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[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:33:02 PM 
Hell yeah Becks I couldn't agree more with you and I too would wait through ice and snow for Judas Priest Motorhead and Saxon but NEVER for Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden is the 2nd most overrated pice of shit with shitallica at #1. And yeah the chances of The Final Frontier turning out "as good as Powerslave" are nill but as always I will hope and give it a chance,but with the title of the album along with those song titles the odds of it being anything good are pretty slim. 

I already "HATE" the crappy thing on the cover thats supposed to be "Eddie" it is the "worst album cover I have ever seen for an Iron Maiden album cover". And I HATE the title "The Final Frontier" as it instantly reminds me of "Star Trek". And with those lame song titles if they are the real ones they blow big really the odds of this turning out to be something cool are very slim to none.Lets just face it...this band is "dead" and they have fuckin sucked since 1990 thats 20 years this band has "sucked". Fuck Iron Maiden,they have been "weak" for 20 years while Judas Priest,Motorhead and Saxon are the champions of British Heavy Metal.

DOWN THE FUCKIN' IRONS. oh there isn't enough negative icons for how shitty Iron Maiden really is!!!! 
lol Becks!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, March 28, 2010 2:53:41 PM)
Edited at: Sunday, March 28, 2010 3:34:45 PM
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