[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, September 04, 2011 9:20:56 PM
It's not Murray's fault, he only works for management and posts what they tell him to. We know who is to blame and it's just a shame that this is happening! They will have barely half filled arenas and it's because of their lack of management. But, it's nothing new and nothing we haven't already said a thousand + times. Highly respected management team..... pffffft.
Just posted this to Richie's page. He is the most connected via web:
Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA on 11/20. It's not even posted on Judas Priest.com. Tickets already on sale. Might want to bring that to the attention of management, since she seems to be lame with her job, or should we blame Murray? Who dropped the ball on this one? Some dates have also disappeared. Just telling you for the hordes of JP.com fans.
guidogodoy wrote:
Isn't that just a kick in the yarbles?! I mean, what the hell would you expect your PUBLICIST as a core component to their job except to set up dates and, oh I don't know, ADVERTISE THEM!!!!! WTF is right! Granted, I don't know their business but unannounced dates on their official website would seem to be a big gaffe.
Not that I expected much more from them. Sadly, this has been going on for more years than I can count. What gets me is that the band isn't stupid. Surely someone can see that the very basics here aren't being covered. How about someone with Facebook make a post onto Scott's wall!
Still, shows the power of a band that can still bring 'em in despite such seemingly lax "management."
spapad wrote:
There have been a couple of dates that were posted and then were pulled out and then this one goes completely unposted. Jesus! Could management just get their heads out of their ass and finally promote this band they way they deserve to be promoted? Jayne???? WTF? pfft.
jptunis wrote:
For all you New Englanders... Judas Priest is playing at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, MA on 11/20. Idk they haven't announced this date but tickets have been on sale already. I just found out and ended up with OK seats but I'm kinda mad I didn't know about this show. Anyway, you can only get tickets at the Tsongas Arena website. Do a google search. Very strange