How the he-double hockey sticks do they keep them apart?!? "L.A. Guns with Tracii?" HAAAAA!!!! I'd probably go to the other one. Anyone who spells their name like that should be drawn and quartered. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 16, 2010 6:49:56 PM)
spapad wrote:
There's 2 now?! oh, ..................Vomit.
guidogodoy wrote:
HAAAA! Loved the Ozzy comment as well.
You know, when thinking about this topic, L.A. Guns came to mind. Curiously enough, I get an email from an autograph seller today that listed them amongst other bands. I notice that GUNS isn't one who signed the poster! Guess I have lost track of this band (on purpose).
Has anyone here ever read the Wiki on them? LOL! Wasn't sure to post it here or directly in the "jokes" thread. There are TWO bands currently touring with the name?!? One was bad enough.