASS out of myself!
I went screaming to the front of the line jumping up and down! LOL | ![](1.gif) | Becks wrote: | | Haha that's awesome! I was always in line for my reserved copy too, with the last one I got a little Hedwig soft toy. It was also the day that Craig and I got engaged, so I was on a massive high that day for several reasons LOL! | ![](1.gif) | spapad wrote: | | Such a good series of books I was standing in line each summer with all the kids and parents, but there for myself! HA!! The last book midnight sale I was there and had been the the nearby pub for about and hour so I was really hyper! I kept answering all the trivia questions, and winning little prizes, and then I won one of the ultimate prizes. I was third in line, due to a drawing to get my reserved copy! Went from about 75th in line to 3rd! I was one happy camper! I actually took the day off after the book release because I knew I would read it from cover to cover with very little sleep involved. Huge fan of the books. | ![](1.gif) | Becks wrote: | | That's cool! My favourite Harry Potter character, and my favourite song off Painkiller! Snape rules, he is badass haha. Yeah a lot gets revealed in Deathly Hallows eh Spa! Very good series of books! | ![](1.gif) | spapad wrote: | | LOL, Snape as a touch of Evil. I have read all the books and in the end it is revealed that essentially, Snape was probably the most loyal person to Proff. Dumbledore. Really, he is always vindicated, even his killing of Dumbledore was on the Proff's order. |