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TOPIC: JP fans kick more ass
[WhiskeyWoman] Monday, August 18, 2008 7:36:20 PM 
I am *so* glad to know I'm not the only one who has noticed this!  JP concerts are very special & different, much because of the fans themselves...

Q:  How full do your arenas get down in the states, and in other countries?  I would imagine Europe & Asia would put Canada's turn-out to shame, I am ashamed to admit.  Do all/most of your concerts get sold out?  States people can speak up too...

(The same day of a concert in Winnipeg, MB, Canada I was still able to buy 1st row tix  -- but not able to make it on time...  But it amazed me the tix were available in the first place!!!  Embarrassing, quite frankly.)

This is in no way an insult to Canadians!  I know those who can, do show up...  But it does kind of bug me that other bands (who will remain nameless) sell-out -- but those people who buy all their tix can't show up to say thanks to the "Godfathers of Heavy Metal".

I dunno...  just an observation and my humble opinion. 
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