Who is this "Ron H?" Damn members changing names! I am now going by Vaillant 4.0!!!! Harumph! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:16:36 PM)
ron h wrote:
I know this Spa, you've always been a true and wonderful friend to me. The longer I'm here and the more I see, true friendships are very hard to obtain and even harder to maintain...you've never wavered!!! Metal love to you!!!!
spapad wrote:
Ron, you know my positive thoughts and prayers go with you always! I know your giving up alot to be there for your family right now. Much love to you my friend!
Den, wonderful to see you about! I echo Freeze's comment! Come round more often my friend!
ron h wrote:
Den1673...Thank you for the kind words!! My best to you and yours as well!!
DEN1673 wrote:
I'm sorry to hear from both of you about your families kidney situations but it's a hard to deal with for both the person going through it and the family members. The best thing you can for for him or her is to give them all the support and love, plus just have "positive energy" around him or her because it did miracles for me. Just ask my boy Freeze about how well positive energy works................
Lots of luck to you and yours, my heart goes out to everyone. I will say some prayers and send some positive energy!!!!!!!!!!