Eh, taking out the garbage sounds like more fun.
Well, then. If you're calling it a night, then I will, too. Have to, actually. Gotta wake up early tomorrow. Nighty-night, Guids!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:22:45 PM)
guidogodoy wrote: |
There, I tried to spice up the place a bit but I don't think I succeeded. When the convo turns to falling leaves and oil changes, I think it is about time to call it. LOL. Perhaps I'll sit back and think about how much I am not missing the fact that KK is not in Priest anymore. Either that or take out the garbage. Ah, decisions, decisions.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Not much going on here in the Southwest, except that my car needs an oil change soon. No falling leaves yet.
guidogodoy wrote: |
Not a thing happening and shoe-muncher does not smell like either. Febreze took out smell #1 and then just faded away into the furry devil.
No bad weather, just a beautiful fall day turned night. Leaves falling all around is abou the most exciting thing I have to report from Nowhere.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
"It's the ciiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiife..." Ah, childhood memories.
What else is goin' on out there in Nowhere, TN? Does Calvin still smell like skunk and Febreze?
guidogodoy wrote: |
Every stereotype and image from Brazil that you could imagine was in there. That is why I still say to watch it.
Don't watch Lion King first, though. That was at least a decent film. Wasn't as predictible and had music that made some sense.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Did they at least show the giant Christ the Redeemer statue somewhere? Or Pão de Açúcar? Or did they show Chichen Itzá instead?
Ah, who knows. Maybe we will watch it at some point...maybe after watching the Lion King or something.
(Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:36:01 PM)
guidogodoy wrote: |
Oh, watch it, by all means. I know that my mother would get a kick out of it. Then again, she has no taste in music and has never been to Brazil. LOL!!!
They certainly tried. I'll give 'em that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
That's a shame, my mom's been telling me that she wants to see it.
guidogodoy wrote: |
Just finally watched the movie "Rio." What a horrible film. Like a trainwreck, though, I just had to watch. I don't ask for much. Just that they stop speaking Spanish in Brazil? That too much to ask?
Maracas. Oh yeah, fairly common as well. No wonder this movie tanked.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
It's awfully quiet around here.
Hello? Anyone still alive?
Edited at: Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:41:11 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:32:47 PM |