That's a good thing to remember Lady B - they're the ones missing out. You're doing a great job by your father by the sounds of it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Thursday, July 09, 2009 6:56:07 PM) |  | LadyBathory9 wrote: | | Its the same thing with my father ...always trying to protect him from them,it gets to u sometimes...And Thanx for the kinds words..i know i do all the best for him..Its them whos missing all that.. |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | In my family I have tolfd people how they have hurt me,, and they always have some excuse because they are in denial.. and do not want to adnitt their mistakes... I on the other hand .. have always taken action in telling people what led me to think things about them, and why... because I know I have been wrong at times.. but I have never denied it.. I have even done with people out here on the notice board, and admitted my wrong assumption of things, But I apologized for it lso,,, I have never heard a apology from my Family.. They just blow it off.. and think all will be forgiven.. Iam glad Iam not them.. and That id the part I keep and hold on too.. knowing I TRULEY do and am the ONE that cares,,, what they say and think doesnt matter... ( It took my 30+ years to get to this point. LOL) And Iam still some-what sane..
But yes I know its a pain the ass to protect the people you love... I feel like Iam walking downtown trying to shield grandma from geting Mugged, everytime these people are around..
At least you have the dignity of knowning you are doing the right thing.. dont ever forget that!
Hugs MG~ |  | LadyBathory9 wrote: | | Do you think they really want to change??I wonder??Only they know the answers i guess... |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | I know,, Its almost like being stalked only diff you are related to them.. and its illegal to shoot them..
We have a few in our family,, that if I never saw/spoke to again for rest of my/ or their life .. wouldnt bother me one bit.
Its a hard thing to deal with I keep looking back at the way things were hoping someday they will be that way again.. But I set myself up for disappointment everytime.... But I try to hang on too wishful thinking. Hoping one day they will change and actually care about someone, not how much they are worth. |  | LadyBathory9 wrote: | | Thanks Girls and HI! Becks...what i dont get is i know how the outcome will be..i only go for my dad thinking well maybe this time, they really want to mend...but its me whos fooling myself with wishfull thinking.. I dont think we'll get away from family ever MG.. |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | I am completley with you, on this issue,,, its funny how no-one seems to care until they think they are going to loose out on money ect.... The will... so to speak.. I have seem people actually fight at funerals.. on one side of our family..
Its a struggle, and yes I agree ... I wish we could pick family.. if we could 80% of mine would be out the fricken door..
I had to laugh My cousin.. was pissed off at his Uncle over some fishing boat parts.... they are commercial fishermen.
and he said to him.... well I guess in your opinion.. if you cant shit on family then who else can you shit on that is going to take it.. LMAO
Ahhhhh Yess family.... I have spent most of my adult life getting away from them.. LMAO |  | LadyBathory9 wrote: | | HI! Spa...i needed to vent out my frustration a called from my bro/sis..long time didnt heard from them..they wanted to make peace and everything..but what they only wanted was to see if our dad done his testament (its me whos looking after him).. when i didnt give them an answer..well they climbed all over me..dont have to tell u anymore,i think u got the picture..I told them to F..K off and dont ever called me again..
Why cant we pick our family like we do with friends... |