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[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, November 29, 2009 2:26:20 PM 
I like Seventh Son too,but I don't like Somewhere In Time except for a couple of songs(2) like you,and yeah they got soft after Powerslave. And MUSICGIRL....this thread wasn't who we like better,it is "who is harder"?? And I've seen Iron Maiden live 3 times and just saw Motorhead live in October for the first time,and I can definately tell you that "MOTORHEAD" is "harder"!!!!!!  This was the LOUDEST fucking show I have EVER seen!!!! Any louder and my ears would literately be bleeding,so to say Maiden is harder is unvalid,so I'm not saying that you should like Motorhead better rather than admitting that Motorhead are "harder"!!! lol! These guys are so loud its unreal!!!!! lol!
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