I think that's a part of getting older, JD. Although yes I know there are bands who release albums regularly. But I'll go for quality rather than quantity *coughMaidencough* LOL! I agree about BS drawing out a bit, it would have been better to have the tour this year with the special package released straight away or something, but logistically that may not have worked LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, April 22, 2010 2:08:51 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Well the band announced that they would be playing the British Steel album in concert on March 17th 2009....over a year ago now,so I'm really struggleing to find interest in the British Steel new package ect...but I'm glad for fans that are excited about it,its just getting old for me man,I may not play British Steel for a few years after this! lol! I hate to break it to Hellrider,but I think the rest of this year 2010 will be about "British Steel" with NO hints of a new album in the making,they may be starting to work on a new album but we will not get any information till sometime early 2011. "SIGH".
I miss the 80's when a band released an album every 2 years on the mark,no milking it....just pump out an album every 2 freakin' years,that was awsome. Even Turbo how much it sucked(and still sucks) didn't discourage me as much as Nostradamus did because with Turbo back then I knew they would have a new album out in 2 short years and they did with Ram It Down and then 2 years after that...bam...Painkiller. These days are very frustrating waiting for something new because of these 5 year-long tours they do...fuck,why not just tour an album for 10 years? lol!
Thats the good thing about Saxon and Motorhead vs. Judas Priest and Iron Maiden,Saxon & Motorhead have always put out an album every 2 years,the only reason why Saxon had to wait 3 years between Lionheart(2004) and The Inner Sanctum(2007) was because Biff's house burnt down in France in 2005,if it were not for that, The Inner Sanctum would of been out in 2006. I don't care about Maiden because they suck these days anyways they are a lost cause and give the long time fans no hope but Priest has something excellent to offer and its hard waiting for a new album for 4 years....."sigh".