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[aceroperuano] Tuesday, May 04, 2010 1:00:19 PM 
I'm not upset or else, just making the point that many times people call crappy "metal" bands that actually are not metal at all, calling them crappy for something they never intendend to sound like(Metal), for example LA Guns, for me is one good sleaze rock band(sleaze rock is an  actual music genre,ex: Dangerous Toys, G n' R, Nasty Idols,Every Mother's Nightmare, Skid Row,etc) , of course if you put hem the label of metal someone could say:"that's metal???!! if it is, then is crappy metal!!", you see what am talking about??, on the other side I find this thread kinda fun, If people want to put band that aren't metal but are related in some sort of way to the genre, that's ok to me, sorry for my comments but I think a little of controversy is good to put some spice in topics haha.

PD: I find Tokyo Blade pretty metal to me, their firstwo albums are vey NWOBHM-esque,  their later work, of course, slowly became more comercial hard rock/glam metal/glam rock oriented, like Saxon or Celtic Frost have done once in their careers.
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