Nope, can't say I have. But I did have a taste of tequila blanco at an uncle's house. BLEAH!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:45:29 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Have a tequila ice cream at the Catedral? It is known for it and is better than it sounds.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Thanks Beckies. I still haven't shown the ones from our stay in Jalisco! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the Cathedral of Guadalajara. So big it was hard to take a pic of the whole thing!
Here's a view of it from near the plaza.
The palace of the government.
The Degollado Theatre. We didn't see a performance, just the auditorium. Still cool, though.
Becks wrote:
More great pics Vail! Very cool. Good to see JP dogtag and razorblade in on the action too!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Here's the Teleferico, which, according to wikipedia, is an airtram. It takes you from Cerro del Grillo to Cerro de la Bufa (both are hills). You get a very nice aerial view of the capital as you go from one place to another. The day my mom and I got on was windy, so it was swinging quite a bit. A tad scary, but worth it.
Some pics of the capital from the air (as we were dangerously swinging in the wind...heheh).
The JP dogtag and razorblade hanging out.
And here's a view of the city from the top of the hill. Notice that gigantic cathedral between the rock and the cacti. My mom and I got to lodge across the street from it during the three days we were there. Right next to it is the Palacio del gobierno (government palace). On the day that we visited the hill there was a protest organized by a big group of miners (mining is very big for the state). We got to hear their chanting from the hotel for most of the afternoon when we got back.