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[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, October 22, 2009 3:54:29 PM 

Yes Becks,they are "shit". I fucking HATE this band SOOO much it isn't even funny! I too like Guido was a huge Metallica fan from 1983 when I first heard Kill 'Em All when I was 13 years old to 1986 when Cliff Died.I still thought they were ok with the first Garage Days and the ...And Justice album wasn't my thing,and even though they kinda sold out by making the One video,they still could of "stayed" at the level of "metal" music in ...And Justice For All....if they would of kept that style and image all these years they may have turned out alright,but noooooo they had to drag thier band and name through the mud! Cliff would be turning over in his grave if he heard what they did to his band!!!!!!

I look at Metallica and instantly I shake my head in disgust. What a bunch of nerds.And they think they are hot shit and they think thier new songs are top quality.....that is a fuckin joke,James Hetfield is a dork and he has destroyed Metallica forever...there is "no going back now" they have had tons of chances to nut up and harken back to the old days,but they haven't and never will,even if they tried to it wouldn't be "true" it would be a "wannabe heavy metal album" and true metalheads will see straight through this crap.

Anybody who thinks differently is fooling themselves,I'm not saying that someone can't like the new shit,but to say that its just as good as thier old stuff,or to say that they are contributing to heavy metal they are fooling themselves and have no idea how much of a slap in the face they are to the true metal community,I hate Hetfield and Ulrich,they are a fuckin joke...they turned out "worse" than Paul & Gene!

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