I have been to France many a time and have many rap CDs. Let me know when you want to hear one. LOL! México, for that matter..I have a ton. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, April 17, 2010 12:05:09 AM)
Becks wrote:
Well that's a little odd, LOL! French rap is really weird. Been ages since I've heard any, but the first time I did, I thought I was in the twilight zone or something LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Is that better or worse than Brazillian rap? Hmmmm.....
I go to Brazil most every year and I own their CDs. Hard to tell. If you spoke Portuguese, however, you'd know that they are a Ramones rip-off band singing about an establishment of "ill-repute" in Sao (San = Saint) Pessoa. (Quoting Message by Becks from Friday, April 16, 2010 11:53:44 PM)
Becks wrote:
Ah man I'll find you something no worries, a lot of local artists are rappers/hip hoppers or whatever you call them. How about this one? LOL!
spapad wrote:
Becks find us a horrible rap NZ tune! We NEED to see it!
Becks wrote:
Nothing wrong with a bit of silliness I say! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Good evening Becks! We've been silly as usual. lol