Yeah i know hellrider,the time should be "now" to create many records but the reality of it is that they won't.Sure they said they have a long way to go before retirement but that means putting out an album every 3 years wich means this next one should be 2011 then 2014 then 2017 wich by then Glenn will be almost 70!!
I don't think Glenn plans on touring after he hits 70yrs old but I could be wrong! lol! So that only gives us 3 more studio albums to look forwards to.It would be killer if they packed away 3 more studio LPs for when they retire but the band won't,and it would be hard to expect them to.And I don't think they have tons of material recorded,they may have ideas but I doubt anything on tape but I could be wrong. Anyways this next album is very crucial for Priest,they must make something special,unlike Nostradamus in my opinion.
lol.thats hilarious J.D DIAMOND THE COOOOMMMMMMAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDDEEEEERRRRRRRR.i will nominate you for i strongly believe the time to relise these KILLER albums is now while they are still around .they must use there time wisely.just think of all the PRIEST BEAST METAL MONSTER TOURS...they must have tons of material they can reliese when they have gone golfing.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
They ought to have a Priest beast on the front album cover with hellrider in the background head banging!!!!! lol! That would rock! lol! Hellrider you know what they should do? They should not only record this next album,but record 3 more studio albums and lock them up and put them away untill the band retires,then after they retire they can release those 3 studio albums out every 3 years and we could get Priest material 10 years after they already retired!!! Thats fantasy but wouldn't that kick some ass?? HAHA they could be still kicking the young generation's ass even when they are 80 years old playing golf!!! lol!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Painkiller87 wrote:
I still want something dark and heavy like Defenders of the Faith for their next album. JAAAAAAWW-BREAKER!!!