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TOPIC: The Imaginary thread
[Trixi] Sunday, June 23, 2013 4:25:50 AM 

  It´s more than music, it´s an attitude to life, it burns deep inside me, I can´t get enough, but I can´t anymore, it´s making me do things I don´t want to do, it´s making me see things I don´t want to see....I can´t believe that I need your love so bad....I can´t believe that I need your love so bad....try to drive me mad.....busting in all my dreams.....all night dragging us up and  you are bringing us down....just taking my love! Trying to keep from following you.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Saturday, June 22, 2013 4:27:34 PM)
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