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TOPIC: Greatest Priest Album Of All Time
[jimmyjames] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:22:58 AM 
 I've been thinking about this a lot lately. There are two that I think are top of the pile. Stained Class and Painkiller, if I had to pick one over the other Stained Class would get it by half a point just because the song Leather Rebel on PK is a bit dorky and the lyrics on Nightcrawler are stupid. I think Stained Class is one of Priests most varied efforts, the lyrics are cool, it has a dark atmosphere to it, Halfords vocals are his best on any album in my opinion, awesome musicianship, it has the best and most interesting cover and most importantly no bad / corny songs. I can't think of anything wrong with it. It epitomises what metal should be. A true classic of all time. The other album that gets a look in is DOTF, that gets third place due to the fact that Night Comes Down is melodramatic and weak, the rest of the album is awesome. British Steel is awesome but United and Living After Midnight are cheesy. SFV is cool to but loses marks for Chains and Pain And Pleasure. HBFL is let down by Evening Star, Take On The World and Evil Fantasies and SWOD misses out because of Prelude ( waste of time ), Epitaph and Island Of Domination. So therefore due to the fact that it is absolutely flawless Stained Class is the greatest Priest album of all time.
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