I was just pondering on something, I wonder why some people feel so threatened by things that they don't agree with or have an aquired taste for that they have to launch into an almost frenzied attack when someone else expresses their views. It seems rather petty. To feel that threatened by someone being different from you. Going against your grain. It's like going out to dinner with someone and when they order fish and you order chicken, one of you totally flares up and freakes out because you don't like fish, you think fish sucks and the fact that your dear friend has ordered fish is so unacceptable that you must end your friendship at once and berate him and make sure that anyone else in your circle of people either agrees with you, or buggers off and joins the fish eaters club. Silly isn't it?
I think people who are comfortable with their lives should welcome suggestion, opinions, expressions. Not be threatened by them. Yes, by all means, have the balls to say if you don't agree or if you think differently but don't chastise and judge someone because they think or have different tastes to you. How boring the world would be if we were all carbon copies.
I'm not specifically aiming this at anyone on this noticeboard. It's actually a person I know who is so opinionated and has such a huge chip on his shoulder that he's freaking out and berating a good friend of his for a comment that he made. A view that was expressed. To swear at the guy and say 'come on change your mind or else! You may not think this or you are a total screw up.' Stupid really.