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TOPIC: Vacation/Travel
[guidogodoy] Monday, July 06, 2009 8:28:53 PM 
Greetings from the land I supposedly .... um... hate...yeah right. Just a quick check-in from beautiful Québec. Day two and all is absolutely wonderful. Staying right at the Chateau Frontenac (yeah yeah, leaving off a diacritic, sue me) and I am certainly giving my rusty French a workout. Brought gym clothes and am laughing as I have walked MILES up 45 degree hills for two days now. Nope, don't think I'll be doing much running.

About to hit the town again but a quick check-in. Just for all y'alls. Three pics for now: exterior of the Frontenac and what the "moderate" priced room gets you here! LOL!!! I did my best to give a Freeze-like pose staring off into the glory of...errrm..I think that is an air-conditioning unit out my third-floor window. Either that or a dumpster. HAAAA! Photo three is me sticking my camera right up to the window shooting up so you can see what I was pondering so thoughtfully in my "view." Yeah, might not be San Diego but I don't spend much time in the room. Speaking of I go. Nine pm. Dinner and a draft! Cheers to all!

WHATTA VIEW! HAA! Nope, no "Fred the seagull."

My actual view...if I stretch my neck.

Edited at: Monday, July 06, 2009 8:39:57 PM
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