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TOPIC: Vacation/Travel
[spapad] Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:26:03 PM 
It's just a little crazy, to wait that long. When I was there we were staying with friends, and called the bar and put in the order before we got there. I was within walking distance and they patrons were well known, but still, you had to order another after you ordered the first. If you asked the barkeep to tip the glass he was insulted. LOL  You know us Americans, fast food, fast beer, we hate to wait. LOL! Could not really tell that it tasted that much better for the wait.
I did like the wine sellers places. Old underground war bunkers, perfect for holding wine at the ideal temp. Had a great day there. The old bunker was also warmer than the outside temp at the time so I was glad to  be out of the cold.
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Edited at: Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:27:26 PM
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