Yes The Mars Volta sucks ass...nothing I'm not use to hearing...That was meant to be in So I went off on everyone...I was true to what "I believe to be decent music "compared to like....What you may hear on your local rock station?...To be completely honest I was turned on to this sight by a mutaul friend..I never really listened to Judas Priest..Honestly besides what I recall of ( Breaking the Law) right?... But I think I have decent taste in music compared to what all my friends think is "good"...And Bazooka..Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way but you have to admitt...calling them shit was uncalled for.. you could have said you thought they sucked...I have many barriers to break...I am always open.. But goudodoy...your name I forget..(its not easy to remember) seem cool actually...And yes Joe this is just a forum...but our circumstances are ..or can be so different....I love music...Always will...It depends on the indivisual i suppose...The Mars Volta have been so inspirational to me. And you can't deny Omar rodriguez Is one of the most awesome unorthadox guitar players since Jimmy Page..(in my opinion).. I love it...their music..Sorry...So can we squash it? or shall I stay on the defensive?...I'll never back down