Twenty one out of the twenty three best of albums I listed in my previous post were released by the Columbia/Sony record label. This is not the band's previous label, it's their current label. It is amazing how some of you nutswingers are always looking for excuses. You people think that we should just worship whatever the band does, regardless of how little effort they put into it.
Maybe the webmaster should create a new section. The nutswinger section. That's the section where all the people who hang from Halford's, KK's and Glenn's nut sacks can go and chat about how sweet it's going to be to listen to the twenty fourth best of album. And the true fans can hang here where we can demand that Judas Priest be held accountable for providing us the high caliber of entertainment that we feel we are entitled to. | | kiamat wrote: | | I remember that about a year or so ago the band had a message up here saying that their previous record label had started releasing albums that looked like new ones and were actually just repackaged best-ofs: they suggested that it wasn't worth buying them as you wouldn't be getting anything new. The band do their best but sadly they don't own the rights to the music. | | spapad wrote: | | Record companies are responsible for the majority of what you posted. If they can make a dime off a band's back cattaloug they will.
Strange how you seem to think though because you bought a few CDs the band owes you some sort of individual debt. You want to bitch about the number or released "bests" then don't buy them. No one asked you to. Ask the record company why they release so many of them, not the band. |